D&D General Solasta Kickstarter September 3



I went from excited about this game to about 100x more excited about this game.

I'm so looking forward to this game. I think this company could be the next Larian Studios, this could go huge, I mean huge. If I was Larian Studios I'd be keeping solid eye on this game, and peoples reaction to the kickstarter for a 5e TB game.

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They have more info like for the most part you will have only your back pack with like 20 slots and what you are wearing/using, and encumbrance rules, but you don't have to loot vender trash, you have factions that do that for you for a fee. So no picking up 20 rusty armour's for copper pieces, the faction does all the looting for you and gives you the gold. But you can pick up choice magic items. There might be a bag of holding thing in the game eventually.

Also details on lightening/Darkness, the 5e rule set, Verticality, Monster AI, and so on.


This genuinely sounds like it could dethrone Troika's Temple of Elemental Evil as the best computer implementation of "D&D" ever!

They are certainly going to give BG 3 a run for their money. This could just the beginning of an era of 5e based games both for official D&D settings like Dragonlance, Ravenloft, Ravnica, Planescape, other parts of FR, and 3rd party settings like Numenera 5e, Thule, Midguard, Scarred Lands, Odyssey of the Dragonlords, Arcadia, Hellenistika, Beowulf, ect...,



Solasta article from RPGWATCH.


Both Tactical Adventures Studios and Larian Studios will have exhibits at Pax West. This could be a very interesting Pax for 5e video games.

Voidrunner's Codex

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