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Star Wars: We Joined the Rebellion for This?!


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Cydarius backs into the shadows, doing his best to stay hidden as he waits for Kyra to show up. Noticing his companions set their weapons to stun, he smiled. His own primary weapon, a modified T-6 "Thunderer," didn't have a stun setting. The veteran soldier preferred to take his opponents down for good. He still has the diplomat's blaster he had picked up ages ago though, which served well in those situations that required the application of non-lethal force.

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A long fives minutes pass. Some locals also pass by, though only give you all cursory glances before moving on about their business, whatever it was that had them useing the tight alleys between the various buildings. Like most in Mos Eisley, they seemed intent of keeping out of other's business.

Finally, coming from the opposite direction and not at all from the tavern, Kyra appears. She wears the same simple clothes and jacket as before, and with the twin suns below the horizon, the chilling temperature begins to make the jacket seem more sensible beyond concealing a weapon or three. She walks with a rather calm, almost aloof pace before glancing to her side to where the group stands, then slips around a small barrier jutting out from the back of the tavern and says quietly, "Not even a blaster?" the human woman shakes her head but then just shrugs, "So this would normally be the part where you promise you can, in fact, pay. Then I nod and don't believe you but go about this anyway and we go back and forth for about an hour on that. Its been a long day, I'm not in the mood for that, so lets skip it for now...but don't think you're getting out of payment. Do you boys have a safe place to discuss business or is that part up to me, too?"

Dire Lemming

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Issachar is once again happy not to be the leader of the team. All he's really required to do is stay down and not get hit so that he can make sure the others stay alive. That doesn't include finding a permanent hideout. Though he's not sure what would make her think they had one when they'd just gotten into town. Well, unless the speeder counted. He shrugs and comments: "Good to see you again too."


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"Charming as always. Kyra, please lead the way. I believe it is customary for the local to determine safe meeting rooms when meeting with out-of-town business associates." Karr remarks pointedly.

A slight grin appears on Kyra's face and she nods, "You are smarter than you appear. Follow me...but don't get any ideas and keep those blasters away."

She then turns around gracefully, gives a careful look over her shoulder, and begins to lead the way in a very haphazard and winding path through the back alley's of Mos Eisley. After a few minutes, its obvious she's leading you in loops and circles to make sure you have no idea where you are, before finally arriving at another dark section of another alley that might not have been far from the tavern.

Kyra steps up to a door on one of the buildings, taps in a simple keycode that she makes sure to conceal from prying eyes, and then the door slides open with a hiss. The inside of the building is more like a storage building than a home or anything else. There are crates, storage cylinders, and even a couple speeder parts in the cramped building. A single light in the center of the room illuminates it all rather well, but shows that the only places to sit are on the crates or on the floor.

After everyone enters, Kyra follows, then makes sure the door is closed and taps in another code on the console, most likely sealing the door. She then turns around to face all of you again, her back to the door and, in a sense, blocking the only way in or out, and folds her arms across her chest, "This place is safe from prying eyes. Before this goes any further, however, you're going to tell me what, exactly, you want in that garrison. Then we'll discuss payment, and then, after that is finished, I will decide if you are worth helping."


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Cydarius remains quiet, deferring to Karr to negotiate with Kyra. The soldier merely leans back against a metal storage container, in a position that affords his a view of the entire area. Although he keeps his hand well away from the blaster at his hip, his ready stance leaves little doubt that he could have the weapon drawn in an instant.

Dire Lemming

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Issachar silently takes a seat on the floor and leans back against a crate. He sits there watching Kyra as he waits for their fearless leader to begin negotiations.


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Varren watches the human woman, slightly wary that the oly way in or out is currently being blocked, even by her. He leans up against the wall and crosses his arms against his chest.


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"We're looking for an Imperial officer, someone who is said to be a Rebel sympathizer. We're hoping to find information on our man inside the garrison. Our current information is a bit sketchy, so we need to find something better to go on."

Kyra seemed to take a few moments to go over this in her head, taking in the information and processing it. Her posture shifted just slightly then, her arms still crossed over her chest but, as far as any of you could tell, not on a blaster.

Then, in a critical voice, she said, "Most Rebel sympathizers don't survive long here. The detention cells aren't exactly friendly..." Kyra trailed off and looked at the ground while saying, "Information is more difficult to obtain than personnel, but its not impossible. It would be extremely dangerous, of course, so this won't come cheap...or easy. I would be putting a great deal at risk to do this, so I would have to have assurance of the fact that you won't screw this up. I need to know what you can provide in the way of skills and then we can see how much this will cost you...and if its even going to be possible."

Voidrunner's Codex

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