• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

[Spaceship Zero] Q-Ship (actually updated 19 May 2007)


KidCthulhu said:
And why do I think this is not a friendly welcome wagon and casserole type of something?
It might have started out as a casserole; you never know. With Q-Ship's budget, I'm surprised Craft Services hasn't entirely merged with the Property Dept. already.

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"Space Tomb" - Part 3

"Well, it's definitely a pyramid." Fury goes for the 'most redundant exposition' award. "Must be, what ... fifteen storeys high?"

"One hundred and forty eight feet, six inches." Archie provides, his gears whirring as he scans the area. "I approve of this planetoid. It is very sterile."

"Zis is obviously not of ancient Egyptian manufacture." Gustav points at a short tunnel that leads into the side of the pyramid. At the end of the tunnel is a steel door with an hermetic seal. Beside the door is a panel of lights, though none are currently lit.

"What's that in the middle of it?" S'Ondra points.

'That' proves to be a box-like depression, roughly six inches deep, and twice that across. The bottom of the depression has a basin-like curve to it, while the top has two steel clamps.

"Very odd." Fury opines, "There are some alcoves here, too. Got some kind of metal rods in them."

"Zey are not all metal." Doctor Gustav examines the rods. "Zis one is ice, and zis is rubber."

"Rubber? Ancient Egyptians?"

"I think we can assume this thing wasn't built by Earth primitives." S'Ondra sniffs.

"So how do we get in? Any ideas, Doc?"

"Ve could knock?"

"I doubt that'll get a response." Fury considers the strange rods, then shrugs in dismissal. "Let's do this the old-fashioned way. Everyone stand back."

The Captain draws his atomic pistol, aiming it at the door. Archie and S'Ondra escort a grumbling Gustav ("Zis seems most impolite.") out of the tunnel, and Fury fires.

The blast of atomic energy rebounds from the silvery surface of the door without visible effect. Fury just manages to throw himself aside in time, only narrowly avoiding a brief and unpleasant experience of the ultimate in 'friendly fire'.

"I told you we should knock."

"I don't think that'll help, Doc." Fury gets up and dusts himself off, then glowers at the door. "If the Pathfinder was properly armed -"

"You could kill us all, instead of just yourself?" S'Ondra interrupts, sweetly.

"The rods will fit in these clamps." Archie puts an end to the incipient bickering. "The diameter of the two matches exactly."

"So, we have to put the rods in the clamps?" Fury frowns, "But which ones? We've got, what, five or six of these rods? There are only two clamps."

"Two clamps and ze basin." Gustav muses. "Zere must be some reason for ze basin to be zere." He produces his chemical analyser and runs it over the rod of ice. "Ah ha! Zis is salt water."

Fury and S'Ondra look blank. So does Archie, but that's kind of inevitable when your face is made of metal.

"Volta's battery." The robot's words make it clear that he understands the Doctor's excitement, even if his intonation doesn't suggest he shares it.

"I believe so, Archie." Gustav starts using the analyser on the rods, "Ja! Here is ze zinc, and ze silver."

"That rod's made of silver?" Fury may have no idea what's going on, but the last word certainly got his attention.

"Ja," the Doctor is oblivious to the reason for Fury's interest. "Ze first battery was made of zinc, silver and salt water. We must simply put zese two rods into ze clamps, and add ze water to ze basin, and we will have an electric current."

"Which will do what, exactly?"

"Open the door." S'Ondra rolls her eyes.

"Vell, I hope so, leibchen."

"Right." Fury nods, having reached the same page of the script as everyone else. "So, after it works, can we keep the silver rod?"

Gustav, busy inserting the rods into the clamps, ignores the Captain's question. With the zinc and silver rods in place, he steps back and examines the rod of ice.

"Archie, could you please assist? Zank you."

The robot takes the ice rod and snaps it in half, then places both in the basin.

"Please stand back." He warns, deploying plasma burners. After Fury's experience, no-one needs to be told twice.

Narrowing the aperture of his weapons so that only a small tongue of flame licks out, the robot plays the burners over the door. Soot begins to collect on the metal as the ice slowly bubbles and dissolves.

For a moment, nothing happens, and then the lights on the panel glow dimly for a moment, and the heavy steel door glides silently open ...

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Capellan said:
"I think we can assume this thing wasn't built by Earth primitives." S'Ondra sniffs.

Sounds like S'Ondra is still smarting from seeing the Venusian primitives. Was there a barely discernable stress on the word Earth? :)

Capellan said:
"That rod's made of silver?" Fury may have no idea what's going on, but the last word certainly got his attention.
"Right." Fury nods, having reached the same page of the script as everyone else. "So, after it works, can we keep the silver rod?"

See, that's what makes Fury such a great commander - he doesn't allow details to distract him from the important issues ;)

and since no-one else has said it yet

Dun-dun DUNNN!


The tingling means it’s working!
Plane Sailing said:
and since no-one else has said it yet

Dun-dun DUNNN!

Hee hee! Though, in this case I think it'd be:


What with the lack of shocking revelation, but presence of spooky unknown. :)



"Space Tomb" - Part 4

The door opens into a plain steel room, large enough to old maybe eight or ten people. Another, equally large steel door is set into the opposite wall, and is flanked by two globular protrusions in the wall, which are set at about head height.

"Those black globs could be weapons." S'Ondra eyes them suspiciously, brandishing her heat lance as she does so.

"I don't think they are. This looks like an airlock -" Fury suggests, as he steps inside. "- and it would make a lot more sense to put the weapons outside, rather than in there."

S'Ondra grunts a reluctant acknowledgement of this logic, and the four space adventurers step into the steel room. There is no reaction from either the globules or the door in front of them.

Gustav nods,

"I zink you were right, Captain, and zis is an airlock. We will need to close ze exterior door, before ze interior one will open."

"This button appears to operate the exterior door." Archie indicates a large white button, set into the wall near the door through which they entered.

"That, or it fires the death rays to disintegrate us all." S'Ondra eyes the globules again, "I know it doesn't make any sense, but we're in an Egyptian pyramid, in the middle of the asteroid belt. That doesn't make any sense to begin with. I say we just blast the doors."

"I zink, leibchen, zat if zey are death rays, zey are more likely to start shooting us if we blast ze door zan if we press ze button." Gustav pats her on the shoulder, "Archie, if you would be so kind ..."

Archie presses the button, and the exterior door glides shut, closing with a soft clunk of gears.

"See? That's the atmospheric seal. An airlock, like I said." Fury nods in satisfaction, right before the group are lit up by an eerie green light.

If this is an attack, however, it is a singularly ineffective one. Their flesh does not burn from their bones; their lives are not snuffed out in an instant, and they don't collapse in writhing agony. In point of fact, the light induces no physical sensation at all; just gives them a minty green glow. After a few seconds, even that ends, as the light is extinguished as suddenly as it began.

"What was that about?" Fury cocks his head in puzzlement.

"Perhaps they infected us with germs. An insidious attack, indeed." Archie initiates a hygiene scan, and several lights on his console immediately glow white. "Most interesting. I detect no foreign organisms on our bodies, but there is now a thin atmosphere in this chamber. It was not present before."

"A breathable atmosphere?" Fury asks.


Gustav snaps his fingers as an idea occurs to him,

"Perhaps ze builders of zis structure could not have infinite resources, so they structured ze atmosphere processor to commence operations only when zere was someone here to breathe it."

"It's an interesting theory, Doc, though it doesn't bode well for our welcome."

"How so?"

"Well, if the people here don't need an atmosphere, then they're probably dead." Fury explains.

"Or robots." Archie manages to sound wounded.

"Or robots. In which case I'm sure the welcome will be excellent, once we're done with the decontamination procedures." Fury rolls his eyes.

"I think they're all dead." S'Ondra sounds almost pleased by this thought, "I mean, that's what you humans built pyramids for, wasn't it?

"I'm not an expert on the subject, Princess."

"I'm not surprised."

The inner door slides open, interrupting the latest squabble. Beyond is a short corridor, leading to what appears to be a set of elevator doors. The walls of the corridor are decorated in Egyptian-style murals, and lined with clay urns that stand nearly waist high.

"The atmosphere is present throughout this area as well." Archie advises.

Gustav removes his helmet and nods toward the elevator doors,

"I don't zink zere were many lifts in ancient Egyptian tombs, somehow."

"Probably not." Fury agrees. After waiting just long enough to be sure the Doctor isn't choking to death, he removes his own helmet, "Not without slaves to work the pulleys."

"These jars look empty." S'Ondra moves past the men and peers inside one of the large clay urns. Seeing nothing, she sticks her arm down into one of them and feels around, "Nothing."

"I'm glad to see they aren't trapped, either." Fury mutters.

S'Ondra gives him a withering look,

"We aren't in one of your silly human adventure vids now, Captain."

Archie trundles past the others and presses a button beside the doors. These immediately slide open, revealing what is clearly an elevator car.

"I suggest we continue our exploration."

"A good idea, Archie!" Gustav follows the robot into the elevator, "Come on leibchen, Captain."

Entering the elevator, Fury and S'Ondra find Archie busily studying a console with four buttons, a video screen, and six small meters set into it. Only one of the four buttons are lit, though three of the six meters show readings. On the screen, a miniature version of Gustav can be seen waving at the camera which provides the video feed.

"What do you suppose these are?" Fury taps the meters.

"I do not know." Archie admits, "It is possible that they are energy readings."

"Only one of the tanks is full, then." Fury indicates the meter in question. The other two are lit only for one third to one half of their length, while this one is almost fully illuminated.

"So where do we go?" S'Ondra peers at the console, "I guess the lit button is probably the floor we're at, now. Which one do we press?"

Fury shrugs,

"If in doubt, start at the top." He presses the highest button, and the elevator begins to rise.


"Space Tomb" - Part 5

The elevator doors open onto a corridor that is almost identical to the one they just left, except that one of the Egyptian murals has been replaced with a series of pictures.

"Interesting." Gustav examines the pictures, "Zis seems to be ze story of a space traveller: see how ze fireball of ze first picture comes down from ze sky, and ze radiant figure emerges."

"Looks like he landed in Egypt, from all the pyramids." Fury muses, "What do you make of this, Doc?" the Captain points to a pair of small figures in the second picture.

"Zey are lying down, which could mean death or sleep." Gustav strokes his beard, "and zey are shown within ze fireball. I zink perhaps zere were three of these star travellers, and zat two of them died in ze arrival on Earth."

"So the last one took off again, came here, and built a pyramid?" S'Ondra prowls back and forth, obviously bored with picture-appreciation, "What, he liked the architecture?"

"I do not know why he would do zis," Gustav shrugs, "But perhaps zere will be more complete records somewhere else."

"Is it possible this alien is still alive?" Fury drops a hand to his atomic pistol, staring around with narrowed eyes.

"I do not zink it is likely. He would be thousands of years old, by now."

"And nothing else that's unlikely has happened today." It's a good job that Archie's speech chip doesn't include a sarcastic tone.

"There's a big set of doors up here." S'Ondra's restlessness has carried her further along the corridor, "I say we go through them, and stop messing about with art appreciation."

Fury and Gustav share a look, then the Captain shrugs, and the four space adventurers gather at the doors. These are large, unadorned, and each appears to be made of a single giant slab of stone. Fury gives a low whistle.


"The ones at my father's palace on Venus are bigger." S'Ondra sniffs.

"Do you prefer big ones, Princess?"

Ignoring the Captain's question, S'Ondra presses her palms against the doors, and gives a testing push. Despite their size and weight, both doors move slightly at the pressure.

"Marvellous engineering." Gustav nods in approval, "Ze counter-balance must be perfect."

S'Ondra thrusts open the doors.

Within is a great stone chamber, dozens of yards across. Each of the four walls is plain and unadorned. In fact, there is only one feature of any kind in the room: a metal dais at the centre, on which rests a huge block of cloudy white plastic. The block gives off a soft glow, which not only lights the room, but also reveals a dark, humanoid shape at its heart.

"Careful, Princess." Fury steps forward, drawing his weapon. "It could be hostile."

"It's wrapped in plastic." S'Ondra sniffs. "It's probably dead."

"Sensors report no life signs -" Archie confirms, then pauses to whir in agitation, "- correction. Life signs now being detected. Faint, but growing stronger."

As the robot speaks, the light emanating from the plastic block fades: or rather, turns inwards, for as the room darkens, the block glows brighter and brighter.

Finally, there is a pop, and then a hiss of escaping air, as the giant block spits in two. As the pieces draw apart, we get our first clear glimpse of the man - for he seems to be human - who lies within. He has stern features, softened by sleep, and thick, dark hair. Not truly handsome, at least in the traditional sense, he has a face which nonetheless draws and holds the eye.

And then his own eyes open - dark eyes, old and knowing - and the man sits up.

"No sudden moves." Fury snaps, aiming his atomic pistol, "Who are you?"

Staring calmly at the four adventurers, the man slowly rises to his feet, and steps down from the dais.

"Greetings, Earthlings." His voice has strength, and a mature timbre, "I am Xinthon, of the D'Bari Alliance. Thank you for awakening me from my long sleep. I have need of your aid."


Prodigal Member
Capellan said:
"Greetings, Earthlings." His voice has strength, and a mature timbre, "I am Xinthon, of the D'Bari Alliance. Thank you for awakening me from my long sleep. I have need of your aid."
Oh, yeah, these are just the saviours he's been waiting millenia for. :D

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