Son of Krauss Greyhawk Age of Worms Game (OOC)

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Majakilar and Gregor in front is how we worked it out last time. Miners have a special method of finding traps... we run into them! That way, if they survive, they can tell the others that there was a trap ;)


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Is my avatar acceptable as a character portrait? It's one of enworld's default avatars, I believe its Isildur from Lord of the Rings, but I'm not positive. I like it :)


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You need one bigger than the one in my bio?
Azten pic

That one is full size from the original I photoshopped. I can enlarge it a little, but it will get pixellated some.

Just let me know.


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silentspace said:
What the heck is that little thing Azten's holding, anyway? I hope that's not his warhammer
Nah. If I used my warhammer as an avatar there wouldn't be enough room for my pretty face. :confused: :cool: :p

Thanee has it right. Ever looked up Moradin in the PHB? I got my own little Moradin's hammer to use as a holy symbol. Also dishes out some damage when I give a holy smack-upside-da-head.

It also serves as a tool to do my recreational detail stonecarving.


First Post
Branding, I'm not sure what the issue is, but I can't access the image you've linked to in your most recent post. With either login of mine.

Is there some sort of blindness effect going that only affects dwarves? :)

EDIT: Nevermind. Some sort of browser issue. It's cookie-deletin' time. :\
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First Post
Branding Opportunity said:
Um, did you guys ever figure out a marching order? I don't think you did.

If not, would someone like to propose one for 5', 10' and 20' corridors?

Thanks. Just so I don't have to do all the work around here! ;)

About the march order, how about Majakilar in front for 5' corridors, and side by side with Gregor in 10' and 20' corridors? Don't know about what happens with everyone else. It'd be good to have Gregor right behind Majakilar for the 5' corridors though.

Voidrunner's Codex

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