D&D 5E Starting to Hate Hexblades


And never even seen one in action.

One of my players said he might have a new recruit. Ok cool level 9 good aligned Drow campaign pick something appropriate.

So this potential new player wants to roll stats. We just stopped doing that die to out of control powergamer who left and turns out they were ultra toxic. Kicked out of and banned from virtually every group including Warhammer.

Potential new player had 3 ideas.

Multiclass Ranger/Monk
Multiclass paladin/sorcerer/warlock/bard
Multiclass Bard/Warlock/Paladin

I played every individual class but pointed out one of my rules is don't deliberately build a bad character.

The hexblade of course was just a dip. Just like the last player where I okayed the hexblade but not the multiclass.

This player seemed to want to quicken fireballs with these multiclass builds because by level 20 they will have level 7 spell slots........

Kinda explained the game isn't going to level 20 plan was level 12 but probably wrap it up soon at lvl 10/11.

Player promptly didn't want to play anymore said I took the fun out of it. Fair enough. To me is just a disconnect between expectations.

Tried helping him out with suggested builds eg Paladin6/Hexblade3 or 8/1 or a Sorlock. Being new I suggested to also keep it simple MCing can bite you in the ass. I have a cleric8/sorc1 and Rogue8/fighter1.

So two back to back players basically wanting to abuse the Hexblade (one had 20 charisma, the other wanted to roll to see what they get).

And the whole Drow thing. Party full of Elistraee's faith and they also wanted a fiendpack Tiefling. Didn't seem keen on the no pvp rule. Last player wanted to follow Lolth in said party....

So not sure if they were just new or potential powergamer with unrealistic expectations (by level 20). Out of the various local groups afaik I'm the only one running at level 9. The other groups tend to fall apart or run shorter games with 4 games vs my 2.

Anyway just a rant.
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Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
I guess this is why the half-casters in the various editions always seem to be clerical or druidical? Fighter/magic-user is just too powerful a build, from the BECMI D&D elf to the modern hexblade problems you mention.

One of the things that always got me about powergaming, though...if half of these things were real, people really would be exploiting the wazoo out of them. Wizards would haste armies, flaming spheres would be cast into the enemy's granary, lords would send clerics to cast contagion on the enemy's troops...

Don't hate the player, hate the game. ;)


I prefer to hate a) the multiclass rules and b) the ability score system that uses MAD as a balancing factor.

Hexblade dipping is driven by b) and enabled by a). The hexblade itself is fine.

Yeah the next time someone wants to play a single classes hexblade it will be the first.

I kind of look at the hexblade as a band aid to the failed gish concepts in the PHB.

Bacon Bits

I prefer to hate a) the multiclass rules and b) the ability score system that uses MAD as a balancing factor.

Hexblade dipping is driven by b) and enabled by a). The hexblade itself is fine.
I am so done with a la carte multiclassing and the homogenization that collective system mastery has brought. If I never see another Charisma based multiclassed character, it will be too soon.


Patron Badass
I've done single-class hexblade and my opinion:

They're alright. Certainly scratched the itch of arcane gish where bards and wizards felt too magical and Tricksters and EK felt too martial. They aren't particularly show stopping any more than a base warlock is but they keep pace with most other characters, including other martials, just fine. Its a good role to take up if you really want a "martial with options" but okay with your options being magical. Of course, you lean on your curse damage mostly, though.


I’ve been trying out a Goliath Hexblade in the Frostmaiden campaign. Only about 3rd level, but so far, haven’t been much impressed with the class, my NPC follower, a Goliath scout is doing far better than I am.

Unfortunately, the game is on hold, so I haven’t gotten to see if the class gets better. Certainly seems less impressive so far than a typical warlock with Eldritch blast.


I've done single-class hexblade and my opinion:

They're alright. Certainly scratched the itch of arcane gish where bards and wizards felt too magical and Tricksters and EK felt too martial. They aren't particularly show stopping any more than a base warlock is but they keep pace with most other characters, including other martials, just fine. Its a good role to take up if you really want a "martial with options" but okay with your options being magical. Of course, you lean on your curse damage mostly, though.
Yup, I also have played single-classed hexblade. It does what it says on the tin.

(Which, in my book, is high praise for an RPG class. I've seen far too many classes promise experiences they don't deliver, though it's less of a problem in 5E.)

Yeah the next time someone wants to play a single classes hexblade it will be the first.

I kind of look at the hexblade as a band aid to the failed gish concepts in the PHB.
That's my next character.

Although my most recently retired was a bard/pally/hexblade/sorc, which is not optimized for anything but goofiness.

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