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Stat yourself... Off topic?? dunno.


First Post
STR: 13
DEX: 12
CON: 9
INT: 18
WIS: 17
CHA: 14

More average than handsome, but I get a lot of attention, even when I don't want it. I seem to make better choices than most my friends, who keep telling me not to use big words when little ones work better. I can't run worth crap and have some health problems. Light on my feet. Uhh, I'm somewhat strong and can carry my own body like a sack of potatos.

Just give me the run and great fortitude feats; there's me.

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Str: 12
Upper body alone isn't so great, but I have well-above average lower body strength. although missing out on capoeira the last year and a half due to college getting harder has probably gimped that temporarily.

Dex: 14
I am somewhat clumsy, and not amazingly flexible. But, I have great hand-eye coordination, generally win iniative checks, and have always been good at dodging things. (I couldn't throw hard at all, yet I always stayed in till the end in dodgeball). Also, I have noticed that I tend to only fail reflex saves 5% of the time...

Con: 15
See, I think I have good con, but poor base fort. save. I am very prone to getting sick, and have horribly debilitating allergies, currently in full effect, but at the same time, I've never let that stuff stop me. I always had near-perfect attendence in school. One time, I was really sick for a whole week, came to school every day. The teacher pointed out that students in the class were absent in a perfect circular radius around me. Also, every single student who sat in my desk in other periods was out sick. ^_^

Int 17
Never took an IQ test, that's just a rough estimate from my GPA and my head for math and tactics.

Wis 16
What can I say, I know I am a fool, and therefore I am wise. I really do seem to have an excessive amount of common sense, though. It's amazing how many times I notice simple things that seem obvious to me, but everyone else is oblivious to. Also, I enjoy philosophy.

Cha 8
I used to think it was 6, but compared to someone I recently gamed with, I realized I clearly wasn't that bad!

First, good points: 1) I have maintained a steady long-term relationship (almost 3 years now, and on my first try, woo!). 2) For some reason that boggles my mind, everyone always remembers me, even people I'm certain I've never met. Seriously, on almost a daily basis, I encounter someone I consider a stranger that seems to be acquainted with me. I was bar-none, the most "famous" person in high school, even though I was anti-social and tried my hardest to avoid the public eye. My sister tried to fit in and always got angry at me for this, despite the fact that it annoyed me too.

Bad Points: 1) I literally despise being around other people. A big enough crowd will make me feel ill. 2.) heavily introverted. 3.) I noticed that in attempting to make friends at various points in my life, I actually tended to make more enemies than friends! Hence, I eventually stopped trying. 4.) Two of my three best friends at different points in my life became my enemies, and in the first case, a guy who bullied me for the next 12 years. 5.) I have no tact or manners. I honestly don't know when I'm offending someone. 6.) I tend to ramble on for excrutiatingly long periods of time. Is it fairly noticeable? ^_^


First Post
Str 14

I'm fairly strong for my size (5'8", 150 lbs), and I can average between 15-20 pull-ups straight before tiring. In the Marines I average (pre-injuries) a 7 minute mile, 20-25 pull-ups, and 120 sit-ups (60 is max), and in college I could squat around 280 lbs (I'm only a few years out of college). Still, some days I wish I was 6'4", 200 lbs of solid muscle with a 20 in Str...but who doesn't, right? I'm getting scrawny from inactivity, though, so I need to hit the weights more.

Dex 15

14 years of martial arts, a few years of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, yoga, capoeira, and boxing/kickboxing. My Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu game is all about flexibility and my boxing game is all about evasion. I'm getting lazy as I get older, though, so I might see this attribute drop in the next few years.

Con 6

I have good cardio, but I get sick easily. REALLY easily. In fact, it seems like I'm always fighting a cold of some sort. I also have reoccurring illnesses that are incurable, injuries that can't heal fully, and I'm what you'd call a "Bleeder" in martial arts...a solid shot to my face and something will bleed. I also can't hold my liquor at all...two drinks and I'm not good to drive, three and I'm ill.

Int 14

IQ tests for me range between 130 and 150...so I'll round it out at 140. I pick up things quick, I think fast...but I'm no savant. Some topics are simply beyond my reach (advanced chemistry), while others I pick up on right away (accounting). Overall, though, I've never struggled with academics but I'm not a genius either.

Wis 16

I'm very calm, level-headed, and analytical. I don't stress about stupid things, and I am usually very good about keeping perspective. I enjoy tests of discipline (I'm vegan, I water fast three days each month, I meditate regularly, etc...), and philosophy/religion fascinate me. I've stayed for extended periods at Buddhist monasteries, and I've had marathon meditation sessions for over 2 hours. Still, compared to some mentors I've had, I have a LONG way to go in this attribute.

Cha 14

I don't think I'm particularly attractive, but I'm very confident socially and tend to make friends easily. I've been very fortunate in the dating game, with little to no downtown between girlfriends (I don't "settle", either), and I truly scored with my wife (who is GORGEOUS). My occupation involves a LOT of group presentations, with a lot of public speaking and instruction. I also jump in and out of teaching for non-profit, which is ALL about Charisma.


Overall, it looks like I'd make a good ranged Monk or Swordsage. As long as I stay away from the front lines, my subpar Constitution won't be an issue :p


First Post

People Like Me - They Really Like Me!
My Con and Dex were higher but I'm getting fat and older.

I would want to be a wizard but I guess I wouldbe a good bard!

Str 9 - Just your average Joe Shmoe (guess this was my dump stat)
Dex 14 - I may be portly but I have a dexterity that belies my size (ask my friends)
Con 11 - Have been under the weather a lot lately, but nothing debilitating
Int 19 - IQ divded by 10 rule - 187 - 18.7 rounded up
Wis 14 - I have studied great volumes of religion and frankly it all comes down to coming in out of the rain
Cha 17 - Yes I look like a hobbit, however, I can charm the ladies, lead the men and scare the children with relative ease; besides I'm an entertainer, what else would I buff?

Ranks in:
Dodge (the truth); Dodge (responsibility); Knowledge (usesless trivia); Knowledge (audio systems); Knowledge (music); Perform (cartoon and silly voice mimicry); Perform (singing); Perform (percussion); Craft (song); Craft (storylines D&D); Craft (elcetronic components); Hide from the World; Profession (personnel clerk); Profession (electronic spy); Profession (student); Profession (musician); Profession (music producer)

Str: 11 - I've got a surprising amount of muscle hidden under the flab but it's offset by a blown disc. Last time I tried I could bench press about 250 but I'm not really supposed to pick up more than 75lbs.

Dex: 10 - Average. Goes up to 14 when drunk. No, seriously, I get hyper. My reaction times decrease while drunk, balance improves, and accuracy goes up. Totally weirded out that professor in college. I'm a freak.

Con: 14 - I haven't been sick in about 6 years, never broke a bone, and I heal quickly (excluding the spine damage). Oh and I'm highly resistant to drugs. I stopped taking the vicodin 3 days after my spine surgery because it did nothing for me. See the statement above about alchohol.

Int: 18 - I was a National Merit Scholar, according to standardized tests in high school was in the top percentile of the 99th percentile but more importantly, I passed Differential Equations. (Like the alienist, my mind is forever warped with the exposure to such foreign concepts.)

Wis: 14 - I've got a decent amount of willpower, am fairly perceptive (as long as I have my glasses/contacts), can usually guess the endings of most movies (including M. Night Shamalamadingdong's), and I was a manager for an ISP helpdesk; I don't panic under stress.

Cha: 14 - I've got a lot of friends and in groups am a social buffer. I also DM a lot. I managed a department of ~35 geeks without any real issues for about 2 years.

Classes: Expert:6/Warrior:1 (I have IT skills, am a civil engineer/hydraulic modeler, have management experience, and back in college did combat fencing with a bit of tae kwon do)

The Lost Muse

First Post
Strength - 13; I work a job that requires some, but not tons of lifting.
Dexterity - 9; Slightly clumsy, but not so bad that I hurt myself frequently.
Constitution - 14; Hardly ever sick, can work long hours with no food or water
Intelligence - 15; Above average intelligence, I just apply it to gaming instead of more important matters.
Wisdom* - 9; Not always the brightest crayon in the box... ;)
Charisma - 10;I'm dead sexy... :p

* I have Iron Will, at least once or twice...


First Post
kigmatzomat said:
Int: 18 - I was a National Merit Scholar, according to standardized tests in high school was in the top percentile of the 99th percentile but more importantly, I passed Differential Equations. (Like the alienist, my mind is forever warped with the exposure to such foreign concepts.)

I got an A in DiffEQ and only showed up for about 1/4 of the classes. I taught myself from the book. Pwnt!

Aside from that... why won't this thread stay dead?

Time to bust out the cricket bat.


Wait, why do my stats just say "Computer Use +12, Knowledge (Minuta) +9, Will +6"? Does this mean I'm just an NPC that's automatically put at -1 by any damage in combat? This sucks!


First Post
For my stats, I'd probably go with the following:

STR: 10 - I'm about average here. If I worked out or something, I could be much better, as I come from good stock, but I'm the average everyday computer programmer.

DEX: 11 - I'm slightly above average, but not enough to warrant a bonus.

CON: 12 - I may have high blood pressure and be overweight, but I do have stamina. Only enough to warrant a small bonus, but it's there.

INT: 15 - Arguably my best stat, I used the IQ/10 method to get this one, as my IQ has been rated at approximately 154. I have friends that are easily 20-40 points smarter, and although they believe that I am on their level, I am self-aware enough to know that I am not.

WIS: 14 - If you look at my childhood and early adult years, this would be lower, but I feel that I've been spending my stat boosts on Wisdom. At least, I'm not making as many stupid decisions as I used to, and am trying to learn from my past.

CHA: 14 - While I've had friends describe me as having a 16-18 in this stat, I know that scores like that are too high. However, I do make friends easily, and generally have good reactions with people I've just met in person, so I'm okay with suggesting 14 here.

As for classes, if we assume that for every year that has passed since you turned 18, you have gained 1000xp, then I am currently 6th level, and am less than a year from hitting 7th level.

Under D&D terms, I would approximate my diverse skills and interests by using the Expert class, and represent my years of soft weapon training as one level of Warrior, so I would be an Expert 5/ Warrior 1. I am neither an aristocrat nor a commoner, and as much as I would love to be an adept, I haven't mastered even a cantrip. My current alignment would be Neutral Good.

Since we are in a modern age, if I were to use D20 Modern, I would have to say that my first three levels were in Smart Hero, followed by three levels in Dedicated Hero, or maybe that should be Smart 4/Dedicated 2. I'd have to think about it more. My current allegiances are, in order, Family, Faith and Friends.

With Regards,

Voidrunner's Codex

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