Stink in Ship's Towers

Knight Otu

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ajanders said:
Kenn unscrews a vial cautiously and looks inside.
At least we're in a house of healing if this explodes...
(And thus Sharn became the center of the second Mourning. :p)

Inside is an oily substance.

[sblock=Knowledge (Nature) or Heal DC 12]This substance is oil of taggit, a somewhat slow ingested poison that can induce unconciousness.
Oil of taggit; Ingested DC 15; No initial damage; Secondary damage unconsciousness; 90 gp

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(Kenn has neither of these skills, so he's lost)
Kenn closes the vials up carefully and puts them away.
"Doesn't smell like alcohol, doesn't look like water. I don't think I want to drink it."

He stands up.
"Let's go shopping."

Drowned Hero

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ajanders said:
"Kuther, do you want the dagger? And what's next? I guess I missed a few things being dead."

'Yes thanks nice dagger' 'maybe i actually get to hurt someone with it' nods to Kenn as he proposes to go shopping


Veyk has a few things on his shopping list.

" I am looking for a suit of chainmail and a large wooden shield, and a longsword of exceptional quality, " he says, to no one in particular. " I would also like to purchase a cloak that changes colour on my command. Oh, and a moneychanger, too. Coins do tend to be rather heavy... "


Kenn raises his eyebrow.

"You can buy moneychangers here?"

He, for his part, would like to get the rapier identified: to do this he's willing to sell the chain mail.
After that, he will see, but something is stirring in the back of his mind....being near death seems to have unlocked something.


" My mistake, my dear countryman. I must have been thinking of that time I was visiting the Lhesh Haruuc in Darguun with the ambassador, and I witnessed a peculiar auction of moneycounting slaves. The prices were really quite high. However, perhaps I just had a slip of the tongue. "

Knight Otu

First Post
(I assume you mean selling the masterwork chain shirt?)

Veyk finds that his planned purchases will add up to 972 galifars - 157 for the armor and shield, 315 for the sword, and 500 for the shiftweave (is what you are referring to, from the Sharn book? I can't recall anything else off-hand). Kenn, pointed to a magewright, can identify the rapier for 110 galifar (and earlier, if so desired, sell the chain shirt for 125 gold pieces). He could also ask to identify the remaining potion or the oil for 1 gold each.

[sblock=Identify the rapier]The rapier is a +1 rapier.[/sblock]


(Actually, I was thinking of a unique item, a weak magical cloak that does exactly what I said, change colours. The prestidigitation cantrip can change the colour of things, so its based on a pretty darn weak effect. I suppose that how you would price it depends on whether you define the effect having a colour changing cloak has on trying to pick someone out in a crowd, based on what they are wearing. You know, round a corner, then blend into a crowd and change the colour of your cloak (in addition to changing appearance) sort of thing, mostly to foil people who they're dealing with a changeling. I think it would be a little stronger than the darkweave and glammerweave, but it is a far stretch from shiftweave. If I can get that for around 200 galifars, I'll take. Also, I'll be selling my studded leather and morningstar now that I have their replacements.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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