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Star Wars: Shades of Rebellion


This thread tells the story of three characters, members of a Rebel Alliance cell, whose efforts will help to shape the Rebellion's efforts for years to come. The story tells of events that happened sometimes beneath the galaxy's notice, while perhaps more visible events distracted attention. But make no mistake - these three Rebel agents made a world of difference in their own way.

The Setting
Imagine the very beginning of Star Wars: A New Hope. As our protagonists begin their tale, Princess Leia Organa has just been captured by the Empire. Alderaan has not yet been destroyed, and few are aware of the awesome power of the Death Star, although some within the Rebel Alliance know of the battle station's existence. The Rebellion is gaining in influence and power, and Empire is beginning to take notice.

The Characters
Vortimax Weer - This retired human mercenary found his way into the Rebel Alliance as a heavy weapons and demolitions expert, and seeks to avenge the death of his mother at the hands of a brutal killer.
Beedo - An erstwhile Rodian bounty hunter who has been betrayed by his own family, he fled to the Rebellion to make a new name for himself and perhaps find a new path, though he still prefers the prestige that being a hunter provides within Rodian society.
Orega Vala - A retired Imperial Lieutenant, he defected to the Rebel Alliance when the Empire's veil of supposed honor and valor was lifted from his eyes and he saw the true horrors that a galactic dictatorship bestows upon its subjects. He has a wealth of valuable knowledge and experience, and he hopes to put them to good use in bringing down his loathsome former employer and master.

I hope you enjoy our little tale. Comments and questions are always welcomed.

This story does not intend to infringe upon the intellectual property of LucasFilm, LucasArts, or any other entity associated with the Star Wars license.
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Stranded on Dathomir, Part One

Days are numbered for the REBEL ALLIANCE. Sitting imprisoned aboard the DEATH STAR,
the Empire's mighty battle station, PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA awaits her fate. Imperial agents are

working to locate and destroy rebel elements throughout the galaxy. Even now,
the uncertain hope that was starting to grow within the galaxy is beginning to fade...

Somewhere on the outskirts of the known galaxy, perhaps a glimmer of hope remains.
Rebel operatives have stolen technical readouts for a new planetary defense system for CORUSCANT,

the Imperial throne world. A trio of agents must return these plans to the Alliance's secret
base on the moon of Yavin IV, perhaps turning the tide once more in the Alliance's favor...


Sitting aboard the Paradiit Vision, a borrowed transport ship, our protagonists Vortimax Weer, Beedo, and Orega Vala await the end of their journey through hyperspace and return to the Rebel Alliance's new base on Yavin IV. The ship is on loan from Drekzz, a Trandoshan smuggler known to be a Rebel sympathizer. Though it had not been properly serviced in some time, the Vision seems to be in good condition. It is supposed to be a seven-hour trip in hyperspace, and they have all taken to various activities to pass the time. Orega has been poring through the technical readouts of the proposed changes to Coruscant's new planetary defenses, hoping he might have some insight that will help Alliance Intelligence to discern a proper manner of exposing the system's vulnerabilities. Beedo has kept himself busy in the cockpit, checking on ship systems and seeking out the sources of several minor problems he found. Vortimax, neither a highly technical or strategic mind, has been taking apart his weapons and putting them back together again, making sure they are ready to go in any eventuality.

Suddenly, the Paradiit Vision begins to shake violently, throwing the occupants around like rag dolls. Alarms blare and Beedo, the only one in the cockpit, sees the trouble and immediately shouts for the others. The hyperdrive has failed, and the agents are well short of their intended destination. As the starlines of hyperspace become fixed stars in the distance, a proximity alarm alerts Beedo to quickly take control of the helm, and the Rodian barely manages to avoid a few small asteroids that loom large in the foreground. His fellow Rebel agents join Beedo in the cockpit, and they are shocked to see an Imperial cruiser in the distance, orbiting a large, reddish planet. Though the cruiser is not much larger than the Paradiit Vision, it was likely far better equipped for a firefight. Beedo needed to quickly assess repair time on the hyperdrive, and some diplomacy was in order to keep the situation from turning ugly.

The Imperial cruiser Fearless hails, and demands to know why a known smuggler ship was traveling in this sector, which was highly restricted. Shocked that their cover had been blown so easily, the agents scramble to come up with a response. Vala, a former Imperial officer, steps forward to explain. His response is that the Vision is not a smuggling ship, and that only a few light repair would need to be made and they could be on their way. This does not satisfy the Fearless, and the Imperials command the Paradiit Vision to power down weapons and shields and prepare to be boarded.

A quick check of the navicomputer revealed that the Vision was in the Qualiis system, a backwater part of the galaxy not known for anything in particular. For some reason, this system was one of a handful of places in which the Empire restricted travel. The red planet in the distance is not readily identifiable, and the Rebel agents do not have much time to research the possibilities. Beedo returns with some bad news - it would require several hours' work to repair the overheated hyperdrive, though the parts needed were available on board. Time does not seem to be something in abundance, however. Unless they fought the Fearless, the Vision would be boarded and searched, and the secret plans stolen from Gedron 7 might return to Imperial hands.

Thinking quickly, Orega Vala hides the data disk within a stack of similar-looking disks in the entertainment pod. Even if thoroughly searched, the Imperials would likely never find anything of importance in there. Confident that this solution was best, the Paradiit Vision powers down its weapons and shields and agrees to the Imperial ship's demands.

After a tractor beam closes the distance between the two ships, a docking collar connects them, and eight Imperial Stormtroopers board the Paradiit Vision, along with an Imperial officer who does not care to identify himself. The troopers search the ship with scanners, seeking contraband and illegal weapons. Meanwhile, Weer, Beedo, and Vala are kept captive in the ship's galley. At one point, they are unbelievably left alone with no guard, so they disperse and watch to see what the stormtroopers are up to. Beedo attempts to return to the cockpit, but a stormtrooper blocks the way. Weer walks back to the engine room, but another stormtrooper is there, fiddling with the hyperdrive, ostensibly in an attempt to assess whether it was really damaged. Seeing that the Imperials have already searched the entertainment pod, Orega Vala ducks in there to retrieve the stolen data disk the agents are supposed to deliver to Yavin IV.

While watching the stormtrooper in the engine room, Vortimax Weer notices that the trooper isn't just inspecting the hyperdrive, he is making some kind of modification. Looking closer, Weer spots a familiar device being attached to the engine core - a thermal detonator. His danger sense alerted, Weer casually but quickly finds the others and quietly alerts them to the news. They would need to do something about the thermal detonator or escape the Paradiit Vision before it is blown to stardust. As they are discussing what recourse to take, the Imperial officer advises that the search is concluded and he and the stormtroopers file out of the ship. The docking collar is quickly withdrawn and the tractor beam that had been holding the Paradiit Vision in place reverses polarity to push the smuggler ship away.

Vort again checks the hyperdrive, and spots that the thermal detonator's timer has been set to 15 seconds and is now clocking down. They had little time to discuss options. The agents gathered what gear they could and ducked into the nearest available escape pod. The back half of the Paradiit Vision blew apart, catapulting the ship into the red planet's upper atmosphere and a likely crash onto the planet below. When they were certain the Fearless could no longer detect them, Beedo fires the escape pod and the Rebel agents are sent into a wild spiral through the red planet's atmosphere...
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Stranded on Dathomir, Part Two

High in orbit above the red planet, the crew of the Fearless are confident that the Paradiit Vision, the smuggler ship, was down and not coming back. After all the planet below, Dathomir, is inhabited by fearsome predators and is generally a harsh environment. Even if the smugglers survived a crash landing, their long-term prospects would not be good. Capt. Rosha, commander of the Fearless, summons to the bridge Dr. Thaevius Orran, and advises Dr. Orran that the bio-engineer will be returned to his lab on Dathomir shortly. A discussion over some secret super-soldier project causes some discomfort between Rosha and Orran. Capt. Rosha further advises that the Empire is developing some nanotech implants to enhance the subjects of Dr. Orran's research, but that there has been a bit of a delay in delivering these implants. Dr. Orran suggests that these implants are designed to control his test subjects, not enhance their physical and mental capabilities, but Rosha dismisses such conjecture. Orran is sent back the the planet to return to his work, as Rosha muses on the potential prestige associated with delivering these super-soldiers to the Empire.

Meanwhile, on the planet Dathomir below, Vortimax Weer, Orega Vala, and Beedo emerge from their escape pod to find themselves in a lush jungle valley situated between two vast mountain ranges. Using the rudimentary equipment onboard the escape pod, Beedo determines that they are stranded on the remote planet Dathomir, not known for much besides being highly restricted under Imperial law as well as populated with a variety of nasty predators and wildlife, including the dreaded Rancor. Searching the pod, they come up with enough survival gear to keep them going for perhaps the next few days, but it becomes obvious that either a better long-term solution would need to be found, or they would need to quickly find a way off Dathomir.

It is dark on Dathomir, as it usually is, even when the nearby sun gives off a faint glow. The trio of Rebel operatives make a quick scan of their surrounding area, and learn that a shallow river runs through the valley. Following it a bit, they spot an encampment nearby and decide to give it a look. They make it to the camp without incident, and find it recently deserted. A more thorough search determines that there has been a recent battle of some kind within the camp, given that a lot of equipment remains, as well as evidence of a struggle, perhaps with some sort of large creature. Weer finds a datapad and decides to have a look at it later when there is better light.

As they are just about to leave the camp, Beedo hears some strange noises outside the tent the three were inspecting. Emerging, he sees a pair of giant spiders bearing down on the tent. He alerts the others, draws his blaster pistol, and takes a few harmless shots at the nearest spider. Vala, a more competent shot, does the same, giving the giant spider some pause. Finally, Vort, the retired mercenary, brings out the big gun (literally), training his repeating blaster carbine on the same spider and riddling it with energy bolts. The creature, though injured, delivers its own measure of blows. With sharp, sword-like feet, it stabs at the Rebel agents, slashing Vala and Weer. With the second spider looming in the foreground, Vala switches his blaster to stun and hammers the engaged spider with a wave of blue energy, sending it crashing to the ground.

Beedo spots more spiders in the distance, and it becomes clear that time is not on our heroes' side. They begin to flee the camp, dodging the closest spider as it stabs and bites at them, but come upon an even more horrid sight - across the river, coming quickly, a pair of Rancors! Lodged between a gang of giant spiders and a pair of charging Rancors, the stranded Rebel operatives are about to give up hope when the Rancors inexplicably attack the spiders, easily dispatching the eight-legged creatures. With a closer look, it becomes apparent that the Rancors are not operating alone - atop each sits a spear-wielding humanoid female, apparently commanding the Rancor she rides. When the action is over, the women command Weer, Vala, and Beedo to follow the Rancors back to their camp on the nearby mountain. Though this at first seems to be mere hospitality, things are not always what they appear to be...


Stranded on Dathomir, Part Three

In his secret laboratory, Dr. Thaevius Orran has a moment of clarity and wonders whether he should continue on with the Empire's assignment. His trusted droid, RK-9, advises the doctor that one does not simply decide whether or not to work with the Empire, and that having second thoughts is not generally a good idea. A call from Admiral Ozzel (Captain Rosha's superior) comes across the Holonet. Ozzel asks Dr. Orran for a status report on the current experiments, to which Orran replies that progress is being made in the areas of speed and agility, and some mental awareness as well. Adm. Ozzel appears pleased and reiterates that cybernetic implants are under development that will be used to enhance (control) the subjects in the field. Dr. Orran is shocked to learn that test subjects will be taken from him off-planet to complete the surgery and initiate field testing on Septis 7. Ozzel demands that four of the subjects, Rancors, are to be delivered, and on the hologram, Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith, appears behind him to punctuate the message. The admiral advises that Lord Vader could make an appearance to help speed things along, and that the creatures are to be delivered in two standard weeks. After the Holonet conversation has concluded, Dr. Orran tells RK-9 that there is much to be done.

Orega Vala, Beedo, and Vort Weer arrive at the mountaintop camp of the Rancor-riding women, who speak little, but refer to themselves as the Nightsisters. They explain that they fully control the Rancors through the use of magic, and that outworlders (meaning perhaps the Imperials) threaten to ruin Dathomir. The Nightsisters mention exploration teams sent to Dathomir to survey the land and wildlife, and that the women suspect any outworlder as being a potential threat. The Nightsister matron meets our heroes and advises them that they will not need their weapons, removing them with a sort of telekinetic power. Weer is angered by this, but his rage is quickly diffused as several spears are leveled at his face. Vala, also not giving up without a fight, manages to swipe a spear from the nearest Nightsister, but quickly realizes that resistance is rather futile. The Nightsister matron says that the new outworlders will make fine slaves, and that food for the Rancors will be found elsewhere.

The heroes are thrown into a huge slave pen, where they see perhaps two dozen other off-worlders like themselves. Almost all of their fellow slaves are downtrodden, and could have been in Nightsister captivity for weeks or even months. While assessing their options, Beedo and Vala spy a modern-looking facility on a nearby mountain. Vala recalls that the Empire supposedly had some kind of research facility here, though he did not have any specifics. As they watch, a Lambda-class Imperial shuttle lands, and they notice that perhaps a few more shuttles are there as well. Vala notes that Lambda-class shuttles have hyperdrive capability, and that it would be a fine vehicle by which to not only escape Dathomir, but also return the stolen data disk to Yavin IV.

As they mull possible escape plans, a Bothan slave named Gors'ska quietly advises that he and the other slaves are planning a revolt in an attempt to get out of the Nightsisters' grasp. The Bothan naturalist says he knows how to free the Rancors from their pens, and that doing so should cause enough distraction to enable the slaves to make their way out of the camp. Gors'ska points out where the Nightsisters are keeping the heroes' equipment, giving them a clear target for once the chaos starts. When it is deemed time, Gors'ska wriggles through the bars of the slave pen and quietly releases a few of the Rancors, sending the camp into a state of panic. Nightsisters, occupied with attempts to control the loose Rancors, do not make any attempt to stop the slaves from escaping. Weer, Vala, and Beedo run into a Nightsister guarding the tent where their equipment is stashed, but they manage to get past her and reacquire their gear

Just as they emerge from the tent, a Rancor, now under the control of a Nightsister, bears down on the heroes. Beedo and Vala manage to flee, but the creatures continues after Vort Weer. Though he attempts to fend the huge creature off with his blaster carbine, the Rancor shrugs off the stout energy blasts and continues its pursuit. Orega, spotting his ally in trouble, chases the Rancor down, firing on it from behind and even lobbing a spear at it in an attempt to draw it away from the cornered Weer. The Bothan Gors'ska, who had managed to acquire a rifle, helps to pin the Rancor down, causing it some indecision between the three potential targets. This confusion gives Vortimax time to escape the Rancor's immediate vicinity and, switching his blaster to stun, Orega Vala shoots the Rancor, stopping it long enough for the four ecaped slaves to finally be free of the huge monster.


Stranded on Dathomir, Conclusion

Beedo, Vort, Orega, and their new Bothan friend Gors'ska make their way up the mountain toward the facility they spotted from the Nightsister camp. As they climb the steep grade, Beedo and Gors'ska spot a hover-truck carrying a pair of captive Rancors up to the facility. They watch in silence as the truck enters the facility, and wonder what could possibly be going on inside. Vala points out that their primary concern is getting off Dathomir and returning to Yavin IV, but perhaps taking out a few Imperials and maybe even learning why they are capturing Rancors might not be such a bad idea. They sneak up to the perimeter fence and give the facility a scan for potential way to enter and steal the Imperial shuttle.

Captain Rosha of the orbiting Imperial cruiser Fearless has decided to make a personal appearance at Dr. Orran's lab. Rosha inspects the facility while Dr. Orran points out various experiments that are ongoing. The doctor says he will have something soon to deliver to the Empire, but Rosha questions Orran's loyalty to the cause. The Imperial captain tells Orran that Leia Organa, a leader of the pathetic Rebellion, has been captured and that the rag-tag Rebels are soon to be wiped out. Capt. Rosha reiterates Admiral Ozzel's demand for four Rancors to be delivered to Septis 7 within two weeks, and despite Dr. Orran's assurance that the deadline will be met, Rosha still has doubts, and openly questions whether Dr. Orran's research is truly as focused as it should be. After Rosha and his cadre are gone from the facility, Dr. Orran and his droid, RK-9, discuss whether they have any options, and that delivering super-Rancors to the Empire is now much more distasteful than he had ever imagined.

As they look over ways to enter the facility, it becomes apparent that the perimeter fence is energized and would not be easily cut through. Orega Vala spots a few humans in lab coats near an entrance to the large building and eavesdrops on their conversation. Vala catches something about bio-engineering experiments, and that the test subjects have shown increasing intelligence and speed, and one of the humans mentions that four Rancors are to be delivered to Septis 7 within two weeks. The men question whether or not that can be accomplished. This would definitely bear further investigation, and at the very least, this sparse information would need to be delivered to Alliance Intelligence.

Using an ascension gun, the heroes manage to climb underneath a guard tower and swing to the other side, into the facility. Just as Beedo, the final climber, is about to descend into the inside, a pair of Imperial Stormtroopers emerge from the tower and open fire. Vala and Weer take some blaster fire, but manage to take down the troopers after a brief fire-fight. Before investigating the tower any further, Beedo and Gors'ska are sent around to find the Imperial shuttle and get it ready for a quick lift-off Inside the tower, Weer and Vala find more Stormtroopers, and another battle is engaged inside the tower. Four troopers guard the inside of the tower, and the Rebels inside barely manage to drop them before the sounds of more Stormtroopers coming gives them reason to flee the tower. Weer, prying some grenades from a fallen Stormtrooper, tosses a few of them outside the tower, downing half of the Imperials coming their way. Together, Vala and Weer manage to stop the remaining Stormtroopers and begin to make their way toward the landing pad.

Meanwhile, Beedo and Gors'ska are assessing the best way to steal the Imperial shuttle. A pair of Stormtroopers guards the ramp to the shuttle, and because they do not possess the combat skills of Vort Weer and Orega Vala, the Rodian and Bothan decide that stealth and trickery might be a better ploy. Gors'ska, armed with his rifle, takes into hiding while Beedo sneaks the long way around the landing pad and manages to get the drop on the Stormtroopers. Though the Rodian caught the Stormtroopers by surprise, Beedo was not able to get all the way into the shuttle before the Imperials blasted him into unconsciousness. Gors'ska applied sniper fire to the Imperials, distracting them long enough to enable Vala and Weer to arrive and finish the job. In the distance, coming out of the facility were perhaps eight more Stormtroopers, and it is made clear that time is short. Beedo is roused from his blaster-induced sleep and he quickly gets the Imperial shuttle ready for take off.

Though the Stormtroopers fire on the stolen shuttle, even going so far as to set up an E-Web cannon, Beedo was too evasive and the shuttle was long gone before the troopers could do anything about it. The heroes flew low to Dathomir's jungle canopy, keeping the ship safe from any emplacement fire from the facility. They spotted the Nightsister camp nearby and decided to give it a strafing for good measure before fleeing for high orbit and space beyond. The Rebels emerged on the far side of Dathomir, away from where they detected the Fearless, and were able to quickly make the jump to hyperspace before the cruiser could catch up to them.

Successful in their mission to return the planetary defense plans to the Rebel Base on Yavin IV, Vala, Weer, and Beedo have distinguished themselves further by advising Rebel Intelligence of the Empire's plans to bio-engineer Rancors for an unknown purpose. Darker days may loom for the Rebellion, but news of a great victory is coming. And with it, more assignments for our heroes to aid in the cause of the Alliance.


dpdx said:
Mmmm... Star Wars Story Hour. Tasty, but needs dialogue.

Yeah, I wish I could expand the narrative a bit more, but my time is limited unfortunately, and I want to get the story onto the forums before I forget what happened in the game. Perhaps if I have more time to write these in the future, I can add things like dialogue and expanded narrative elements.

Thanks for reading!


Characters Thread

I have decided to start a thread in the Rogues Gallery area for character stats and discussion. Check my sig for the link.


Seeking Mrs. Brightway: The Crawl

The GALACTIC EMPIRE, seeking to wipe out remaining
elements of the REBEL ALLIANCE, is soon to demonstrate

its super-weapon, the DEATH STAR. With this new tool
of ultimate destruction, the Empire expects to crush

the Rebellion once and for all.

Information that might yet save the Alliance is now

in Rebel hands. On the tiny report planet Carcasso,
more mysteries begin to unfold...

Voidrunner's Codex

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