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[Spaceship Zero] Q-Ship (actually updated 19 May 2007)

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Capellan said:
the jagged alien weapon tearing the Captain's shirt to shreds.

As per contractual agreement, I believe.

I still laugh when I think about William Shatner copying this policy for Star Trek.

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"Total Escape" - Part 13

There's a Targish shout of alarm, and then green disruptor fire bursts out of the darkness, stitching its way across the ground toward the Princess. She's caught, pinned in the light with nowhere to run -

- and then someone slams into her, knocking her sideways into the darkness just as the disruptor blasts cut into the area where she stood.

S'Ondra rolls, heaving the heavy body of her - saviour? assailant? - aside. Her hands come away sticky, and even in the darkness she can see they are covered in blood.

She hears Fury yell, and disruptor blasts flash up from the ground to take out the Targ searchlight. Darkness falls, but it is only for a second. Light blink on the from the other parts of the camp, tracking across the ground in an attempt to find the prisoners, and alarms begin to howl.

Whoever struck her can't have been Fury … S'Ondra's chest grows tight.

"Father?" she calls softly, her voice catching as she crawls to the body sprawled a few feet from her own. Moonlight gleams on bare skin as she rolls the man over.


Relief it is not Gustav wars with guilt over what has happened to her Venusian friend.

H'Ro stirs, his eyes cracking open at her voice. He gives a faint smile, then coughs. The sound is wet and harsh.

"Lie still." S'Ondra urges, "My father might be able to help -"

"It is too late." H'Ro shakes his head, "I go to my fathers. The weapons of the Sky People are mighty … yet I believe you can defeat them. Save my people, S'Ondra. You are our only hope."

The young Venusian gives one last cough, then lies still.

"Damn it!" S'Ondra slams her fists on the ground, then scrambles to her feet. "Fury, you fool! Don't fire!"

"What?" the Captain sounds startled.

"If the Targ know there are people in the camp who can use their weapons, they'll be on alert!" the Princess reminds him. Tracking Fury from the sound of his voice, she grabs the weapon out of his hands and hurls it toward H'Ro's body. "Maybe this way they'll think he was the only one."

"So what do we do?" the Captain demands as the two of them dash for the cover of one of the buildings, "Hide?"

"Yes." S'Ondra whispers vehemently, "Get back in your cell and have Archie seal up the cut he made in the wall. If you're still in there they'll never suspect you had anything to do with this."

"What about you and I, leibchen?" Gustav scurries out of the darkness, "Ze lock on my cage at ze laboratory is broken. I do not zink zey will believe I did not leave it."

"Go with Fury." S'Ondra directs, "Take the drugs as well. You can hide under his bed. They won't look for you in their own cells … and if you've disappeared, they might think all this disturbance was just you escaping, and send some of their forces out to look for you."

"Zat might just work!" Gustav agrees. He grabs one of the boxes of space sedative and staggers off toward the barracks building.

Fury goes to pick up the other boxes, then stops and lays a hand on S'Ondra's shoulder,

"He knew what he was doing, Princess."

"That doesn't make it any better." S'Ondra grates, then waves him away, "Get moving, Captain. You need to be back in your cell before they check it."


"Total Escape" - Part 14

Archie scuttles along the corridor, a crude syringe strapped to his back. Abruptly, the tiny robot skids to a halt and skitters up the wall. As he presses himself into the corner of the wall and ceiling, there is the sound of heavy footfalls, and then two Targ soldiers walk across the shot, each holding a disruptor at the ready.

Archie sags down in relief, then scuttles down to the floor and along the corridor once more, until he reaches a plain grey door. A keypad with alien symbols is set into the wall beside this door. Archie swiftly clambers up to it. Clamping himself in position, he extrudes a wire into the pad. There is a soft sequence of beeps, lights flicker on the pad, and then the door hisses open.

Archie scurries inside, and door slides shut behind him.

We switch perspectives to Fury's cell, where the Captain is lying on his bunk, idly whistling a jaunty tune and tossing a small ball up and down in the air.

"Psssst, Captain." Gustav says in what he obviously believes is a whisper, "How long has it been since Archie left?"

"Not more than a couple of hours, Doc." Fury's breaks off from whistling to softly reply. "He said the Targ weren't due to replace their suits' food supplies until tomorrow morning. That's a good eight hours off, yet. You'll just have to hang loose until then."

"Zat is easier said zan done, Captain Fury."

Fury rolls his eyes,

"You just need to lie there, Doc. I know it's uncomfortable, but it shouldn't be too difficult. What's the problem?"

Gustav's whisper rises a plaintive half-octave,

"I need to use ze little scientist's room."

Mercifully, the camera cuts away once more.

This time we go to S'Ondra, who lies on her bunk in the prisoner barracks. Like Fury, she lies on her back, but unlike him she is still and silent, staring unblinkingly at the ceiling above.

Light splashes onto the Princess from the window beside her, and as we watch that light begins to fade, the shot darkening until S'Ondra's skin is tinged with midnight blue, then slowly lightens again as the red flare of dawn creeps over her.

Throughout it all, the Princess does not blink.

Without warning, S'Ondra sits upright, slides off the bunk, and strides across the room. Not sparing a glance for the vacant-faced Venusians lying on beds around her, she opens the door slightly and peers out. Two Targ can be seen wandering aimlessly in the open, disruptors listlessly hanging from their hands. The Princess gives a grim look of satisfaction, then slips out of the door and dashes across to the nearest Targ. The alien invader barely seems to notice her until she rears back and smashes him down with a sweeping kick. Scooping up the fallen disruptor, she turns to the second of the pair: who stands watching her silently, while swaying slightly. A crushing blow with the butt of the gun, and this Targ too is sprawled on the ground.

The seizure of the camp continues to go smoothly. The Targ are found sprawled listlessly at their posts, or shambling quietly about in the guard barracks. In fact, the only difficulty arises when the space adventurers discuss what to do with their currently docile captives.

"We can't just kill them all in cold blood." S'Ondra admits, "No matter how much we might want to."

"But we can't just leave them." Fury nods his agreement, "If one of them recovered and called in air support before we got to the caves, all these Venusians would be mowed down like corn in a field."

Archie has a solution.

"We can replenish the food dispensers in their suits with sedated supplies before we leave." He suggests, "That way they will remain docile and not undertake any action for the next three days. Even though our larger group will make slower time going back to the caves, we should be safely under cover before the alarm is raised."

"Provided none of the other Targ come to check out the camp in the mean time."

"I should be able to do somezing about zat. I have checked ze Targ computers and ze commandant is required to make a status report every twenty-seven point six hours. It should not be too difficult to fabricate a false message vich vill broadcast on schedule stating zat as is well."

"Sounds like a plan, Doc." Fury nods approvingly, then frowns, "Why every twenty-seven point whatever hours?"

"I believe zat is the length of a standard Targ day." Gustav conjectures, "Certainly zat is ze cycle on which ze Targ mothership is operating."

"Okay, go ahead and set that up, Doc. Archie, S'Ondra and I will get the Venusians ready to travel."

"Actually …" Gustav clears his throat, "Zere was one ozzer matter I wished to raise. I would like to take ze Targ Head Scientist back to ze caves with us."

"What?" S'Ondra looks at her step-father in confusion, "But … why?"

"Got yourself a girlfriend, Doc?" Fury jests, laughing at the thought. Unnoticed on the floor, Archie whimpers and tries to burn out his own memory codex.

"Not at all!" Gustav protests a little too much, "However, she is ze first Targ we have encountered who seems to deviate at all from zere standard doctrine and beliefs. Also, she has advanced knowledge of Targ physiology. We should be able to learn a lot from her."

"How are we going to get her to talk, Doc? Space Force doesn't go in for torture."

"I will zink of something."

"Okay." Fury shrugs, "But she's your responsibility, Doc."

Next time, on "Q-Ship" ...
"The crew of the
Pathfinder have rescued the Venusians, but Doctor Gustav's new prisoner proves to be a serpent in their new Eden:"

We see the Targ Head Scientist, in full encounter suit, as she stands at the bars to a crudely-made cell.

"You're a failure." She rails, "A fool! None of your companions need or respect you! Just look at how they treat you!"

Fury barges past the Doctor, carrying a large box in his hands.

S'Ondra hurries away when she sees her step-father approach.

"You're the reason they're all stuck here! It's your fault! Your fault! You fool!"

Gustav, looking haggard and broken, buries his face in his hands.

And then a blue radiance falls upon him, and he looks up into the light as a glowing figure offers him her hand.

"Join us next time, on Q-Ship, when Doctor Gustav experiences: A Venusian Christmas Carol."


Zaruthustran said:
Love the dialogue in this one, but if next episode is anything like the Star Wars Christmas Special...

Of course it won't be! I picked a good director to rip-off ... I mean, "pay homage to". :p


DVD Trivia Extras

In the original radio scripts, the Targ doctor was male, and his interest in Gustav was cerebral, rather than physical: he wanted to dissect Gustav's brain. The Q-Ship TV show writers were keen to make the most of not being stuck with the radio plays' lizard-like aliens!

The 'plant-monster' was originally intended to be a much more fearsome opponent, but the ill-conceived costume provoked such hilarity from the cast that it was decided to minimise its exposure in the episode. An outtake reel at the BBC Christmas Party that year showed Gustav and S'Ondra's actors taunting the costumed stunt man with a rendition of "Tulips from Amsterdam".

"Astonishing. Logic." was one of the most contentious lines in Q-Ship fandom during the first year of the show. Some argued that it was two sentences, illustrating Archie's surprise that Fury had used reasoning to solve a problem (instead of charm and/or an atomic pistol). Others said that it was one sentence: "Astonishing logic." and simply conveyed Archie's appreciation of the Captain's quick thinking. This second group were, of course, delusional.


In lieu of a real update (since I haven't written one yet), I wanted to make a brief diversion to mention one of the things that makes running Q-Ship so much fun.

You see, the premise of the game allows me to get away with stuff I could simply never do in a D&D campaign. Because my players know they're playing actors in a show at the same time as they are playing their characters (and because they are supremely cool people, it has to be said) I can freely 'mess' with the setup of the game and the character relationships, knowing that everyone will just take the ball and run with it, rather than being upset that I changed some element of the beloved Monk/Ranger/Rogue/Ninja of the Shiny Pants they've been playing for four years.

The reason I mention this is because we're about to embark on what would - as part of a D&D game - have run a very high risk of complete collapse. I had a guest player in a major starring role, three radically re-written 'regular' PCs (you'll learn more about them later), and a plot that was the bastard child of Flash Gordon and Frank Capra.

That it remains one of my favorite sessions of the campaign so far is a testament to the players at the table that day.

And with that little muse out of the way, I promise to post part 1 of the episode within the next five days :)


Herder of monkies
Just wanted to pop in and say that I had a chance to do some gaming with Cap this weekend in Birmingham, AL; he was in town visiting and came by to hang out and swap some gaming war stories with our group. It was a lot of fun, thanks for dropping in with us Cap. Darned brilliant roleplayer, that Cap. If you havent ever played with him and get a chance to, do it.


"Venusian Christmas Carol" - Part 1

"You're useless!"

The Targ Head Scientist spits the words with vituperative hatred. Dressed once more from head to toe in her encounter suit, she dominates the screen as she lashes out verbally, thrusting an accusing finger right into the camera.

"You're just a jumped up monkey, scrabbling in the dirt and playing with things your feeble mind cannot comprehend."

"Zat is not true -" Gustav's voice protests weakly from off-screen, and the camera swivels to show that the Targ and the human face each other through a primitive set of bars made from Venusian bamboo. "- I haf been called a genius by -"

"By others of your pathetic species." The Targ sneers, "Even a half-wit like you would seem a genius to them. You're too stupid even to realise that you are doomed. You are condemning everyone here to death with your foolish notions of fighting against the Targ Totality. All resistance will be crushed. You should surrender now and live a life of useful servitude to your betters. At least then you would have a purpose. Here you have none."

"I have a purpose!"

"Really? What is it?" the Head Scientist cocks her head to one side, "Getting in the way while the others do the work? Or haven't you noticed that they don't even trust you to help them prepare for their ridiculous celebration?"

Right on cue, Fury strolls into shot with a large box marked Xmas Decorations in his arms.

"What's the matter, Doc?" he asks cheerfully, "One of your experiments blow up again?"

"Ah, Captain." Gustav tries to wave the other man to a stop, "Perhaps I can assist wiz ze decorations?"

"Got it covered, Doc." Fury doesn't even slow down, "No need for you to strain yourself." He disappears out of shot as a dejected looking Gustav turns to find the Targ Scientist regarding him with folded arms.

"See what I mean?" she gloats.

"Captain Fury!" S'Ondra's voice comes faintly from off-screen, "We do not need any more mistletoe!"

"Face it, monkey-man." The Targ Scientist sneers, "Even your own companions think you're worthless. Who in their right mind would want anything to do with you?"

The camera leaps suddenly to the darkness of space. The red globe of Venus spins slowly in the bottom left corner of the screen. The space at the centre of the screen seems to shimmer for a moment, and suddenly a nearly spherical silver object appears.

The camera swoops down toward the object until we can make out windows on its side. There's a slight jump in the footage as the shot clumsily cuts from the model to a set, and we peer through the windows into what is obviously an alien spaceship.

A figure with blue-grey skin and close-cropped black hair sits with her back to us as we float inside the vessel. Her hands play across the crystalline surface in front of her, and strange patterns of light flicker in apparently random fashion.

"Another system overrun by the Targ." She sighs, turning slightly so that we catch a glimpse of small grey antennae jutting from her forehead. "I must secure another specimen for the museum, before the people of this world are also destroyed."

Studying the panel in front of her, the alien continues her plot-revealing exposition.

"The sensors detect an exceptional specimen on this planet. A mind more powerful than any I have seen before … though his thought patterns seem a little erratic." She frowns, then shrugs the issue aside. "I must contact him with my brainwave communication."

The alien presses her fingertips to her forehead, closes her eyes, and furrows her brow as if concentrating hard. The screen shimmers in a wibbly-wobbly special effect, then fades to black.

"Is somebody zere?" Gustav walks into the shot, which is pitch dark except for himself. He looks around, as if unsure of where he is, then jumps violently as a disembodied blue head appears in the darkness.

"I am Larathra of the Sarathi." The alien woman introduces herself, "And I am speaking to you through the power of my mind."

"Telepathy?" The Doctor gasps, "Zen ze capacity of your brain must be truly extraordinary."

"No more so than yours." Larathra demurs, "Indeed, Doctor Gustav, it is the power of your own mind that has brought me to you."

"How do you know my name?"

"A mind as powerful as yours is very hard to shut out." Larathra explains, "Some of your thoughts slipped into my mind. I sense that you are distressed. Is it due to the Targ invasion of your planet?"

"In a way." Gustav hedges.

"Then I have wonderful news." Larathra would clap her hands together in glee if she had a body in this scene. "I offer you the chance to leave this place of pain and hatred and come with me to my museum."

"Your museum?"

Larathra nods,

"Many centuries ago, my people were conquered by the Targ. We were more advanced than they, but we were fewer in number and possessed few warships. Aggression was never our way. I alone escaped the destruction in my shielded vessel. Since then, I have searched the universe for other races under the assault of the Totality, and rescued one exceptional specimen from each, so that their race will never be totally destroyed."

"I do not feel very exceptional right now ." The Doctor gloomily responds.

"Nonetheless, you are still the specimen I desire."

Gustav considers this,

"So ven you say you would like me to come to your museum, you mean as an exhibit, not as a guest?"

"I assure you, you will be an honoured guest." Larathra shakes her head, "My goal is to conserve and honour a remnant of your species, not put you on display."

"But I would be stuck zere, yes?"

"Well, yes."

"I cannot leave my friends." Gustav shakes his head, "Zough I am not sure zey would notice I was gone."

"You seem depressed." Larathra observes, "My experience is that certain activities increase the male sense of worth. Perhaps you should kill something or mate with a female?"

"Zat would only make zings worse." Gustav gets a pained expression on his face as he thinks of the Targ head scientist.

"May I meet with you in person?" Larathra asks, "I believe I can show you that you are a superior specimen."

"If you insist." Gustav shrugs.

"Excellent. My sensors show some unoccupied tunnels to the west of your position. I will meet you there."

"One thing first!" Gustav holds up a hand.

"Yes, Doctor?"

"Vich way is west of here?"

"To your left, Doctor."

Larathra disappears, and the wibbly wobbly screen effect dumps Gustav back in the tunnel hear the Targ scientist's cell.

"- and you smell funny -"

Ignoring the Targ's ongoing diatribe, Gustav turns and walks away, eventually arriving in a tunnel where the walls are studded with silvery metallic growths. Larathra stands waiting for him, a strange white and orange object in her hands.

"This is the Reality Interface Decision Engine." She gestures with the object, "It allows me to view alternate possibilities in the time stream."

"You mean some kind of alternate reality drive?" Gustav gives a grim snort, "I already have one of zose."

"Really?" Larathra looks impressed, "You are even more brilliant than I imagined."

"Not really." The Doctor demures, "I did not realise what it did until after I had used it."

"Oh my." Larathra looks concerned, "Is that why you are so distressed?"

Gustav half-shrugs, half-nods.

"It is ze place vere zings started to go wrong. When I created ze Q-Drive."

"Very well, then I shall use the RIDE to transport us to a reality where you never created your 'Q-Drive'." Larathra presses some buttons on her device, "Perhaps seeing something of that reality will allow you to better understand your own abilities."

As she speaks, the alien presses one last button. A high-pitched whine rises from the RIDE, which begins to vibrate in Larathra's hand. The whine echoes off the metallic objects in the tunnel walls, and they too begin to vibrate. Gustav claps his fingers over his ears as Larathra begins to look concerned. She lifts a hand to deactivate the RIDE -


- and the RIDE explodes with a flash and a shower of sparks.

Everything goes white.





And then the camera fades up one Gustav's face. His features are relaxed, his eyes closed.

The camera rises, and we see that the Doctor and Larathra are lying on a field of red and purple Venusian grass. The blackened RIDE lies near Larathra's outstretched hand.

A cloud of smoke drifts over the two unconscious travellers, and the camera zooms upward, so that we can see the whole field.

Dozens of bodies are sprawled on the cratered and muddy plain. Some are human, some are Venusian ... and all are dead.

Voidrunner's Codex

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