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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ashlyn's sense detect no undead beyond the well crafted wooden frame, and a quick check by Jarrith indicates the absence of evil as well. A quick listen by the Stalker indicates the sound of ... fire?

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"I hear the sound of... fire?" Jarrith says, as he begins walking into the room. He gives the table a cursory glance, but does not waste much time on it. Who knows why kind of allergen or disease might be infesting that cake right now? Instead, he advances on the door to the north.

"Fire, my brother? How large? I am pretty sure we did not let the pyre downstairs continue to burn, so I would not think the castle itself is burning..." Sir Khensu moves forward to join the Stalker at the north door, prepared to act upon the door's opening.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Staying far away from the rotting cake, the group gathers by the northern wooden door. Shrugging, Jarrith throws it open.

A blazing hearth fire fills this room with rolling waves of red and amber light. The walls are lined with ancient books and tomes, their leather covers well oiled and preserved. The stone floor is mostly hidden beneath a luxurious rug of a deep-patterned weave. A large, low table sits int he center of the room, waxed and polished to a mirror shine. Large, overstuffed divans and couches are arrayed around the room, with two luxurious chairs facing the hearth.

But that is not the room's most striking feature.

That would be the painting.

A huge painting in a heavy, gilded frame hangs over the mantlepiece, illuminated by the dancing fire. What does it depict? A woman who is the exact likeness of the Burgomaster's daughter, she stares in shock at the image.


[OOC: There are three additional exits to the room: Double doors to the west, and doors in the northwest and northeast.]


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Marot the Benefactor of the Arts

"Well, well, well, isn't the choice of artwork quite interesting." Marot says as he begins to stare at Ireena.

"I do not recall you mentioning your burgeoning modelling career, if my memory serves me right."

His look of comical intrigue drains from his face as his brow furrows.

"What say you tell us the whole truth about such things now? I find it incredibly odd to find a picture of you hanging over a blazing fire in such a place -- how would you explain this?"


As he waits for an answer, he turns quickly to Ashlyn,"Is this enough books to qualify as a library?"

"Since our benefactor has kept the home fires burning -- during the day, even, I'm assuming that Lord Sergei frequents this place."

He looks the room over, casting his otherworldly sight at the contents, looking for any of the tell-tale auras.

OOC: Scan the room for any magical aura's


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Marot's magical gaze turns up nothing; there are no immediate magical auras in the room.

Ireena shakes her head at the warlock's accusations. That is not me. The clothes... I never... She does not have to continue. The garb is that of another age, more severe, or perhaps ancient, than that of modern Barovian garb (which is itself behind that of main Khorvaire). While this woman is Ireena in looks, it cannot be Ireena in person.

Can it?


First Post
As she enters the room, Ashlyn's attention is immediately taken by the portrait on the wall which she stares at for a moment before turning her head to look at Irena. She is silent for a moment before she comments in a soft voice, "Quite a coincidence, Irena, the painting, the wedding cake in the previous room ... all of a sudden I find myself trusting the young lord even less"

s@squ@tch said:
As he waits for an answer, he turns quickly to Ashlyn,"Is this enough books to qualify as a library?"
Ashlyn then turns towards Marot and in response to his question she replies, "I should say so. At least it is worth checking."

And Ashlyn quickly follows word with action as she begins to check the books on the shelves. As she moves towards the shelves to begin her search she questions absently to Jarrith, Khensu and Marot, "... 'The Tome of Strahd', right?"

[Search (take 20): 1d20+2=22]


"Aye, M'Lady... the Tome of Strahd." Khensu replies. He walks into the room and takes a long look at the walls of books... almost as if just by staring he'll be able to see the Tome pop out at him. (Search check Take 20)

Jarrith moves into the room as well, and his eyes are locked on the portrait. "So this isn't you, Ireena? Sure looks it though." He looks over at the Burgomaster's daughter and purses his lips. He has a truth he's learned, but is unaware whether he should bring it up. Finally, he decides that nothing ventured is nothing gained, and he begins fishing for details.

"An ancestor of yours perhaps, Ireena? Great-grandmother maybe?" He steps towards her and begins prodding. "What is your family history? Who are the generations previous to you? What do you know of them?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ireena frowns at all the unwanted attention. Jarrith recalls the note in the mad priest's journal, and wonders how much Ireena suspects about its truth.
[sblock=Reminder about Old Note]Ireena was found at the bottom of the Castle's cliff as a babe; she is not the true Burgomaster's daughter.[/sblock]
The Burgomaster's position is not hereditary in our land. I cannot say that our family has distinguished itself particular before my father took the position. I am unaware of any great ancestor.

The mystery unsolved, attention turns to the rest of the books. Most are unformily ancient, though there are a few exceptions: History of the Five Nations, Dragonmarked and Karrnathi Necromantic Traditions are both recent additions, published during the last years of the War. The others cover a range of topics, but arcane and dark arts dominate the shelves. The old texts, however, are quite difficult to read both due to their fragility and archaic phrasing.

Ashlyn is the first to find the thick black leather tome with brass hinges and fastening. Unlabeled, it sits buried beyond some other texts. It too shows great age, its text in a small, cramped hand. But the title is clear from its first bloodstained page:



First Post
As the others questioned Ireena, Tessa moved to stand before the roaring fire, momentarily distracted by the leaping flames. Surely a blaze like this would not be left untended for long... Once spurred to the search of the bookshelves, her scholar's eye was drawn to volumes here and there- old titles she had only heard of, and a few (oddly out of place) newer books. Some of them looked quite interesting, given her studies of the arcane- and between the books and the fire which drew her gaze again and again, she was hardly surprised that one of the others made the crucial discovery...


First Post
Marot the Deadly

Marot still was concerned about the state of the prior room. The fact that the contents appeared to have been undisturbed for quite some time does not make sense in the warlock's mind -- as this warm library appears to be well used -- the fire does not feed itself.

"Or does it.." Marot thinks to himself, wondering if some sort of bound elemental serves this hearth.

"No, no, I would have seen the aura myself if that was the case.... whats with that cake???"

The warlock just couldn't get the visual of the last room out of his mind.

Turning to Ireena once more,"Do you have any idea what would have been the reason for the scene in the last room? It would appear to have been prepared to celebrate a wedding..."

The warlock takes a seat on one of the leather chairs and sits down, deep in thought as the others peruse the tomes for the obviously non-magical book. Completely oblivious to their discovery.

Voidrunner's Codex

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