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Stargate: Atlantis 07/16/2004 (Untagged Spoilers)

Psychotic Dreamer

First Post
I was quite suprised there was not already a thread for this. I watched it twice last night and I an extremely happy with the show.

For me the highlights are the Puddlejumper, which is ugly, but extremely cool. I love the design of the new gate and Atlantis itself quite impressed me. Especially its rising and how it looked.

I am equally impressed by the cast. Major Sheppard while similar to O'Neill in someways felt different enough to me that I would not call him a rip off. McKay was great. Doctor Weir is interesting. I am already quite fond of Teyla. Doctor Beckett is funny as hell. Lt. Ford seems kind of goofy, but I liked that about him.

I found the Wraith to be wonderfully creepy and suitable unprepared for humans who can fight them.

I am quite eager to see where this show is going.

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Hand of Evil

I thought it started slow but am ready to see where it goes. The cast is not bad but I did not feel that they meshed.

The Wraith seemed to die just like most other creature, shoot them enough, I can only assume energy weapons don't hurt them. There were creepy.

Okay, my biggest fear: There is a freaking little kid in the show! Always a bad sign, I do not know if he will be in any other but it is a warning flag!


First Post
It was a good opening show, but still marred with all the inconsistencies that have become Stargate tradition. The cast and characters were suprisingly good for the brief glimpses we see of them. I didn't know most of the characters names by the end of the show as some were barely in it, let us hope they switch the focus to the core team in coming episodes. While the characters, so far, have not fulfilled my worst fear that they would be clones of SG-1, the aliens seemed very similar to the G'auld (or however you write it). Regenerative powers, subjugation of humans, both have some kind of power through their hands, ineffective technology. Maybe this will change as they flesh them out.


First Post
I just like how you cann travel to another Galaxy and find people people that speak perfect english. Stargate used to do alot with the alternate languages, and that was always really cool.

I don't see how the Wraths took out the Ancients if they are going to have trouble with Humans. I also felt that Wraths had a little too much in common with e Go'ould or how ever they are spelled. They have the same annoying ego, they have the power to wave the hand and send people backwards...okay, maybe not a lot like them but they didn't seem different enough.

It was an okay premier. From the end it really does look like they are going to form Stargate Teams and start exploring. Although I woulkd have thought that the senior most ranking officer would stay behind.

Green Knight

First Post
Well, since Dr. Weir is in overall command, that means that Sheppard can go gallavanting around the galaxy however he likes.

Anyway, I liked it. The one part I didn't like was Colonel Sumner getting killed. Robert Patrick's a good actor, so naturally I would've liked to have seen him return to the show. Then again, I would've preferred he be the lead in the show, but so much for that.

Incidentally, anybody wish Anubis were still alive? I mention it because I'd love to see how Anubis would react upon encountering the Wraiths. After all, had he beat the SGC to the Lost City, then it'd be him going up against the Wraiths, not Weir and Co. Then again, I've always been a big fan of seeing bad guys go up against one another.


First Post
I watched some of Stargate SG-1 a few years ago. Good series, but I never found the time to watch it to get caught up. I liked Atlantis and will try to catch this one every week. I thought Robert Patrick would stick around for the series. Its too bad he died because it would have been that much better.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Sarigar said:
I thought Robert Patrick would stick around for the series. Its too bad he died because it would have been that much better.

huh, I may be the only one who's GLAD he died. I would have found him annoying to have around long term. His entire character concept just grated on me badly, and I was half expecting him to stage a military coup against Weir if he hung around much longer. :confused:

I didn't find the Wraiths too Go'aould like myself, and I think they'll be an ok villain. I wouldn't worry too much about humans fighting the destroyers of the Ancients either - they have been top species for a very long time and could be easily expected to grow complacent and have much of their fighting prowress (as opposed to terrorising and harvesting prowress) atrophy. We see it enough with "good" races, why not a baddy?

I disliked the "of course we all speak english" thing, but its a convention of TV sci fi that we just have to learn to live with. In some ways its better for me to have a show that just gives in and has everyone speak english, rather than a contrived solution in the first episode that works pretty much as everyone speaking english after that. (Star Trek for instance supposedly has the universal translator (cheesy enough) but effectively they speak the same language as whoever they are talking to with no accent, voice over effect or suspicion.)

Kahuna Burger


First Post
For the most part I liked it, although I agree it did start really slow.

I was really glad they didn't take the route I thought they would and have them abandon Atlantis for that outpost... I really like the design of the place.

What I don't like is the convenient "iris", and I wasn't a big fan of the new stargate look, or the effect when they travelled to Atlantis. The glowing "runes", really patterns of dots bugged me. I definitely missed the presence of Daniel, or any sort of social scientist.

Also, I'm not sold on the Wraiths at all. The Gould were much more intimidating IMO, simply because they really did abuse Humans in almost every way possible, even forcing them to be hosts. What do the Wraiths do but randomly attack and eat them? Not much incentive for good hatred.

What I did like was Weir. I liked the outpost design a lot. The stargate in space was very cool, as was the Puddle Jumper. I really liked the sort of multi-national feel that they gave it. Overall I place this a bit above where SG-1 started off, with similar potential in characterization.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Dunno I thought the Wraith they encountered were kind of like meeting the descendents of a more powerful race. I also think when the Wraith DO get their ire up, they'll make the Gou'ald looks tame by comparasion. But that's my view.

Overall I liked the show, the new sets, and yeah the puddle jumper is one cool ship even if it's designed oddly.

Also I wasn't as suprised as everyone that the city DIDN'T sink. (Not just because that would have ruined the show.) But the fact is if you're a race of powerful beings would you REALLY let a city like that break apart IF the power runs out? No you'd have a back up plan.

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