D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder

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OOC: Happy Holidays everyone!

Aremus: The rapier bounces off the armor.

Tranio: The spectral hand wraps around the armor and crushes it.

Bethany: Your weapon also bounces off the armor.

Dren: [The first attack just misses, so you save the stunning strike for now.]

Fistan: The magical blasts connect with the suit for massive damage. Scraps of metal go flying everywhere, but it still stands.

Carolina: You notice that both suits of armors have large red jewels in the helmets that look quite valuable. You also notice that the room is decorated with massive oil paintings on the wall.

Each shows a cloud giant family, taken at different times in their life. Most portraits contain a very unfriendly looking cloud giant male and a much kinder looking female and child.

In the earlier portraits, the cloud giant boy is holding a small white dragon as if it was a pet. In the later portraits the female is missing.

Apart from where you entered, there is only one other door in this room.

Ordrar: You weapon crushes through the helmet with a mighty thud and the suit drops to the ground defeated.


Goldenfields/Cloud temple
Round 0

With the suit of guardian armor defeated, Dren sheaths his axe again, kicking at the metal debris. “Well, tha’ likely caused a ruckus,” he said, looking toward the only other door in the room. He moved up to it and pressed his ear to the door to listen if someone was coming.

OOC: Coyote Code isn’t working, and I don’t remember how to code for the site dice roller, so if anyone can roll the Perception check for me, that would be great. Otherwise I’ll roll it tomorrow night.

Action: Perception [dice]1d20+3[/dice]
Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:


AC: 16
HP: 34/41+8 thp HD: 5//5d8+2
Ki: 4/5/R
Darts 10
Arrows: 20

[sblock=Party Treasure]

Tranio - half-elf death cleric
Fistan - human wizard
Carolina - halfling rogue
Dren - dwarf monk
Bethany - human fighter
Aremus - half-elf paladin
Ordrar - dwarf eldritch knight

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tranio approaches the door, and listens with Dren.

OOC: Dren's perception: [roll0], with advantage from Tranio's help, perhaps: [roll1].

Edit: Ugh. Life lesson #36 -- never roll dice for someone else. Sorry.


Fistan, Wizard 5

Fistan looked at the armour constructs with some awe and envy, the power to make one of those... The armour itself was unlikely to have any clues and Fistan sets about examining the rest of the room.

Room Search: 1D20+4 = [4]+4 = 8

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
AC: 12 (15 with mage armour, 17/20 with shield)
Initiative: +2
HP: 30+7/30 (HD: 5/5d6)
Arcane Ward: 14/14 THP

Spell attack: +7 to hit Spell DC: 16
Quarterstaff: +2 1d6-1B

Luck: 3/3
Healing Potion

CANTRIPS (3): FireBolt, Light, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand
LEVEL 1: (3/4): *Mage Armour, *Shield, *Fog Cloud (C), *Thunderwave, Sleep, Unseen Servant (R), Alarm (R), Find Familiar (R), Comprehend Languages (R)
LEVEL 2: (3/3) Flaming Sphere (C), *Misty Step, *Levitate (C), *Web(C)
LEVEL 3: (2/2) *Counterspell, *Fireball[/SBLOCK]

Further investigation allows the party to find a hole in the door large enough for humanoids to spy through. It is evident that the next room is a fancy gallery. Paintings of giants, cloud castles, and creatures of the air fill this vast room. Several busts are displayed on stands, while colored and lacquered masks decorate a section of one wall. Two doors set into curved sections of the walls lead into the exterior towers adjacent to this area, while three other doors lead farther into the castle. At the end of the gallery is the temple entrance Rillix saw vulture riders enter earlier.

OOC: Blue X is the party location and the red x is where the riders are.

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Goldenfields/Cloud temple
Round 0

“Dunnae see anyone,” Dren reported to the others. “Big fancy room, some more doors, likely leadin’ ta the towers, an’ the front hall o’ the temple. We gaein’ through?” He moved to see if he could tug open the door a bit so they could slip into the gallery.

Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:


AC: 16
HP: 34/41+8 thp HD: 5//5d8+2
Ki: 4/5/R
Darts 10
Arrows: 20

[sblock=Party Treasure]

Tranio - half-elf death cleric
Fistan - human wizard
Carolina - halfling rogue
Dren - dwarf monk
Bethany - human fighter
Aremus - half-elf paladin
Ordrar - dwarf eldritch knight


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Ofcourse we are. With that fight, everyone knows we're here. They are preparing ambush, killing hostages or other mischief while we talk." Ordrar pushes at the door, adding his strength to the effort.


"My friend the dwarf speaks true. We must make haste to get to them before they achieve their nefarious goal - whatever that may be." agrees Aremus and he goes through the door as soon as it is open.

Voidrunner's Codex

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