Suggest some novelty dice stocking stuffers for my kids

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Not exactly novelty dice, but Black Oak Workshop makes some cool advent calendars full of dice, and I am a big fan of the size and quality of their dice in general.
Saw this on the website and thought it was cool. It is for death saves and has hearts for save and skulls for dying. Even has a red one for rolling a 1 or 20.


Edit: Also see this campfire one with 3 sides a campfire and the 4th regular numbers for the d4. How many times Have I suffered through using a basic red d4 for the campfire.


Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Saw this on the website and thought it was cool. It is for death saves and has hearts for save and skulls for dying. Even has a red one for rolling a 1 or 20.

View attachment 328463

Edit: Also see this campfire one with 3 sides a campfire and the 4th regular numbers for the d4. How many times Have I suffered through using a basic red d4 for the campfire.

View attachment 328465
I own both of these now, and they're nice. The campfire color is a little less red in real life than in that picture, but it's still clever.

Voidrunner's Codex

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