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Storms of Change Rogues Gallery, Parts 1 and 2


Name: Aronai
Class: Druid
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral
Deity: None

Str: 13 +1 (5p.)     Level: 1        XP: 
Dex: 14 +2 (6p.)     BAB: +0         HP: 10 (1d8+2)
Con: 14 +2 (6p.)     Grapple: +0
Int: 11 +0 (3p.)     Speed: 30'
Wis: 16 +3 (10p.)    Init: +2
Cha: 10 +0 (2p.)

                   Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc
Armor Class: 15     10    +2    +0    +3    +0    +0    +0
Touch AC: 13              
Flatfooted: 10

         Total   Base  Mod  Misc
Fort:     +4      +2    +2     
Ref:      +4      +0    +2   +2
Will:     +5      +2    +3    

Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical   Weight
Scimitar                    +1    1d6+1     18-20x2	4 lbs
quarter staff               +1     1d6+1     20x2	4 lbs
sling                       +2     1d4+0     20x2	0

Armor		Bonus	Max Dex   Check	   Weight	Speed
Leather		 +2	  +6	    0	    15lbs	30ft

Languages: Common, Druidic, Elven

Abilities: Nature Sense

Feats: Blind-Fighting, Lightning Reflexes

Skill Points: 20 (5/lvl)     Max Ranks: 4/2
Skills                   Total  Ranks  Mod  Misc
Animal Empathy (Cha)       +2     1     +0
Concentration (Con)        +5     3     +2
Diplomacy (Cha)            +1     1     +0
Handle Animal (Cha)        +1     1     +0
Heal (Wis)   		   +7     4     +3
Intuit Direction (Wis)     +4     1     +3
Know: Nature (Int)         +3     3     +0
Spellcraft (Int)           +2     2     +0
Wilderness Lore (Wis)      +7     4     +3
Listen (Wis)               +3     0     +3
Search (Int)               +0     0     +0
Spot (Wis)           	   +3     0     +3

Equipment:               Cost (in gp)  Weight (in lb)
Backpack                     2   	 2
Waterskin                    1   	 4 (on horse)
bedroll                     .1   	 5 (on horse)
sack                        .1   	.5
flint & tinder               1    	 0
2 torches                   .02  	 2
10 bullets		    .1		 5

Total Weight:   32.5 lbs 
Money: 		20gp 6sp 

Light Warhorse
Waterskin/Rations - 7 days

                        Lgt   Med   Hvy
Max Weight:             33    66    100

Age: 27
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175lb
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Skin: tanned
Spells Per Day

0-level:   3
1st level: 2

standard spells prepared:
Cure Minor Wounds | Detect Poison | Resistance

Cure Light Wounds | Entangle

Appearance: Aronai is about as average as you get. Neither handsome nor ugly, striking nor 
bland. You could meet him one day, and a week later forget you had ever met him. He
dresses nondescriptly and his appearance doesn't call attention to himself. He is of average
height and weight.

Background: For Aronai, life is much more about the journey than the destination. His love
of travel, to see and experience new things, is what drives him. It's also what constantly
gets him in trouble with the Druid Elders of his home. He would often wander off for days or
weeks without notice, returning to face the anger of the council. He has no direct family to
speak of, and those he calls his friends are mainly so out of convenience. He has no
problem making friends, but his apparent flakey nature turns people off. In fact, he's not
flakey at all. He just hasn't found anything worth committing to. Except Nature. His greatest
love is the physical world, and his greatest joy is experiencing that world in all its variety.
Hence, he enjoys travel. The primary motivation needed for him to embark on any
adventure is the chance to see something new.

His neutrality is not out of a sense to see a perfect balance in Nature. Nor is it out of an
indecision as to where his intentions should lie. It is simply out of an inability to commit
himself to a cause, other than the cause of sustaining Nature, in all her variation. Among the
advantages to his personality is that he is rarely turned off by the behavior of others. Short
of someone who despises Natures and seeks to destroy it, he can get along with most
anyone. Whether they get along with him doesn't usually concern him. But he rarely, if ever,
manages to make enemies. He enjoys song and poetry, laughter, and thoughtful meditation.
He has found his place in Nature, and he thinks that if everyone else were to do the same,
they would all be happy.
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Chaos Apostate

First Post
[b]Alyssa Moonshadow[/b]
Class: Ranger
Level: 1                        EXP:0
Race: Elf
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Ehlonna 
Size: Medium Size
Age: 124
Gender: Female
Height: 4’10”
Weight: 90lb


Str 14		+2
Dex 18		+4
Con 10		+0
Int 12		+1
Wis 12		+1
Cha 12		+1


Fort +2		(Base +2)
Ref +6		(Base +2, Dex +4)
Will +1	             (Base +0, Wis +1)

HP: 8
AC: 16		= 10 + Armour 2 + Dex 4
Initiative: +4	= Dex 4
Speed: 30ft

BAB: +1

Melee Attack Bonus: +3   	= BAB 1 + Str 2
Ranged Attack Bonus: +5	= BAB 1 + Dex 4

Longbow + 6, 1d8 piercing, x3, range inc 100ft
Longsword + 3, 1d8 + 2 slashing, 19-20


Hide +8			= 4 Ranks + 4 Dex
Move Silently +8		= 4 Ranks + 4 Dex
Spot + 7			= 4 Ranks + 1 Wis + 2 Elf
Survival + 5		= 4 Ranks + 1 Wis
Listen + 7		= 4 Ranks + 1 Wis + 2 Elf
Jump + 4			= 2 Ranks + 2 Str
Knowledge (Geography) + 2	= 2 Ranks 
Knowledge (Nature) + 1	= 1 Rank 
Swim + 3			= 1 Rank + 2 Str
Ride + 5			= 1 Rank + 4 Dex
Handle Animal + 2		= 1 Rank + 1 Cha


Weapon Focus (Longbow)
Wild Empathy (+2) 
Favoured Enemy – Outsiders (Evil) + 2
Low-Light Vision
Immunity to Sleep Effects
+2 On saving throws vs Enchantments. 

Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic

GEAR: 25 gp, 9sp 

 Light Warhorse (Aelestrius)
 Longbow (3lb)
 Quiver (1lb)
 40 arrows
 Longsword (4lb) 
 Backpack (2lb)
 Leather Armour (10lb)
 4 days trail rations (4lb)
 1 fine bottle of wine (1 ½ lb)
 Flint and Steel 
 50ft Hemp Rope (10lb)
 Whetstone (1lb)
 Waterskin (4lb)
 Bedroll (5lb)
 5 Tindertwigs

Physical Description: Alyssa has very fine, delicate features, beautiful by human (though perhaps not quite by Elven) standards. She has straight, shoulder length light blonde hair and bright, vibrant green eyes. She dresses in simple, non-descript traveller’s clothes underneath her leather armour and a grey travellers cloak and hood which is usually drawn up.

Personality: Alyssa is a very gentle, easy-going person. She is generally very calm, and always prefers to stand back and review the facts before diving into a situation. When her passions are roused, however, she becomes utterly determined and almost impossible to divert from her course.
She believes that freedom is the right of all creatures, and she does not understand those who feel the need to impose their will, or indeed their moral standards, on to others. She holds herself to high standards, but does not necessarily expect the same from others. Above all, she believes that everybody is just trying to find happiness in their own way and that it is not her place to interfere with that unless they begin to inflict their ways on others. She herself is driven always by an insatiable wanderlust and curiosity, a feeling that all the answers to the trials and tribulations of life lie just beyond the horizon. As to the trials and tribulations, for her they normally take the form of a certain melancholia, a mood of destructive introspection, that occasionally seems to consume her – although generally it is fairly short lived.

Background: Alyssa is generally a very open and forthcoming person, but she refuses to speak of her background to anybody. It occasionally seems to trouble her, but whatever demons she has from her past seem as if they will remain entirely within her own mind. Possibly this is a product of her natural self-reliance, or possibly there is something darker than that, something horrible within her past that she cannot bring herself to speak of. That would certainly explain her occasional bouts of depression, not to mention her seeming lack of any roots or family.


First Post
Name: Adromon
Class & level: Psychic Warrior 1
Race: Human
Al: NG
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 175 lbs.
Deity: none
XP: 25

Str: 16 (+3)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 16 (+3)
Int: 10 (0)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha 8 (-1)

HP: 11
AC: 16 [+4 armor +2 dex] / flatfooted: 14 / touch: 12 / with shield: 18
Init: +2
BAB: +0
Melee: +3
Ranged: +2
Speed: 30'
Light Load: to 76 lbs / Medium: to 153 lbs / Heavy: to 230 lbs

Fort +5 (+2 base +3 con)
Ref +2 (0 base +2 dex)
Will +1 (0 base +1 wis)

Glaive +4 / 1d10+4 / x3 / s
masterwork longsword +4 / 1d8+3 / 19-20x2 / p
composite longbow +2 / 1d8 / x3 / p / 110'

Stand Still
Power Attack
Weapon Focus (glaive)

Autohypnosis +5 [4 ranks]
Concentration +6 [3 ranks]
Stabilize Self +4 [3 ranks]
Spot +2 [1 rank]
Ride +4 [0 ranks, +2 saddle]


WEALTH: 26 gp; 9 sp


PSIONIC COMBAT: Mind Thrust, Thought Shield

0- Elfsight, Catfall

EQUIPMENT [wt in lbs]

-Carried or Worn-
Glaive [15]
masterwork longsword [4]
composite longbow [3]
20 arrows [3]
chain shirt [25]
large steel shield [15]
backpack [2]
flint & steel [-]
explorer's outfit [8]

total = light load [74 lbs]

-On Horse-
longsword [4]
shortsword [3]
shortbow [2]
military saddle [30]
saddlebags [8]
bit & bridle [1]
torches (2) [2]
trail rations (7) [7]
waterskins (2) [8]
tent [20]
50' silk rope [5]
grappling hook [4]

total = light load [85 lbs]

MOUNT: "Narthail"
Light Warhorse; large; HD 3d8+9; HP 22; Init +1; Spd 60'; AC 17 (studded leather barding); atk hoovesx2 +4 (1d4+3 dam), bite -1 (1d3+1 dam); SQ scent; Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +2; Str16 Dex13 Con17 Int2 Wis13 Cha6; Listen+7 Spot+7; fight in same round as rider (DC 10); light load to 230 lbs, med to 460, heavy to 690, drag 3,450

APPEARANCE: Adromon stands tall and broad. He's a somewhat imposing figure with a wide chest and an angular physiognomy. Certainly, Adromon's most distinct feature is his smooth white hair, worn short against his tawny skin. The trait is common among the psions of his home. Adromon wears a simple but well-tailored shirt and breeches colored green and gray.

PERSONALITY: Adromon is often quiet and inward thinking. He feels that few can truly understand his combined mental ability and physical prowess. While some see him as aloof, he has certainly had his share of troubles adjusting to both psion society and the world at large. Adromon follows no high-minded world philosophy or religion, as he believes the quest for truth is a largely personal one. However, he does strive to good by helping others in need, if only to find his place in the world.

BACKSTORY: Adromon grew up in a secluded community of psions found deep in the Diamond Mountains. The seventy or so humans that lived here had done so for more than two centuries, each generation holding a strong proclivity for psionic power. For this society, using physical combat was regarded as barbaric. The people always defended themselves with their minds. As a youth, it became clear to Adromon that he did not fit in among the other children. While he lagged in psionic power, his physical ability was much superior. There was whispering among the adults that Adromon's real father was a warrior from a group of mercenaries that had travelled through near the village. By his early teenage years, Adromon began to lust for the outside world, a place where his strength would be considered an asset, not an embarrassment.
Shortly after his seventeenth birthday, Adromon bribed a travelling caravan of merchants camped near the village to guide him out of the mountains. It was not long before he made it to the Duchy of Rogan, where he signed on with a group of irregular forces fighting the invading Goruka. Here, Adromon found that it was his psionic abilty that earned him suspicion. However, the military provided him with the martial training he desired and his strength on the battlefield eventually earned him the respect of his peers. While Adromon began to detest the Goruka and their relentless invasion, he left the army after about two years. This happened about two months ago and since then he has been travelling Rogan. While Adromon would never let on that he is more than a foreign mercenary, he truly wants to use his power to help the people of Rogan.
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Dunathar Without Name

Dunathar Without Name
Race: Dwarf
Class: Rogue
Level: 1
Alignment: N
Experience: 0 xp.

AGE: 65
HGT: 4´1´´
WGT: 140 lb
SEX: Male


STR: 12 (+1)
DEX: 16(+3)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 14 (+2)
WIS: 14 (+2)
CHA: 8 (-1)

HP: 6+2=8



Spot +6 = 4 ranks +2 Wis
Listen +6 = 4 ranks +2 Wis
Search +6 = 4 ranks +2 Int
Hide +7 = 4 ranks +3 Dex
Move Silently +7 = 4 ranks +3 Dex
Tumble +7 = 4 ranks +3 Dex
Balance +5 = 2 ranks +3 Dex
Climb +3 = 2 ranks +1 Str
Open Lock +9 = 4 ranks +3 Dex +2 Misc
Disable Device +6 = 2 ranks +2 Int +2 Misc
Pick Pockets +5 = 2 ranks +3 Dex
Appraise +6 = +4 ranks +2 Int (+8 when stone or metal objects)

Feats: (level 1 feat)

-Nimble Fingers



Combat stats:

AC: 16 (+3 MW Studded Leather Armor; +3 Dex) (+4 against Giants)

Speed 20 feet.

Initiative: +3 (+3 dex)
Attack: Melee: +1, ranged +4 (+1 against orcs and goblinoids)
MW Morningstar: +1, Damage 1d8+1, Critical x2
MW Light Crossbow: +3 Damage: 1d6 Critical: 19-20/x2
Dagger: +1 melee, +3 ranged Damage: 1d4+1 Critical: 19-20/x2

Special qualities and class features:

Bonus with metal and stone items
Resistant to poison
Resistant to spells and spell like abilities
Sneak attack +1d6


Dagger x3
Silver Dagger
MW Morningstar
MW Light Crossbow
MW Studded Leather Armor

Backpack with:
-one day´s trail rations
-Explorer outfit

Light warhorse
-standard bit and bridle
-military saddle
--7 days rations and 7 waterskins
-studded leather barding

Case with 20 crossbow bolts

134 gold coins.

Dunathar was a member of the clan Steelhammer, a proud family of miners and artisans, living embodyment of the most pure dwarven way of life: hard work, respect for elders, and loyalty to the clan. Dunathar turned to be the family´s black sheep; though talented, his capacities were oriented to the wrong kind of things. That things were, well, himself. As he grew up, his distaste for the clan´s laws did the same: not that he thinks they are stupid or not useful, following them blindly is. This kind of personal philosophy finally clashed with the rest of the clan and he was stripped from his family name and exiled. Now, he sees a way to amass as much money as he can, with the secret hope of being allowed back if he becomes rich enough.

Dunathar looks like your typical dwarf, except for the lack of heavy armor and weapons and that he carefully trimmers his black beard and tries to show as much wealth as possible.
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First Post
Mirena female human War1; CR1/2; Medium-size humanoid (human); HD 1d8+2; hp 8; Init +2; Spd 30ft; AC 17 (touch 12, flat-footed 15); Atk +4 melee (1d8+1/19-20, longsword), or +3 ranged (1d8, 19-20/x2, light crossbow); AL NG; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 13, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Skills: Ride +5, Profession (cook) +2
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (longsword)
Possessions: Masterwork chain shirt, small wooden shield, masterwork longsword, heavy crossbow (on horse), light crossbow, 20 bolts, everburning torch.
Note: Mirena’s shield is typically slung across her back, allowing her to wield her crossbow two-handed. When in melee, Mirena wears her shield and fights with her longsword in one hand. Shield is included in AC above.

Mirena is a pretty human woman in her twenties, with long auburn hair and blue eyes. Her family was killed by an orc raiding party five years ago, and she has been a caravan driver ever since, with Glendrake’s caravan. Glendrake made her drive the last wagon because she asked what his cargo was. She has left the caravan to follow Filbert as his hireling.

Mirena is friendly and helpful, curious and easily impressed. She takes her responsibilities very seriously, and tends to be rather harsh on herself for any failings, real or imagined.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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