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Star Wars - Better Days


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Someone said:
"Those prizes look tempting, but I dn't know if you have the cash to enter those tournaments." says Ikluk.

Ace says, "Oh I see, you are a newbie to zee tay-bels. Fear not Ikluk. I shall enlighten you from your cloud of unfortunate darkness. Zee pot size is what you win, enrty is much less than pot size, usually a small fraction. Zee smaller potz should be doable I think, if we have zee time." He rubs his hand together in as his sight receptors glow in anticipation.
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Jim ponders for a few seconds, looking back at Red and Summer, thinking of the people he'd be taking with him on this journey. After a few seconds hesitation, he nods "Deal." he says simply. Before they leave, he ensures he's got all the information (Contact info on Kessel, Mechanic, etc).


As they leave, Jim makes sure not to *BUMP* the table, this does not look like an imperial he wants to upset.

Once outside, Jim takes them back to the ship and makes sure everybody knows whats going on.
"OK, now we've go two days before we gotta get outa here, and I need to know what needs fixing before I ask this outside guy. I also need somebody to check around for the best prices available on planet. Anything else anybody'd like to talk about?"

Caros should be updating soon. If the guy has more to say, he can fill it in and assume it was said BEFORE we left for the ship.[/sblock]

James Heard

" No, I think we're done for here. I think it might be a good time for everyone to write down a will though, just in case things go according to plan."


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Ace says, "We will pull through jus fine. Maybe a but bumpy ride, but so it goes. Mah biggest concern is that hutt contact, I am sure he can screw us somehow, and not so sure what we can do about it..."

"In any event, I will help out with the ship and as soon as she is ready, I am thinking there are some good sabac games running now. Anyone care to try there luck before we go?"

James Heard

" Ah, Life... the continual presence of optimism in the face of reality. Wonderful!"

" I'll pass on the Sabac. I'm pretty certain we used the last of our luck rolling out of bed this morning."


First Post
The time on world was enjoyable to say the least, gambling, drinking and relaxing. One of the largest centers of smuggling in the galexy, if you want to find it, you can find it on Nar Shaddaa.

And yet it was over far too soon, winnings or losses packed up, little trinkets set into their cabins as the Errant knight lifted off, their course charted, engine and fuel topped up enough that they'd get to their destination.

((Just hopping ahead in posts right now Trying to keep things moving since I've been away longer than I intended.

Starting stake in the sabbac tournament was 500. If you'd like to have participated, Roll a gambling check =)

Pilot check is required to determine how fast you get there. I'd also like a two mechanic checks. These would be from the pilot and mechanic obviously.

And finally I'd like gather information and diplomacy from anyone who was trying to help barter. Soon as these rolls are up we'll continue. Thankies!))


Jim nods to Ace "I'll go with, somebody's gotta keep you from loosing all our creds." he grinned at the droid. "We'll be back, guys. Hopefully with some extra creds to help pay for those parts yer gonna need. Here's the info on the guy, Ikluk, see what he wants to do to my ship." With that, he and Ace left to hopefully not loose too much money.

Invisible castle is down right now, will edit in my gambling roll latler[/sblock]


For a good part of the travel, Ikluk's voice can be heard behind bulkheads and below decks, like a space ghost haunting the Errant Knight with endless streams of Mon Calamari curses.

ooc: Edit: invisiblecastle working again - Mechanics rolls are 36 and 23
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Voidrunner's Codex

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