Heretic of The Seventh Circle
So, my friend's new campaign is starting at level 1, and I'm playing a character that I've played a couple times in campaigns that ended before I could get more than a single level from where we started. Trying not to be superstitious about that.
Anyway, she's a teenage (exact age changes every time I play her depending on the background details and comfort level of the rest of the table. First time she was a star wars character, 13 or 14, and a couple people were uncomfortable with having a PC that young for perfectly reasonable reasons, so I retconned her age to 15 or 16, and all was well) human artificer with a magic prosthetic arm.
Mark of Making Human
Artificer (eventually Artillerist)
Stats after race bumps (rolled 4d6 drop lowest reroll 1s) Str 14, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 19, Wis 13, Cha 12
Bonus Level 1 feat from houserule, Fey Touched with Hex
Tools: Alchemist's Supplies, Carpenter's Tools, Disguise Kit, Smith's Tools, Thieves' Tools, Tinker's Tools, Vehicles (Water)
Aquisitions Inc Franchise Role: Obviator
Skills: Arcana, Athletics, Stealth, Sleight of Hand
Background: Custom based on Urchin
Combat tactics: Light Crossbow for now, take Repeating Weapon until I get another Cantrip so I can take a ranged attack cantrip, get a shield ASAP (Might take spell sniper at 4). Until level 5 the crossbow is just as good as a cantrip for her.
Notable Items: Prosthetic arm that the DM is allowing to use Warforged only stuff like Wand Sheath
Cantrips: Mage Hand, Mending, Shocking Grasp
Spells: Absorb Elements, Catapult, Detect Magic, Hex, Identify, Magic Weapon, Misty Step
I plan on taking Goggles of Night, might take Mind Sharpener if the Hobgoblin Wizard needs it, and then Wand Sheath, and Spellwraught Tattoo.
If anyone is curious I'll write out her backstory, but the thing I'm curious for people's opinion on, other than just "is there anything fun (not too worried about optimization in this campaign) that I'm missing?" is;
What are the most fun spells I could put on my short list to take with the tattoo? Find Familiar is obviously great, but once taken and used, it hopefully won't be needed again the next day. Attack spells are better off using Artificer spells from level 5 on, but some of them would be nice until then, but honestly an attack spell seems like a waste of this infusion, even something like Guiding Bolt.
So, what first level spells should I put on my short list of spells to pick when I make a new tattoo at the start of the day? What would you pick?
Also I honestly don't know what feats I want to get. Warcaster may not be necessary in terms of the somatic components benefit because I think my friend is not obeying the rules on having a hand free, but it's still a great feat. Spell Sniper is, IMO, very nice for Artillerists, as long as your DM isn't strict about the "artificer spell" clause of Arcane Firearm. I don't know that any other feats that would get me spells would be really worth it, except maybe ritual caster so I can do rituals without preparing them and greatly loosen up my prepared spells choices. She won't use the crossbow forever, so feats relating to weapons aren't worth it.
This may be a good character to grab Keen Mind with, get int to 20 and have some fun with the memory stuff.
Thoughts? IDeas? Questions?
Anyway, she's a teenage (exact age changes every time I play her depending on the background details and comfort level of the rest of the table. First time she was a star wars character, 13 or 14, and a couple people were uncomfortable with having a PC that young for perfectly reasonable reasons, so I retconned her age to 15 or 16, and all was well) human artificer with a magic prosthetic arm.
Mark of Making Human
Artificer (eventually Artillerist)
Stats after race bumps (rolled 4d6 drop lowest reroll 1s) Str 14, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 19, Wis 13, Cha 12
Bonus Level 1 feat from houserule, Fey Touched with Hex
Tools: Alchemist's Supplies, Carpenter's Tools, Disguise Kit, Smith's Tools, Thieves' Tools, Tinker's Tools, Vehicles (Water)
Aquisitions Inc Franchise Role: Obviator
Skills: Arcana, Athletics, Stealth, Sleight of Hand
Background: Custom based on Urchin
Combat tactics: Light Crossbow for now, take Repeating Weapon until I get another Cantrip so I can take a ranged attack cantrip, get a shield ASAP (Might take spell sniper at 4). Until level 5 the crossbow is just as good as a cantrip for her.
Notable Items: Prosthetic arm that the DM is allowing to use Warforged only stuff like Wand Sheath
Cantrips: Mage Hand, Mending, Shocking Grasp
Spells: Absorb Elements, Catapult, Detect Magic, Hex, Identify, Magic Weapon, Misty Step
I plan on taking Goggles of Night, might take Mind Sharpener if the Hobgoblin Wizard needs it, and then Wand Sheath, and Spellwraught Tattoo.
If anyone is curious I'll write out her backstory, but the thing I'm curious for people's opinion on, other than just "is there anything fun (not too worried about optimization in this campaign) that I'm missing?" is;
What are the most fun spells I could put on my short list to take with the tattoo? Find Familiar is obviously great, but once taken and used, it hopefully won't be needed again the next day. Attack spells are better off using Artificer spells from level 5 on, but some of them would be nice until then, but honestly an attack spell seems like a waste of this infusion, even something like Guiding Bolt.
So, what first level spells should I put on my short list of spells to pick when I make a new tattoo at the start of the day? What would you pick?
Also I honestly don't know what feats I want to get. Warcaster may not be necessary in terms of the somatic components benefit because I think my friend is not obeying the rules on having a hand free, but it's still a great feat. Spell Sniper is, IMO, very nice for Artillerists, as long as your DM isn't strict about the "artificer spell" clause of Arcane Firearm. I don't know that any other feats that would get me spells would be really worth it, except maybe ritual caster so I can do rituals without preparing them and greatly loosen up my prepared spells choices. She won't use the crossbow forever, so feats relating to weapons aren't worth it.
This may be a good character to grab Keen Mind with, get int to 20 and have some fun with the memory stuff.
Thoughts? IDeas? Questions?