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Testament said:
If you're running anything Middle Eastern, then I highly reccomend tracking down Karl Sanders' "Saurian Meditation". Lots of Baglama-Saz, pipes and ambience, with some tracks on there that can be used for just about anything. The Elder God Shrine is just a kicking track that begs to be used in a finale somewhere.

Oh I forgot. I have this CD I got from the library called "The Silk Road" which is a compilation put together by National Geographic of various native music from, well, the Silk Road, (from the Middle East to East Asia.) I highly recommend it.

Also, Angels of Venice, the self titled CD from Windham Hill Records if great. Most have you have probably hear the song "Lionheart" from the Maze works website. (was it Maze works?)


If you can find 'em... VIDEO GAME SOUNDTRACKS!

I currently have Warcraft II - Reign of Chaos and both God of War soundtracks. Awesome for games.

I've also managed to find Baldur's Gate II and Diablo II soundtracks.

I won't say HOW I got 'em, but I did get 'em.


First Post
I used to like the Baldur's Gate (original) soundtrack, but after many listens, I noticed a lot of similarities to the "Conan the Barbarian" soundtrack. So, I stuck with the original. I have the Planescape: Torment soundtrack too, but it seems a little too, how can I say it, "mystical" for my tastes for a gaming session.

Now, back in the day, sometimes we would just put on the classical music channel on a low volume and let it play in the background. Whatever was on seemed to work.

Voidrunner's Codex

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