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strangely enough, i have never...


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Gospog said:

Please don't get me wrong. I think that there are a lot of video games out there that look great! And I see nothing inherently wrong with anyone that plays them .

So, dissing Computer games/gamers was totally not the point of my post.

In fact, if anything, I'm afraid to try several computer games I've seen. What if I like them? :eek:

I have too little free time as it is, and too many hobbies. No sense looking for trouble!

So, anyway, sorry if I worded that poorly. Rock on, PC gamers! ;)

You got it right, Gospog. I don't know how may times I've done one of those "I'll just play for a few minutes while I have my coffee, and wait for the house to empty out and the dog to go to sleep and then I'll get to work." Next thing I know its lunch time...

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I believe that the point of the game (if this is like my favorite grad school game which we called "humiliation") is to confess that you have never done something that is so incredibly common that it embarrasses you and forces everyone else to drink (we are playing a drinking game, right, Clay? :D ). We lit majors usually do a variation concerning "books that every well read person has read but we haven't."

P-Cat: My two year old is currently on a major obsessive jag with the first Veggie Tales sing-a-long video. I thought checking ENworld would let me escape, but no. . .

Back to your regularly scheduled thread:

I have never played a fighter (D&D player since 1981).

I have never encountered a beholder or created an encounter with one (I usually DM).

I have never played a dwarf.

And I've never been to Boston in the fall.


First Post
willpax said:
Back to your regularly scheduled thread:

I have never played a fighter (D&D player since 1981).

I'll one-up you. I've never played a character who couldn't cast spells. Though I've only been playing since 1989 or so.


...played a Monk
...played a half-orc
...killed a nest of orc babies and argued about it later.
...played an evil character in D&D.
...DM'ed a party made up of evil characters (or even one).
...cared much for Greyhawk.
...betrayed my party members.


I have never...

...played a drow PC.
...rolled more than two consecutive natural 20's.
...seen or created a total party kill (but does a 99% TPK count?)
...seen or given a staff of power or the magi as treasure.

...And that's about it. Seen 'em all, played 'em all, used 'em all, rolled 'em all. Even 5 consecutive 6's on a d6! (Heck of a WEG Star Wars game, that was.)


First Post
I have:

... never played a halfling
... never played a barbarian
... never played a paladin
... never played with point buy
... never used harm or polymorph
... never NOT writen a back story for a character
... never DMed a one time game
... never been to a Con
... never have had a cat familiar
... never played a true face to face table top game

I haven't done a lot lol. I am happy with my elven wizards, playing long term campaigns, online... :D



I've never quite been able to cast a 5th level spell, even as a DM...

I've never had a campaign last for more than 6 months...

I've never played in a campaign that lasted for more than 1 session... I think...


Dragon Lord

I have never played a Cthulu game unless RttToEE counts since it has certain Cthulu elements.

Other than that, done everything on here everyone has listed they haven't done except for the stuff Gothmog listed with the minis.

I have rolled 4 18's on a single character while watched by two people with their dice using the 4d6 method with no rerolling. They weren't too happy considering they wanted me to play a toned down character since I usually roll good stats.

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