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Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED

Surprise round

The two magic users station them selves behind trees and prepare to unleash the destructive fire power on the busy Trolls. (Allyra Hide J11, Eliyyad Hide H9)
In the meantime the fighters and the priest take positions north-west between the firs, ready to strike and charge if necessary. (Garon L7, Turo M6, Keldar O8).

A moment pass a ball of fire makes his way into the crumbled tower, the ball of fire explodes in the middle of the surprised trolls, sending stone debris all over, flocks of birds up from the trees up to the sky and the trolls to their knees.
Following the fireball, a cone of spreading fire, bursts from Allyra's hands, setting blaze several tress heads from her hiding spot and into the tower.
The three trolls resemble living burned torches, if not for the wind which blows to the west, the smell of burned flesh would be over powering, the troll which held the dead goat falls blackened on the ground motionless.
The bigger Troll rises to his feet and shouts a command in Giantish to his panicked gravely wounded comrade.

Eliyyad – Fire ball to S13. dmg 35.
Allyra – sudden maximized Blast of Flame, dmg 42.
Troll 1 – Ref save Fireball [Fail], Ref save Blast of flame [Fail].
Troll 2 – Ref save Fireball [Success], Ref save Blast of flame [Fail].
Troll 3 – Ref save Fireball [Fail], Ref save Blast of flame [Success].

Please post first round inits and actions.


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First Post
Eliyyad smiles grimly and unleashes another fireball, targetting the larger of the two standing monsters, confident that his blast will catch the other in its area of effect.


First Post

Allyra watches the devastation caused by their arcane fire. She hadn't witnessed the destructive power of her newly discovered spell yet, but it certainly was a sight to behold, if you had an eye for these things. Being of a school of magic, that uses less direct methods usually, the wizard does not often have the opportunity to experience this first hand.

Of course, two of the trolls were still standing and this was not exactly the time to muse about the creation of magical effects and so Allyra conjures one of her fierce ape allies between her and the closest troll, in order to aid her against these foul beasts.

OOC: Initiative 8; Cast Summon Monster III as a Standard Action (taking a 5-ft. step away and/or using defensive casting, in case it's necessary), then (if possible without provoking any AoO) move away 30 ft.

[SBLOCK=Fiendish Ape]Fiendish Ape: large magical beast (extraplanar); HD 4; hp 37; Init +2; Spd 30 ft., climb 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +3; Grp +14; Atk/full Atk 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+7) and bite +4 melee (1d6+3); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA smite good 1/day (+4 dmg vs good); SQ low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft., scent, damage reduction 5/magic, cold and fire resistance 5, spell resistance 9; AL NE; SV Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +2; Str 25, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 7.
Skills and Feats: Climb +16 (can always Take 10), Listen +6, Spot +6; Alertness, Toughness.[/SBLOCK]

Steve Gorak

Keldar will fire an arrow at the closest troll. "Take this, you foul creature" he mumbles

OCC: init +13, to hit +18, damage +6 (dooh!), rolls

Init: + 3

Melee, Two-handed:

• +1 Spiked chain (viper): +11/+6 to hit, 2d4+7 damage, x2, P, 10 ft reach
• +1 composite longbow (+4 Str): +10 to hit, 1d8+5 damage, x3, P, 110ft range

• Sneak attack +2d6
• trapfinding
• Evasion
• Trap sense +1
• Uncanny dodge


First Post
Turo Beremwocket

Turo moves to get a clear line of sight on the two remaining trolls, chanting a prayer to Garl Glittergold as he does. The gnome stretches out his hand toward the troll, and a beam of blinding silvery-white light lances toward the foe.

Initiative: 14
Move, cast searing light for 3d8 damage. Ranged touch attack at +6


Garon waits for a moment to see the effects of the fire and then heads a bit closer to make sure the trolls don't get to the casters.

Initiative Roll (1d20+1=8)

Garon moves to L11 and hopes to attract some attention from the trolls rather than them moving to attack anyone else.
He will hold an attack on whichever one moves near him.

Round 1

The Troll drops the dead animal, his eyes flicker in anger back and forth, from tree to tree and his nose nods up and down as he smells the air.
[sblock=Giant] Humans, behind the tree![/sblock]
He shouts something and charge forward, zigzagging between the burned trees towards the now visible Allyra, he lashes his claw forward and open a bleeding gap in the wizard's shoulder.

Eliyyad smiles grimly and unleashes another destructive fire spell, targeting the larger of the two standing monsters. The big vicious troll is caught unprepared again and shouts in pain as the fire licks his flesh once more.
Raged and angry, the big one strides forward, to the edge of the crumbled wall, his eyes dance from one to another as he spots everyone of you, then he chants something in the language of his kind, suddenly, the weeds, bushes and trees springs to life and wrap, twist and entwine around arms, neck and legs.

OOC: I'm letting everyone to post actions once more, now that the situation changed completely, Turo, Keldar, Allyra and Garon are those who need to act after the Troll Ranger.
Turo, Keldar, Allyra, Eliyyad: Half movement penalty.
Garon: Entangled, need to break free, Str check or Escape Artists.
Green circle on the map is the area of spell

Troll 2 – Spot 26, move to KJ13 Attack Allyra 23, dmg 10.
Eliyyad – Hide 20, Fireball S14, dmg 23. Ref save vs. Entangle 23
Troll 1 – Spot 31, Reflex save [Success], Move to PO14, casts entangle
Turo – Hide 19, Ref save vs. Entangle 23.
Keldar – Hide 29, Ref save vs. Entangle 18.
Allyra – Hide 22, Ref save vs. Entangle 13.
Garon – Hide 15, Ref save vs. Entangle 10.


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Garon is caught flatfooted by the spell as he was trying to move forward, the branches and roots entangle him and he is unable to free himself in time to intercept the troll.

Stength Check (1d20+4=8)

Fails check and so remains entangled

Steve Gorak

Keldar will shoot his arrow at troll 1 (same action & rolls as in the previous post). He'll then drop his bow, switch to his spiked chain, and get closer to Allyra.

Voidrunner's Codex

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