Paizo Starfinder & Pathfinder Pocket Editions

If you're looking for a good Christmas gift for a Paizo fan (or for yourself!) both Starfinder and Pathfinder 2E are available in Pocket Edition format. Both books (528 and 640 pages respectively) are softcover. The Starfinder book is $19.99 and the Pathfinder 2E book is $29.99. Sizewise, you'd need a fairly large pocket; they're about 6.5 inches by 8.5 inches, and fairly hefty. But they're...

If you're looking for a good Christmas gift for a Paizo fan (or for yourself!) both Starfinder and Pathfinder 2E are available in Pocket Edition format. Both books (528 and 640 pages respectively) are softcover. The Starfinder book is $19.99 and the Pathfinder 2E book is $29.99.

Sizewise, you'd need a fairly large pocket; they're about 6.5 inches by 8.5 inches, and fairly hefty. But they're still considerably easier to lug around (and cheaper than) the full-sized hardcover versions.


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I realize both books include quite a bit of the PHB & DMG, but I just don't want to buy games with that many pages these days. But for those that do these are an excellent value.

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