so much for cutting the cord costing less in the US


For us it is rotate through the services never paying for more than 1 at a time.
We do have both netflix and apple tv free with our T-mobile plan and Prime (but we don't pay for Prime for the streaming).
The TV part of cable was costing us 109 dollars a month last time we had it.
So, the 7-15 a month we pay for streaming now is definitely way less.

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I'm not going back. Our largest single expense, by a lot, is the internet access the cable company charges us. Which is outrageous. We do have a new fiber company that pulled fiber in my neighborhood, through my very back yard even, and our bandwidth will probably be better for 60% the price.
we switched to fiber 2 years ago for 20 bucks less than cable internet with no data caps and 1g each way.

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