Steve Jackson Games Announces 2024 Release Schedule

The Fantasy Trip and Choose Cthulhu getting new releases plus Munchkin Shadowrun and Age of Sigmar

Steve Jackson Games announced their 2024 product release schedule. Meredith Placko, the new CEO fo Steve Jackson Games, posted a list of upcoming releases and crowdfunding campaigns expected in the upcoming year. Several new RPG releases are here among the Munchkin expansions, Car Wars sourcebooks, and new miniatures for OGRE.


Starting in February, The Fantasy Trip Bestiary is scheduled for release along with a Kickstarter launching for Munchkin Shadowrun which has an expected July 2024 release.

May will see a Kickstarter for an untitled collection of one-page RPGs with an estimated August 2024 release.

July will have the release of another tie-in Munchkin: Age of Sigmar: Dire Domains along with a Kickstarter for Foes 3, the third entry in the line of 3D printable fantasy miniatures.

August has a scheduled Kickstarter for Choose Cthulhu Books 7-10, expanding the offering of choose-your-own-adventure style books covering the classic works of H.P. Lovecraft.

There will also be two Kickstarters for Hexagram, the magazine for The Fantasy Trip with #12 in January for a March release, #13 in June for an August release, and #14 in December for a February 2025 release.

Throughout the year, the company looks to expand on their PDF offerings of classic GURPS books with digital re-releases of Template Toolkit: Spirits in February, Infinite Worlds: Atlantropa in April, Meta-Tech in June, Fantasy Folk: The Reptilian Races in August, Monster Hunters Adventure: The Face of Fire in October, and Loadouts: Starship Crew in December.

The release also mentions “semi-secret projects in the works” and one title in November is listed simply as [Redacted]. Meredith Placko said in the update “One is so secret that if I say any more, I'll be [REDACTED]. And just wait for our all-new as-yet-to-be-titled RPG project!” Knowing Steve Jackson Games’s love of exploring conspiracy theories in games, that may very well be the title.

Placko also was sure to point out that “dates are always subject to change based on manufacturing and shipping issues”.

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Darryl Mott

Darryl Mott

The Soloist

I didn't know there was a 6th edition of Car Wars.
I played it three weeks ago. You create the cars using cards for systems, weapons and armor. The cards are placed around a dashboard that keeps track of speed, tire damage and handling. The race track is made of interlocking cardboard squares. Minis are great. It uses icon dice for shooting and maneuvering tests.

It's a clever design. Easier to put on the table for a casual game. I would play it again. Very streamlined when compared to the older versions.

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If I recall correctly from the electronically based briefing that Friend computer sent earlier, any speculation on the [redacted] project is above my security clearance... Time to kick in some appropriately colour-code doors... :)
Munchkin Paranoia was announced back in August, so if that's the [Redacted] project, the leaks have started, and they're coming from inside the (SJG) house!

If that is the [Redacted] project, I am clearly a commie mutant traitor for re-revealing it.

Can't wait to see what the new RPG project is.


A GURPS 4E bestiary would be great. We've got various creatures scattered in different books but gathering all these together and adding to it would be lovely! I have a special place in my heart for bestiaries so I might have to get that Fantasy Trip one..

A GURPS 4E bestiary would be great. We've got various creatures scattered in different books but gathering all these together and adding to it would be lovely! I have a special place in my heart for bestiaries so I might have to get that Fantasy Trip one..
I presume you know about the massive bestiary (with supplements) published by Gaming Ballistic? I consider it to be the long awaited "Monster Manual" for GURPS DF. This has been, by far, the most popular book at the GURPS DF summer camp that I run for middle- and high-schoolers.

Nordlondr Ovinabokin: Bestiary and Enemies Book

With three excellent supplements:

The Bugstiary

Garden of Evil

Serpents of Legend

Von Ether

I played it three weeks ago. You create the cars using cards for systems, weapons and armor. The cards are placed around a dashboard that keeps track of speed, tire damage and handling. The race track is made of interlocking cardboard squares. Minis are great. It uses icon dice for shooting and maneuvering tests.

It's a clever design. Easier to put on the table for a casual game. I would play it again. Very streamlined when compared to the older versions.
Yep, you no longer need a speed/phase chart that is as long as the map. It's fun and there are some pre-constructed car so you play out of the box.

Perhaps the "killer app" of the game is the base a car sits on. Most of the base is raised so you can fit your turn template under the car. Once you get the knack of using it, the simple shape becomes very versatile.


Car Wars 6th is great. Also most of the classic stuff was reprinted a few years back if you wanted to get into the lore.

I love most Steve Jackson games stuff, I'm kind of over Kickstarter though. I wish I got ads when kickstarted stuff was retail available rather then when a kickstarter was about to launch.

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