Son of Krauss Greyhawk Age of Worms Game (OOC)

Um, did you guys ever figure out a marching order? I don't think you did.

If not, would someone like to propose one for 5', 10' and 20' corridors?

Thanks. Just so I don't have to do all the work around here! ;)

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First Post
Just a quick pointer to my PbP campaign starting soon, in case someone missed it. ;)

I cannot guarantee spots, of course, I'll try to make it fair for everyone who applied.



Thanks for the invite, Thanee. I'd love to join but sadly I have so much on my plate right now that I don't think I could eat another morsel (so to speak).

On a completely different subject, I'm adding your character portraits to my Dundjinni program, so that you can be represented as more than just a simple letter on the combat map (yes, there will be more combat). I already have pix of Azten, Alexi and Owen, but they're a little small. If it's possible, could the three of you possibly post a somewhat larger, higher dpi version of your little square pictures? Perhaps something 50 - 75 k, with at least 70 - 90 dpi? Thanks :)


I think our original marching order is fine for in general, if we went into a five foot wide corridor then I think Gregor leading for his hp followed by the guy with a reach weapon would work well.

Voadam said:
I think our original marching order is fine for in general, if we went into a five foot wide corridor then I think Gregor leading for his hp followed by the guy with a reach weapon would work well.
What was your original marching order? I couldn't find it. Thanks.


First Post
Branding Opportunity said:
Thanks for the invite, Thanee. I'd love to join but sadly I have so much on my plate right now that I don't think I could eat another morsel (so to speak).

That's alright, there are more than enough applicants by now. ;)

On a completely different subject, I'm adding your character portraits to my Dundjinni program, so that you can be represented as more than just a simple letter on the combat map (yes, there will be more combat). I already have pix of Azten, Alexi and Owen, but they're a little small. If it's possible, could the three of you possibly post a somewhat larger, higher dpi version of your little square pictures? Perhaps something 50 - 75 k, with at least 70 - 90 dpi? Thanks :)

Here you go. That should be big enough. :p



  • Alexi.jpg
    115 KB · Views: 89

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