Son of Krauss Greyhawk Age of Worms Game (OOC)

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First Post
(Fails check miserably)
Eyes glazed over, speaking in monotone

yes. i would enjoy being tossed.

please, sir, may i have another


In Yer Dreams!

` E

Voadam:[sblock]Your last post inspired me. What if Gregor's giantism is not genetic but the result of a curse? What if he, or even better his father, did something horrible to a clan of giants and a giant witch cursed him? "The sins of the father ..."

Lots of story potential there.

Just thought I'd throw it out there for you to consider.[/sblock]


First Post

So it ends up I didn't take the Healing domain after all. I could have sworn I did. :\ Guess that's what I get for not actually looking at my character record before posting.

So, should I change the Protection domain to Healing, (because I already used my Earth domain spell) and live with it, or just take two points of healing back from Gregor?

If you decide to do the latter, go ahead and use my orisons to boost him back to full hp.

` E


Branding Opportunity said:
Voadam:[sblock]Your last post inspired me. What if Gregor's giantism is not genetic but the result of a curse? What if he, or even better his father, did something horrible to a clan of giants and a giant witch cursed him? "The sins of the father ..."

Lots of story potential there.

Just thought I'd throw it out there for you to consider.[/sblock]

[sblock] That is the character background. His human parents were cursed by an elven hexblade when his mom was pregnant, she died in child birth, Gregor was born cursed with giantism (AU race of giants for stats) and his dad came to Diamond Lake to build a life for himself and his son but the curse took everything away from him and he was always beset by ruination. Gregor vowed on the grave of his mother to stand up against evil like that of the Hexblade granting him his exalted vow feat and setting him on the path of vow of poverty and racial giant class levels followed by monk. I copied over the AU giant stuff and AU giant levels in the old thread and I think they are in the character thread. But the history is that it is not racial but a curse that made him non-human.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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