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Stupidest things PCs/DMs have done

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Lalalei2001 said:
^ I don't get it.

Well, in one round, he turned invisible, shot a fireball, and turned visible again.

Net result: One fireball shot, one invisibility wasted.

My first character (Pete Shandor, aka Pete the First, to differentiate him from his brother Pete the Second... long story) in 3.5 was a Cleric of Chaos and Luck, and I played it to the hilt. Probably my favourite "stupid" action was his using a bottle of alchemist's fire as a melee weapon.

It worked, too! The guy he was fighting caught on fire, and we took him down while he was trying to put it out.

Of course, using the threat of alchemist's fire to dissuade assassins from shooting at him... in a library... with few hitpoints.... did not go over so well.

His brother (and my 3rd character in the campagin, after Pete the First fell victim to a paper shredder, and the Elf Sorceror ran screaming from a fight with 1 HP and a crossbow bolt in his back) is a Favoured Soul with Resistance 10 vs. Fire. :)


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Group of 3rd level characters:

DM: Ok. Infront of the tower door stands a huge human-shaped creature that seems to be made of some crystalline material.

Mage: Can I make Knowledge arcana check to see if I know what it is and is there any weaknesses?

DM: Sure. (rolls good) You regoqnize the thing to be a Diamond golem. You know they are probably the most dangerous golems there are and are used as guardians by the best wizards of the world. You don't know of any weaknesses and you know it's immune to most spells.

Mage: Ok, I'll tell all this to my friends.

DM: Yep.

At this point the barbarian and the two fighers of the group draw their weapons and charge the golem......


One time a player tied a rope to a large rock and jumped off a cliff, planning to bungee jump. Sadly, the rope was longer than the cliff was high, and he died when he hit the ground.

A long time ago, the adventuring party was returning home from the dungeon and happened surprised a man mounted upon a red dragon. The leader of the party announced "Greetings! I'm Lambda the lawful good ranger." The dragon rider laughed so hard he fell off the saddle.

Almost as long ago, the party was fighting a fire demon in a 10' wide corridor and losing very badly. Sarouf the wizard cast a fireball at the demon. Mind you, that was back in 1e when fireballs expanded to fill the available space. Fortunately the entire party made their saving throws but lo and behold the fire demon was now at full hit points. The party was speechless except for the bard, whose only words were "Dumba$$!"


First Post
Im not sure if you have to be a DM to post to this one, but ive got a list of a few things that PC's ive run with have done before.

1) seen somebody playing as a rogue, try to jump onto the back of a ramorazz for sneak attack damage... after failing all subequent spot checks to see arrows burning up before hitting it. (after having heard of it being done, which i thought was rather strange.)

2) Use a bastard sword to hit an abeloth, while under water and in full plate. good thing the abeloth 'had' a potion of remove disease inside of it.

3) myself, ive got an illumian sorcerer with a +4 dagger and an ac of 15, i routinely charge things after ive exausted the spell table, and it hasnt bitten me yet.

4) Having enough gold between the party to ressurect two dead PC's, the necromantic specialty wizard decides to read the necronomican for a ressurection spell, and in doing so lost half of his sanity points he was unaware he had. call of the chutlu anybody?

i actually forgot a few.

5) my human wizard in another campaign touching the green alge on the pond, and the fighter cutting it off. now that wizard has a 25% spell failure with spells that have somatic components, and hes still alive.

6) talking our way out out of an enounter 4 above ours, then almost losing two fighters to a giant clam.
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First Post
Star Wars: The party of rebel PCs were sneaking around the massive hanger of an imperial supply station on a mission of sabotage. After the ground shakes for several turns, suddenly, an AT-AT (one of those giant assault vehicles that walks on four legs) thunders into view on its way into the hanger/garage. Instantly, the players scramble to hide behind various machinery, crates, etc. and avoid detection. As I’m in the middle of describing the AT-AT docking procedure...

NEWGUY: Can I attack it?

ME: ...You mean, attack the AT-AT!?! With what!?!?

NEWGUY: My wrench!

ME: (After long, dumbfounded silence) Well, technically, I guess you could... But it will cost you an intelligence point.

NEWGUY: (Fumbling with character sheet) What’s my INT score?

ME: 13.

NEWGUY: So, you’re saying I can attack it 13 times?

At this point, we took a break, so that the other players could explain a few things to our newest member (who had only played hack & slash style D&D games until that point.)


Here's another one from a Star Wars game.

A player decided to dismantle an assassin droid by opening up its chest and dismantling its circuits. He opened it up somehow, just in time to see the self-destruct timer hit 00:00.


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