Spelljammer Spelljammer Nov 10 2022 errata.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Nothing. The only reason I can imagine making them fey is that you can then imagine they come from the Feywild instead of a planet of their own, and this edition of Spelljammer doesn't seem to want to have planets with sentient beings on them.

I will say that's its kind of cool they made reigar "evolved humanoid octopuses." It makes me want them to be a variant on the new Pode heritage from Gate Pass Gazette. It's incredibly stupid that they made war their main art, however. They weren't even big on war in 2e. War implies organization. Reigar just liked killing things in artistic ways.

...I'm going to have to convert their mecha and laksu.
Yeah, 5e Spelljammer may be the least bad version as @Neonchameleon has said (in that 5e is acceptable to most everyone but truly please few), but it's the worst version for me.

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I think it has to do with their traditional friendship and societal alliances with gnomes.
It could ALSO be some crazy/farfetched reference to the fact that the Fey themselves are also usually associated with making deals, transactions, and trades with mortal beings. Of course, we all know how those usually end up going once such things happen.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
It could ALSO be some crazy/farfetched reference to the fact that the Fey themselves are also usually associated with making deals, transactions, and trades with mortal beings. Of course, we all know how those usually end up going once such things happen.
I just think that WotC is trending toward making things fey just because they like the Feywild. Not my cup of tea, but it doesn't matter in my game.

I am disturbed by the idea posited above that they don't want players to visit planets full of humanoids. Where did  that come from? Is it suggested in the product?

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