Unearthed Arcana Spells & Magic Tattoos: New Unearthed Arcana

WotC has posted a new Unearthed Arcana called Spells & Magic Tattoos. "This document provides a magical miscellany: new spells and a new type of magic item, magic tattoos. Most of the spells focus on an alternative style of summoning: conjuring forth a spirit that assumes a physical form you customize to suit the situation."

WotC has posted a new Unearthed Arcana called Spells & Magic Tattoos. "This document provides a magical miscellany: new spells and a new type of magic item, magic tattoos. Most of the spells focus on an alternative style of summoning: conjuring forth a spirit that assumes a physical form you customize to suit the situation."


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Are these Summoning Spells better then Conjure Woodland Beings for 4 Pixies, combined with a Tiny Hut spell? I don’t think so.

A bard with the right Magical Secrets selections can use this tactic by themselves.
I believe in you and Arguchu to figure out how to beat the evil Bard and his Tiny Hut of Doom in today's episode.

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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
This is pure speculation, do these spells add to existing summon spells or replace them?
I very much doubt they will do either. They’re just entirely new spells, that will exist alongside the ones we already have. I’m sure some DMs will ban the original summon spells and say to take these instead, but WotC sure isn’t going to modify or replace the originals.

Also, these summon spells make me think we're in for Manual of the Planes / Planescape / Spelljammer

Will it come with a “Tacky Badge”? Only if you buy the Platinum Version from Beadle and Grimm for $299.99

seems like a perfectly fine use of their time.

Sure, in the initial release of the DMG for 5e. If your default setting is the Forgotten Realms, and Thay has not been banished to some Alternative Realms, then rules for Red Robes, (take regular robes and add red dye - mission accomplished ), and magic tattoos might be in order. 🤯

I knew, magic tattoo rules would eventually come out. I’m sure most 40+ year players expected this as well.

So D&D streamers are the new unpaid creative staff? D&D is the new Vox Media.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I don't know why the Absorbing Tattoo says that the DM determines the color of the tattoo randomly. What if I sought out the world's grandmaster tattoo artist and asked for specifically red ink?

Narratively, there's no reason to limit it to DM-May-I-No-You-May-Not-And-Even-I-Won't-Know-Until-We-Roll
My read is that they mean the DM determines the color of the tattoo needles, if they're a found item.

I agree that it would be weird, if the player character is commissioning a magic item, for them to not to be able to pick which energy type they want.


Crown-Forester (he/him)
Will it come with a “Tacky Badge”? Only if you buy the Platinum Version from Beadle and Grimm for $299.99
Sure, but I'm not paying for Beadle and Grimm stuff. It's too much, even though they look awesome.
We'll get 3 versions – the normal cover, the Mom & Pop shop foil cover, and the Beadle and Grimm ultimate edition. They'll all have the same core book content. Beadle and Grimm will have more accessories that may or may not be worth 4x the price.

Sure, in the initial release of the DMG for 5e. If your default setting is the Forgotten Realms, and Thay has not been banished to some Alternative Realms, then rules for Red Robes, (take regular robes and add red dye - mission accomplished ), and magic tattoos might be in order. 🤯

I knew, magic tattoo rules would eventually come out. I’m sure most 40+ year players expected this as well.

So D&D streamers are the new unpaid creative staff? D&D is the new Vox Media.
You're getting it for free as Unearthed Arcana. If you don't want the book they're coming in, then don't buy it. What's the big issue here?

My read is that they mean the DM determines the color of the tattoo needles, if they're a found item.

I agree that it would be weird, if the player character is commissioning a magic item, for them to not to be able to pick which energy type they want.
That makes more sense, thank you!


My read is that they mean the DM determines the color of the tattoo needles, if they're a found item.

I agree that it would be weird, if the player character is commissioning a magic item, for them to not to be able to pick which energy type they want.
PC: I want a White tattoo to deal with pesky force magic.

Tattoo Grand Master: I like red. It's my fave color. Today is a red kind of day.


Crown-Forester (he/him)
PC: I want a White tattoo to deal with pesky force magic.

Tattoo Grand Master: I like red. It's my fave color. Today is a red kind of day.
Hilarious – and not too shabby either. Fire resistance is great!

That said, I hate that form of DM-May-I; it should be expunged from the rules as written. If a given group enjoys that sort of thing, then sure, give an optional panel for the colors to be randomly generated, but otherwise assume if it's being commissioned that you can choose…


Crown-Forester (he/him)
Also, as somebody mentioned/asked on here: I like the idea of reflavoring the Tattoos as runes.
Me too! I feel like this might be where they're finally taking the Giant Soul Sorcerer -> Rune Knight Fighter concept.

Which is fine by me, since the Runeguard Fighter archetype from DM's Guild Adept product Xanathar's Lost Notes to Everything Else works just fine.


Okay the Tattoos scream Forgotten Realms, the summoning spells scream FR, Planescape and MtG. I like the Tattoos, they are fine.

The summoning spells need some tweeks.

Along with type, you should be able to choose size, small, medium, large.

Not all clerics are good, so either clerics should get Summon Fiend as well or Summon Celestial Should get a Fallen option.

Summon Celestial should be dropped to a lower level.

Why is there still no option for summoning Succubi? They should add Succubi option to Summon Fiend or make Summon Succubi an option for evil or dark Clerics.

None of these spells displace the value of any existing spells. Summon Fiend is hirer level then Summon Demon or Summon Lesser Demons, and even Infernal Calling. Still honestly Summon Fiend would be worse then these spell except for 1 key thing, its safer! None Evil Fiend summoners are better off with this spell and its tame fiend.

Summon Celestial is no where as good as Conjure Celestial, so its only real advantage is its lower level, which should be even lower. And its options need better fluff, compared to all the other Summon Spells, its lacking flavour. I suggest Archon, Angel, Asuras, and Fallen options replace the current ones.

I really like Summon Fey, Summon Beast, Summon Undead, mostly as is, but add a Vampire option to Summon Undead, and as I said let the caster choose the size (small, medium, large).

Summon Aberrant is really cool, but they should add a Flumph option.

I love the Summon Shadow spell, its allows you to summon the Sorrowsorn from MTOFs!

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