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Six From Gate Pass - Chapter 3: Shelter From The Storm


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Kirio comes up to Alric and peers down "Well now... there you go. If that isn't what we're looking for I don't know what is." He looks to the others "so... who's good at climbing? I can boost your climbing skills with my music" (Inspire Competence, +2 on skill check)

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The Bashar

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Hrimr moves beside Kirio and Alric. He peers down the shaft and sees the jug pouring out an endless stream of water. After listening to Kirio mention climbing he looks around for some stone and says.

"I could make us another ladder. Like the one we used to rescue Alric."


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Hrimr would rather not face that unnatural spider again.

"We should have a look upstairs and see if we can find the decanter. If not then we'll have to brave the spider's lair. Drawing it out or trapping it sounds prudent. I can shape the unworked stone in here so we could potentially hem it in. I've also prepared a spell to deal with its poison if someone is bitten again."

"Oh by Mystra's divine glow..... Fine. Yes. Let's just go and allow that Weave-damned predator live to track us down and drain our fluids like Bannock drains wine-skins. I love having to look over my shoulder for massive eight-legged monsters."

Throwing up his hands in resigned contempt, Arnir readies himself to head up into the main part of the cave network and casts a spell to detect any secret doors. He walks in the middle of the pack, looking around and poking about as they walk to the Northern Room.

Once they reach the sink-hole and spy the decanter he rubs his temple "You must be joking....You propose we quite literally descend into the maw of that beast? Do you not see the humans hanging there, encased in webbing? Mystra save me, I'm surrounded by fools."

OOC: Arnir has spent the maximum amount of time (five minutes) looking for secret doors. He will concentrate on an area if something registers.


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Caves - Northern Chamber

Arnir, you do not manage to find any secret compartments or doors on the way up from the shrine to the Northern Chamber.

Hrimr, you can see the bottom of the shaft, which is another 10 feet beyond the edge of the light. The bottom is covered in webbing and it looks like a webbing covered hallway continues under you and towards South. There is no rubble or stones at the bottom, only webbing, so presumably the stairwell and most of the walls fell even deeper into the earth.

Hrimr you can also see that there is a circular horizontal webs that fills the shaft about 10 feet down from your current location. Its quite difficult to see, almost invisible, and you're unsure if there are more below it.
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"You must be joking....You propose we quite literally descend into the maw of that beast? Do you not see the humans hanging there, encased in webbing? Mystra save me, I'm surrounded by fools."

"Calm yourself Arnir, we're not asking you to descend the hole," says Alric in a condescending tone. He then shudders when he looks upon the webbed bodies again. "For that matter I wouldn't ask anyone to descend the hole. If that beastly spider detects us when we're at the lowest point... No, we must kill the beast, no one should go down there while it lives. He would be defenseless, worse than walking into it's lair. Hrimr, do your druidic arts have some way of drawing it out?"


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Arnir raises his eyebrows as he assesses Alric cooly

"Clearly. And I may be the only one with enough sense not to try. You'll forgive me.." he says with a mocking bow "if I conclude the current plan is to try and climb down there, given that's what is currently being talked about, with no bloody MENTION OF THE :):):):)ING SPIDER!" he explodes before calming himself "Which is, as I see it, putting the cart before the horse....and putting the climber in that spider's pantry. Now trouble me no more with your prattle, for every time you open your mouth, you make Bannock look like a sage."

The Bashar

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Hrimr points down in the direction of the nearly invisible web he's just noticed.

"It's not a natural beast. So I have no real knowledge of it. However, itt may not be prudent for anyone to attempt to climb down. There is a full web strung across the shaft. There could be more underneath. I do see a hallway at the bottom of the shaft though. It may lead back to spider's lair. So there may be some prudence in what Alric is saying. We shall have to slay the foul beast and find the passage that connects to the bottom of the shaft."


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Kirio cannot help but laugh out loud at yet another Arnir outburst and Alric's floundering. He sobers a little shaking his head "What...?? None of you want to climb down there? Shocking! Look, let's just go back down and see if we can get past the big guy. If you can squeeze the entrance even more Hrimr than fine, but whatever... let's do this."


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Arnir raises his eyebrows as he assesses Alric cooly

"Clearly. And I may be the only one with enough sense not to try. You'll forgive me.." he says with a mocking bow "if I conclude the current plan is to try and climb down there, given that's what is currently being talked about, with no bloody MENTION OF THE :):):):)ING SPIDER!" he explodes before calming himself "Which is, as I see it, putting the cart before the horse....and putting the climber in that spider's pantry. Now trouble me no more with your prattle, for every time you open your mouth, you make Bannock look like a sage."

Alric bristles intensely at the insults flung at him, but says nothing. Between the flurry of mocking and outburst from Arnir and Kirio's rather casual mocking he finds he's struggling with the impulse to respond as if challenged (a challenge he's typically used to seeing resolved with blades). Instead he shakes his head, red faced and exhausted from listening to the elves and says, "Fine, Fine, FINE! Let's just kill the :):):):)ing thing!" And storms out of the room and heads back down to the lower level shrine, his fuming pride trailing behind him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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