D&D 5E Starter set being shipped early in Canada

Damn it, Chapters! The only reason I DIDN'T order from you is because I was hoping to pick it up ahead of the general release date (at the cost of paying the full MSRP to an LGS).

...You gonna do this with the PH as well? Might have to give you my business.

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Might have been just the early pre-orders that accidentally got sent out early. I ordered it early this morning and confirmation email says July 19 expected delivery day.


Wow. I totally forgot about Chapters/Indigo. And it seems they are matching prices with Amazon.ca (with a Plum membership, free AFAICT). I knew I remembered getting my 4e books early somewhere. I think I will switch my pre-orders.


Might have been just the early pre-orders that accidentally got sent out early. I ordered it early this morning and confirmation email says July 19 expected delivery day.

Yeah... with 4e, Indigo shipped 3 days earlier than my Amazon pre-order. I can't remember why I ordered 2 sets, but apparently I did. One must have been for my brother.


Speaking as a Canadian Retailer: Curse you, Chapters! It's hard enough to compete with Big Box Online prices. At least give us our DATE.

(Besides, I want MINE early. Not gonna get it until Thursday!)

Black sneak

First Post
Without clicking the link "I want it all"?

And I'll race you to see who gets the Starter Set last, MerricB, no one in NZ is selling it (that I can find) so it is Amazon for me!

Baydragon have it listed, and
Vagabond said they were getting it, but Hasbro are a bit slow shipping to NZ so it might not arrive until August :(


Without clicking the link "I want it all"?

And I'll race you to see who gets the Starter Set last, MerricB, no one in NZ is selling it (that I can find) so it is Amazon for me!
Mighty Ape have it listed to release on July 15. If you were lucky you might even be able to pick it up from Albany on the day.

Voidrunner's Codex

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