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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The descent into the cavern is as long as it was before, but immediately the group senses something different... there is another light source down here. From the looks, it is likely in front of the shard-stone, but it would be hidden from immediate view from the ladder.

At the bottom of the stairs, Jarrith quietly hushes the group. Whoever it is is not being quiet, in fact, them seem to be talking to themselves. Muttering or mumbling. It cannot be made out with the echos.

Another thing becomes clear once the group is down: All the unnatural vegetation has died off. Its pungent stink almost makes one gag. With the Green Lady's death, her twisted garden has perished with her.

Expecting no trouble from the plants, Jarrith stalks ahead while the others follow quietly behind. What the Flamist finds surprises him: One of the caravan members, pacing back and forth in front of the stone. He's having an animated argument with himself about something. It takes Jarrith a moment, but he think he recognizes him as Avron, one of Mateusz's assistants. Other than that, he knows little about the man.[sblock=Tessa]You are familiar with Avron. Brilliant, and well versed in lore. However, ever since coming to the valley, he's cracked. You've haven't spent much time with him since coming, but at a glance you can tell something inside him must of broken.[/sblock][sblock=Evo]You're up! Avron suspected the group would be returning here after doing some additional research on St. Ecaterina. He is almost certain that some relic of her's must be buried here and that the group would be coming, but he's been trying to bring up the nerve to dig it up.[/sblock]

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First Post

Avron paces back and forth in front of the stone, he is thinking aloud, "Should be back anytime plants are dead to dig or not to dig I need to dig." He stops speaking to scratch at his right forearm. He giggles to himself, before starting again. "Should I wait for them to come or just dig now maybe I'll start to dig now." Avron drops to his knees where he is and begins clawing at the ground. Small cuts appear on his hands, which are not used to hard labor. He looks up from his digging, down the hallway from which he came, chews on his lower lip, and begins digging again.


First Post
Tessa looked warily at the man for a moment, but that was all it took. She had seen people driven mad before, both during the war and since- and what the expedition had encountered here was certainly more than enough to crack even the strongest mind. "He's one of the scholars- Avron, one of Mateusz's assistants," she whispered. "And at a guess, I'd say he has gone mad..." Then she glanced around the group once more and stepped forward, allowing the lantern she carried to shine its light into the cavern.

"Avron, what are you doing here?," she called out, trying to keep her voice reasoanble and soothing. "Have you found something? Did Mateusz send you to look for us?"


First Post
Marot the Deadly

At Tessa's words, Marot readied himself for hostilities -- this land has shown numerous times the ability to drive people mad -- and the fact that a lone caravan member is underground, digging in the tainted dirt set off a whole orchestra of warning bells in his head.

His right hand begins to pulsate with whisps of eldritch energy as he watches the man's response.


Jarrith's eyes narrow as he sees the caravan member pacing back and forth, but when Tessa begins speaking to the gentleman, he eases up a little bit. Leaving the two to talk, the Stalker moves forward towards the stone and the circle himself. So much for getting our work done before Ochem tries to get the tome from us... he thinks to himself.

Sir Khensu strides forward to join Tessa in gently dealing with the slightly crazed archivist, as he himself knows firsthand how easy it is to lose your grip on yourself in this land. "Good day to you, sir. By Tessa's word, we welcome you. Please believe we are all friends here. You can talk to her openly, we mean no harm."


First Post
Marot the Irritated

"Bah." Marot exclaimed.

"All we need is another nutcase to deal with in this land -- and from the damn caravan to boot."

Marot had grown tired of the caravan in the days of late -- they were only interested in getting the tome and leaving this place -- with no concern of the people who they left behind in grave danger.

"Now they think we are not getting results fast enough and send one of their own to speed things up?"

"The man is there digging in the soil with his own hands, for the Flame's sake!"

He shakes his head and steers clear of the man.


First Post

Avron looks up at the group's approach. He speaks to the woman that addressed him first. He had heard them speaking down the hallway. "I would prefer you call me insane. Calling me mad makes me sound angry and unpleasant." Just as quickly the wit and intelligence disappear again.

"Come come It's buried help me dig." He rocks back on his heels humming a haunting tune and scratches at the dirt with his bare hands once more.

"I came here on my own. Even if I supposed to die here, I'll do my damnest to live as long as possible." He laughs aloud, scratches his forearm and looks blankly past the group, a maniacal grin on his face.

OOC: Sorry about the delay this is the third time I've tried to post in the last three days.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The ground is softer beneath the Khyber-stone, though hands will not be strong enough to dig into it (as is readily apparent from the wounds on Avron's hands).


First Post
Avron looks up at the group's approach. He speaks to the woman that addressed him first. He had heard them speaking down the hallway. "I would prefer you call me insane. Calling me mad makes me sound angry and unpleasant." Just as quickly the wit and intelligence disappear again.

"Come come It's buried help me dig." He rocks back on his heels humming a haunting tune and scratches at the dirt with his bare hands once more.

"I came here on my own. Even if I supposed to die here, I'll do my damnest to live as long as possible." He laughs aloud, scratches his forearm and looks blankly past the group, a maniacal grin on his face.

"It appears as if you have adapted well to this land- insanity seems really quite common here," Tessa replied dryly. "And if you run into the same sort of things we've been seeing, the 'angry and unpleasant' ought to come out soon enough. But if you've come on your own, we'll welcome any help you bring us. Now let us let some of these sturdy folk get to the digging- tell us how you knew to come here, what knowledge you've found." she paused, considering things. "And I don't suppose you saw a strange fellow on the road, on your way here- rather pale and bloodthirsty, the sort who ought not be out in the sunlight..."

"I don't suppose anyone thought to bring a shovel. Maybe we can use knives or something- anything ought to be better than bare hands..."

Voidrunner's Codex

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