Spoilers: Some guy in Friends & Family playtest apparently violates his NDA

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Of course we don't have enough information here in Feb 2012. There is no telling what 5E will be in the end. But it is easy to say *right now* that there are games out there that would appeal to a lot of people better than a game that is fairly represented in that post.

Yes but there are more knees jerking in this thread than at a Reflexology clinic.

One of the points of 5e is that it is going to be modular and - if the authors are to be believed - it will let you play in the style of most of the early editions.

People are seeing a report including one particular set of characters which have been pre-built at one particular setting on the play-style-ometer, and are writing off 5e on the basis that that particular setting isn't their preferred setting.

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Falling Icicle

Interesting. It sounds like they've kept quite a bit of 4e, contrary to the impression I've been getting up until now.

While there are some things in that post that I don't like, I'm happy to see that they're trying new things.


People are seeing a report including one particular set of characters which have been pre-built at one particular setting on the play-style-ometer, and are writing off 5e on the basis that that particular setting isn't their preferred setting.
Have you had a look at the "deal-breakers" thread? There are people who say that they won't play 5e if it contains certain elements, even if they are optional. It's not a mindset that I find particularly encouraging, but it exists.


First Post
Daily power for melee? Encounter spells? It doesn't sound good to me...

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There are a handful of people in this thread whose attitudes and reactions completely justify WotC's decision to keep playtesting under NDA for now. We can't have nice things, because people say stuff like, "If this piecemeal report of the very first public playtest of D&D 5e ever turns out to be legitimate, I am straight up done with 5e despite never having played it or having any idea what the game will actually look like upon release."

Can we please be better than this?

Actually i dont see a problem with this, and WOtC would be wise to heed threads like this if they want to win back the customers they lost with 4E. People who left have been clear: we left because we don't like healing aurgers, 4E powers, etc. If those elements are in the core, it is a fair assumption most of us wont come back. That isn't closed mindedness. It is just that we already know how we feel about those things.


First Post
There are a handful of people in this thread whose attitudes and reactions completely justify WotC's decision to keep playtesting under NDA for now. We can't have nice things, because people say stuff like, "If this piecemeal report of the very first public playtest of D&D 5e ever turns out to be legitimate, I am straight up done with 5e despite never having played it or having any idea what the game will actually look like upon release."

Can we please be better than this?

I suppose you are referring to my comment. I saw nothing in that report that made me want to play 5e. In fact, it made me want to puke. Yeah, it's only a playtest, but the mere fact that someone at WOTC thought enough of that kind of gameplay to even suggest it is enough to tell me 5e ain't for me. That is IF it's legitimate. I really hope it's just someone trolling.


Anybody else is in love with "Advantage" as a simple +2 to whatever, in any circumstance?

Not really. I find it really hard to care much about something that has existed, and that I've used extensively, for more than a decade now.

I really thought there would be more to it than that.


Regarding this alleged breach of the NDA: I'm sceptical of everything I've heard reported from the playtesters, positive or negative. I am especially sceptical of this report, since I have no means to judge its legitimacy. I'll reserve judgement until the open playtest begins.

But my initial enthusiasm for 5e has waned with each week that passes and with each article I read. I'm fast slipping towards apathy.

The sooner they start that open playtest, the better.


Sorry, but if WOTC wants its lost customers back, it has to do more than re-package 4e with a new hat.

There's no shortage of old school or Pathfinder products to buy. I'd much rather buy products from people who generally like the style of RPG that I do, rather than those that are just patronizing me with a few sprinkles from past editions.

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