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Star Wars: Shades of Rebellion


Seeking Mrs. Brightway Part One

An important mission sends Orega Vala elsewhere, leaving Vortimax Weer and Beedo on their own. They find themselves on Alderaan, at a secret lakeside Rebel base. Their mission commander, Major Devan Brightway, advises them that the information Beedo, Vala, and Weer brought back from Dathomir will be investigated, but that other matters have arisen that need attention.

Borissz Vialles, a Duro information broker who has been reliable in past dealings has contacted the Rebellion with some information to sell - this information is regarding a potential rescue of Princess Leia Organa, who is still in Imperial hands. Vialles has agreed to meet Rebel agents on the resort planet Carcasso, and Weer and Beedo are given 10,000 credits with which to purchase the information.

Posing as agents for Borva the Hutt, Weer and Beedo board their Y-Wing Fighter (its Alliance markings removed) and head for the Vales system, located in the mid-rim near Tanaab. Their cover story, should they require one, is that they are working for the Hutt, seeking land to purchase in order for Borva to build a resort for himself and his people, separate from the normal Carcasso resorts. Beedo and Weer arrive in the Vales system without incident, and land on forested Bree Island on Carcasso.

It doesn't take long for Weer and Beedo to find the Wild Tangent Tapcafe, site of their meeting with Borissz Vialles. Asking around the cafe, they learn that the Duro has likely been here already, so they wait for the information broker to arrive. While they are waiting and asking around, Weer meets a group of Wookiee traders here on Carcasso to collect some rare sap thats apparently quite valuable on their home world of Kashyyyk.

Vialles eventually comes in and sits down. He begins by telling the Rebel agents that he has overheard some very interesting information in the cantina in Mos Eisley, Tatooine, and that it concerns a possible rescue of Princess Leia. Then, the Duro announces that he now needs 20,000 credits for the information.

Balking at any talk of waiting, Vialles explains that he has another buyer who can pay the 20,000 credits now, and he stands to walk out of the cafe. Just then, five Imperial guards and an officer enter the cafe and start firing blasters toward our heroes!

Weer and Beedo easily dispatch the Imperials and make an escape just as security droids swarm the cafe. They sneak through the streets of the Bree Island resort, thinking of some way to track down the double-crossing Vialles, and possibly a way to escape the planet. When they arrive at the starport, Beedo and Weer find that the resort is in the midst of an Imperial lockdown, and spot a trio of Imperial shuttles rocketing away.

After some investigation, the Rebel agents realize that finding Vialles will prove far more difficult (maybe even impossible if he left aboard one of the shuttles), so they focus on getting off-planet and returning to Alderaan for further instructions. The main obstacle is that Stormtroopers are now guarding the interior of the starport, even watching individual ships (including the Y-Wing of course).

A desperate plan is concocted. They first attempt to steal Vialles' ship, but find that effort fruitless. Speaking with the Wookiees from the Wild Tangent, Weer and Beedo agree to help them escape, in essence, getting the Imperials' attention allowing the Wookiees to get away. The Rebels charge their ship, overtaking the Imperials guarding the Y-Wing. As Beedo fires up the ship, Stormtroopers nearby start setting up an E-Web Cannon, which of course gets the heroes' attention. A few cannon shots rattle the Y-Wing, but it escapes into orbit, with the Wookiees' freighter trailing behind.

The Wookiees and our heroes part ways in space above Carcasso, and the Wookiees promise to aid Beedo and Weer if ever needed in the future.

Meanwhile, Devan Brightway and his wife Andina arrive in separate ships at the Kor Vella starport on Corellia. Brightway is in Kor Vella to meet on behalf of the Alliance with Jordd Chinns, a representative of CorSec. While he takes care of this assignment, Andina wanders around Kor Vella, and as she does, a pair of shadowy figures stalk her. As she returns to the starport to feed her pet graul, Andina is about to be nabbed...
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Seeking Mrs. Brightway Part Two

Returning to Alderaan for further instructions, Beedo and Vort Weer set in a hyperspace course and wait out the 17-hour journey. Just a few seconds before the hyperdrive exit signal would have sounded, the Y-Wing Fighter abruptly jumps out of hyperspace and proximity alarms blare. Where there should have been a large green planet, Beedo and Weer see only a vast asteroid field!

Maneuvering past a huge, looming asteroid, the Rebels quickly check their navicomputer to get a handle on their location. Everything seems in order - the Y-Wing really was in the Alderaan system, but no planet in sight. The navicomputer showed nothing about an asteroid field in the Alderaan system, yet here it was.

Just as Beedo checks the astrogation charts for a new destination, two Imperial TIE Fighters appear from behind an asteroid and attack! Weer quickly boosts shields and returns fire as the Rodian pilot evades the Imperials' attacks. The Y-Wing is rocked by blaster fire, though the shields hold. On the far side of the asteroid field, Beedo and Weer spot an Imperial Star Destroyer. Time to go...

Plotting a hyperspace course during a dogfight is not recommended, but this did not stop Beedo from trying. Systems within reason included Kuat, Caamas, Brentaal, and Corellia. Of these, the Rebels choose Corellia for both its widely-traveled space lanes and rumored Alliance influence. Just as the TIE Fighters regroup for another pass, the Y-Wing blips out of existence and off to the Corellian system.

Arriving at their intended destination without incident, Beedo and Weer find Corellia abuzz with various wild rumors about Alderaan. They overhear chatter between pilots about the Empire actually destroying Alderaan from space. Other rumors also fly about, but anyone who claimed to have been to Alderaan agreed that the Empire likely had something to do with its disappearance.

Using an Alliance secret radio code, the agents call down to Corellia, hoping for a response. They are mildly surprised to learn that their cell commander, Major Devan Brightway, is not only on Corellia, but needs their immediate assistance. Major Brightway calls Beedo and Weer down to Kor Vella, a minor city on the golden planet, to help him search for his wife, Andina, whom he fears may have been abducted!

When the heroes land, Maj. Brightway explains that he was to meet Andina outside the Kor Vella theater, but she was not there. Calls to her commlink were unanswered, and the Major was becoming quite concerned. Brightway asks Weer and Beedo to search the starport for Andina, while he works some contacts in town. Vort and Beedo return to the starport and check the bay where Andina's ship was berthed, and they spot a trio of ruffians carrying a woman out of the ship!

Beedo and Weer give chase, following the ruffians down an access corridor and eventually using a turbolift to get to the ground level. There, Weer sees the ruffians hop on swoops and start off through the city. The former mercenary notices a Zabrak merchant selling speederbikes, apparently oblivious to the events occurring around him. Weer impulsively jumps on a speederbike and follows the thugs through Kor Vella. Beedo follows quickly, though he has a little trouble starting his own bike. Despite the protests of the Zabrak merchant, the chase is on...

Beedo and Weer chase the swoopers through the busy streets of Kor Vella, under bridges, around large creature mounts, and around tight corners. After a short while, the chase turns into a running firefight. Beedo and Weer fire shots with the laser cannons mounted beneath their bikes, while the swoopers return fire with floater mines. A few twists and turns later, the swoopers head out of the busy city toward the nearby mountains, but not before a floater mine drops Beedo off his bike and into unconsciousness.

Weer continues to follow the swoopers, up the mountain to an abandoned Imperial satellite station, where they take the bound Andina Brightway inside. When he is sure he has not been spotted, Weer heads back to collect Beedo and notifies Major Brightway of the situation.

The heroes must rescue the Major's wife and quickly, before something terrible happens to her!


Seeking Mrs. Brightway, Conclusion

Aboard the Imperial Super Star Destroyer Executor, Admiral Ozzel awaits a visitor. Aboard his signature ship, the Bloodhunter, the Rodian bounty hunter Rokuu awaits clearance to land on the immense Imperial vessel. Rokuu is cleared and while he lands, Admiral Ozzel gets a holo message on the bridge.

The holo is from Grand Moff Tarkin, commander of the Death Star. Tarkin informs Ozzel that the Death Star is en route to the Yavin system to finish off the Rebels. Tarkin asks for an update on the Dathomir project, and Adm. Ozzel replies that Dr. Orran, head of the project, has been less than cooperative of late and that additional means are being employed to ensure that the doctor's duties are fulfilled.

Rokuu arrives on the bridge, and Adm. Ozzel advises the Rodian bounty hunter that his fee is now doubled to 50,000 credits, and that the time table has been moved up to five days. Rokuu demonstrates suspicion at this increase in fee, but explains that he has the mark well within his grasp...

Beedo and Weer await Major Brightway in the mountains outside Kor Vella, and their commander arrives in his personal ship, the Dantari Star. Luckily, their staging area is well away from the abandoned Imperial satellite station, and thus, the Rebels remain unnoticed. They hike up the hill toward the station, and as they close in, a ship drops out of the sky and lands within the base complex. Beedo recognizes the ship as the Bloodhunter, personal ship of the Rodian bounty hunter Rokuu, who also happens to be Beedo's cousin!

Cautiously approaching his cousin, Beedo announces himself and the nearby thugs of course draw weapons and prepare to fire. Rokuu recognizes his cousin and invites Beedo into the camp. The two cousins chat for a little bit, and meanwhile, Maj. Brightway and Vort Weer circle the camp and find cover, expecting trouble. Rokuu tells Beedo he has some business to do, and mentions a 50,000 credit mark inside the satellite station. The bounty hunter orders his hired thugs to prepare Andina for transport and, looking around cautiously, draws his carbine and fires into the bushes at the hiding Brightway and Weer!

The firefight was on, with Weer and Brightway doing battle with the bounty hunter Rokuu and his swooper gang thugs. Though the thugs do not prove to be mugh trouble, Rokuu gives the heroes more than they can handle. Beedo sneaks into position and stuns the bounty hunter, giving Brightway and Weer time to regroup. Beedo picks up his cousin's carbine and opens up on the remaining thugs outside the station, while Brightway steals inside the base to recover his wife.

The Major, using his signature poison darts, takes out most of the thugs inside the base without much trouble, but eventually takes one too many stun shots and drops. Outside, Rokuu recovers and pulls another weapon, attacking his cousin and knocking Beedo unconscious, and retrieves his carbine. Weer tries to fight the bounty hunter, but thugs emerge from the base with Andina on a hoversled and cannot stop them all.

Rokuu loads his mark board the Bloodhunter and, realizing that the fight was over, Weer awakens Beedo and Brightway, alerting them to the transpiring events. Major Brightway activates the remote on the Dantari Star, causing the ship to ready for takeoff. The three Rebels speed down the mountainside and quickly board the Dantari Star just as the Bloodhunter rockets toward the upper atmosphere.

Brightway's ship gives chase, but the Bloodhunter, in all ways a faster ship, keeps getting farther and farther away. As a last-ditch move, Weer hits the Bloodhunter with a tracking device, and the bounty hunter's ship jumps to hyperspace, bound for parts unknown...

The Rebels know that they can find Rokuu and his captive, but will need help doing so. More questions than answers now. Why was there a bounty on Andina Brightway? And why 50,00 credits, more than 12 times the going rate for a Rebel agent of her level? Where was Rokuu taking Mrs. Brightway, and to whom? Answers would be forthcoming soon...


Orega Vala's Tale

While Beedo and Vortimax Weer are sent to Alderaan on a mission for Major Devan Brightway, Orega Vala, former Imperial Captain, is sent on another assignment, one that will bring him very close to something big, and closer still to his own demise, and finally, a brush with greatness...

The Alliance gets word that Imperial Governor Hez of the Kevol system may be ready to hand over control of that system to the Rebellion. Along with that information, Alliance Intelligence learns that the Empire may also be aware of Governor Hez's plans. Rebel leaders decide to send someone to contact Governor Hez and perhaps protect him in case the Empire tries to eliminate the threat, and Orega Vala is selected for this task.

Assigned to watch Governor Hez, Vala assumes the cover of Karles Dowwer, a famous droid designer, and takes a trip aboard the Singing Dawn, an Ithorian luxury cruiser, where Gov. Hez will also be traveling. The trip will take passengers from Ithor to Kevol, a journey of about six days including stops at Arkania, Coruscant, and Byss.

Things go well early on during the cruise, and Vala, as the droid designer, manages to get close enough to Governor Hez to learn that he does indeed have sympathy for the Rebel Alliance and also that some Imperial handlers aboard the Singing Dawn are keeping Gov. Hez on a very short leash. Vala thwarts an assassination attempt when a droid enters a mostly empty casino room where Vala and Gov. Hez had been talking and starts shooting. Saving the governor's life, Vala reveals his identity and gains Hez's confidence, learning even more of the Imperial Governor's plans.

Hez explains that the Kevol system has long hated Imperial rule, and that he could influence certain regional and planetary leaders to shift their allegiance to the Rebellion. The Governor believes that the Empire doesn't really care much about what happens to Kevol, pointing out that there are very few Imperial bases in the system, and Hez believes handing the system over to the Alliance would not be difficult.

Just after the Singing Dawn leaves Coruscant and heads back into hyperspace on its way toward Byss, the luxury liner hits an interdiction field and is attacked by pirates! Dozens of starfighters surround the Ithorian vessel and, because they are non-violent, the Ithorian captain and crew immediately surrender to the pirates. Ever suspicious, Vala hides while the pirates board and circulate throughout the ship. Vala's suspicions are confirmed when he watches a group of pirates pass him by and notices that they are not pirates at all, but Imperial Stormtroopers out of armor and disguised as pirates...

Before Orega can do anything about it, the 'pirates' capture Governor Hez and take him aboard their freighter. Strangely, or perhaps not so strangely, the Imperial handlers who were supposed to be keeping Gov. Hez safe do little or nothing to stop the 'pirates' from capturing the Governor.

Realizing that he alone might be Governor Hez's chance for survival, and indeed the survival of any possibility that Kevol might be handed over to the Alliance, Orega Vala takes a big chance and makes for the disguised pirate freighter. He fights off a few of the erstwhile Stormtroopers and slips board the freighter just before it detaches from the Ithorian luxury liner. Vala sneaks around the ship and finds Governor Hez in a holding cell, and convinces the Governor to stay put for the time being. Vala disarms a 'pirate' and using the carbine he finds, assaults the rest of the ship. Because they were not expecting an attack from within, the disguised Stormtroopers are slow to react to the threat, but eventually block off the cockpit and create chokepoints around the ship, forcing Vala into a very dangerous and strategically limiting situation.

With only a few grenades he stole from a downed trooper and his carbine, Vala charges one of the chokepoints and manages to take it out, sustaining heavy wounds in the process. But the gamble pays off - the attack nets more grenades as well as a secure commlink by which he can now listen in on the Stormtroopers' conversations.

Accessing the ship computer (which the troopers had not secured), Vala studies the ship blueprints and learns of a maintenance access tunnel running from a cargo pod to a spot right underneath the cockpit. Though badly injured, Vala figures this to be his only way to take control of the ship, so he straps together his last three grenades and starts down the access corridor. It is a tight fit, and the trip from the cargo pod to his destination is longer than Vala had anticipated. vala forces his way through some sort of blockage near the cockpit and wriggles his way close enough to plant his jury-rigged explosive under the cockpit.

Blowing a large hole in the floor, Vala climbs into the cockpit and battles the four 'pirates' piloting the ship. Because it was already in hyperspace, there was no danger of losing control of the freighter. Vala, with the element of surprise, manages to take out the four crewmen in the cockpit, but was now faced with a few other problems. First, Vala has little in the way of starship piloting skills. As an Imperial Captain, Vala was assigned to walkers and ground troop support; his knowledge of space travel was confined to being a passenger, not piloting. Second, Vala had no clue where the freighter was heading, and no idea what might be there waiting for the captured Imperial Governor.

Sealing the cockpit hatch, Orega decided that his only other ally on board, Governor Hez, would need to make himself useful. Vala went back down the access tunnel (which the Stormtroopers still had not discovered) and found Hez still waiting in his holding cell. Freeing Hez, Orega handed him a procured carbine and instructed the retired warrior on the best tactics to use to take out the rest of the disguised Stormtroopers.

Together, Vala and Hez wipe out the other seven troopers on board, though now Vala was in critical condition due to the fighting. Though Gov. Hez did not have any medical skills, it turns out he was a pilot before he entered Imperial politics, and he takes control of the cockpit. Meanwhile, Vala finds the ship's medical supplies and does his best to repair himself. Governor Hez determines that the freighter is headed on a course to Kuat, home of the Imperial shipyards, and there would likely be a welcoming committee for the Governor there. On Vala's suggestion, Hez re-programs the astrogation computer and sets in a new course for Yavin, where he and Vala would meet with the Rebellion to discuss the Governor's plans to hand Kevol over to the Alliance.

The stolen 'pirate' freighter arrives in the Yavin system just as the Death Star looms near the gas giant, edging ever closer to the moon Yavin IV, location of the Rebel base. Neither Vala nor Gov. Hez have a clue as to the nature of the huge Imperial battle station, though it is obvious from general sensor scans that it is some kind of ship and it is broadcasting Imperial command codes. Another clue as to its purpose are the dozens of TIE Fighters emerging from the Death Star's landing bays.

Vala calls down to his contacts on Yavin IV in an attempt to get a handle on the situation, but the comm channels seem to have been jammed, most likely by the immense Imperial battle station. Hez steers the freighter well wide of both the Death Star and the TIE Fighter squadrons, taking a roundabout heading to the Rebel base. Just as they clear Yavin and get a visual on Yavin IV, Vala and Hez see several squadrons of fighters coming from the direction of the Rebel base - X-Wings no doubt.

Using secure Alliance codes, Orega contacts the closest X-Wing pilot to find out what's going on. The pilot, identifying himself as Red Five, explains that he and his fellow X-Wing pilots were to engage the Tie Fighters briefly and then head to the space station itself, in an attempt to destroy the Death Star before it detonates Yavin IV. Red Five advises Vala to take his ship away from the battle zone, as all non-combat vessels have been ordered to take a hyperspace route to Ord Radama, where the Rebellion plans to regroup in case things go badly.

Despite the pilot's admonition, Vala has Gov. Hez fly the freighter away, but only to get a better view of the battle. Hez programs in a course for Ord Radama while Vala watches the spectacular space battle between the TIE Fighters and the X-Wings. The Rebel pilots make a few passes at the Death Star, but there is no indication that the X-Wings are having any effect on the huge battle station. When Vala figures they only have seconds left before the Death Star is in position to destroy Yavin IV, Gov. Hez takes the freighter into hyperspace on a course for Ord Radama.

Vala and Gov. Hez arrive in the Ord Radama system to find many other similar vessels there, most of them bearing Alliance markings. Vala contacts the commanding Alliance officer of this ragtag fleet and explains his situation. When everything is discussed, Vala and Governor Hez transfer command of the disguised pirate freighter to a Rebel pilot and the two board an Alliance cruiser to await word from the forces at Yavin.

After a time, an old beat-up Corellian freighter drops out of hyperspace and contacts the Alliance commander. Shockingly, the Rebels managed to destroy the Death Star! They could now return to Yavin and regroup. Though the Death Star had been destroyed, the Empire now knew of the true location of the Rebel base on Yavin IV, and the Alliance would need to gather its forces and abandon Yavin for a new location.

Though a great battle had been won, the war was definitely not over, and perhaps was only beginning to intensify...

Voidrunner's Codex

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