D&D 5E Suggestions: From Greyhawk to Vecna: Eve of Ruin


I have been running a group through some of the Saltmarsh adventures. They never interacted with the lizardfolk plotline and I mistakenly believed that the Lost Laboratory of Kwalish would get me to level 10 or nearly so based on misreading the blurb. Which said the adventure was suitable for characters 5 to 10 but it is really only a level or so but meant to be scalable.
So, now I have a party at the Barrier Peaks about to hit level 6 and I am wondering what would make some good modules to lead into Vena: Eve of Ruin.
Short adventures will do, they do not have to be Wizards adventures. Third party or even old stuff on DMsGuild or Drivethru wll be considered.
I just thought to tap into the collective knowledge here for suggestions.

Stuff available on FantasyGrounds would be a nice but not necessary addon. I am going to pause the current campaign until I have a bridge constructed or at least planned out.

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Dig out your old copies of Dungeon magazine. 'Racing the Snake' comes immediately to mind, as well as an adventure where the objective is to rescue a woman from the cult of Tharizdun.

However, you could reverse the problem: simply advance the campaign date by a year and up the PCs' levels to 10 (or whatever) and have the players tell you how it happened!

You could try the Lost Tombs trilogy from 2e, set in Greyhawk and for levels 5-8: The Star Cairns, Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad, and The Doomgrinder. "Tammeraut's Fate" and "The Styes" from Ghosts of Saltmarsh can take them from 9 to 10 if you're using milestone leveling.

You could try the Lost Tombs trilogy from 2e, set in Greyhawk and for levels 5-8: The Star Cairns, Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad, and The Doomgrinder. "Tammeraut's Fate" and "The Styes" from Ghosts of Saltmarsh can take them from 9 to 10 if you're using milestone leveling.
This is a good suggestion, I will check it out. I was already thinking of using Tammeraut's Fate or at least the basic structure of it perhaps reskinned.

Dig out your old copies of Dungeon magazine. 'Racing the Snake' comes immediately to mind, as well as an adventure where the objective is to rescue a woman from the cult of Tharizdun.

However, you could reverse the problem: simply advance the campaign date by a year and up the PCs' levels to 10 (or whatever) and have the players tell you how it happened!
I don't have old dungeon magazines on hand, but thanks.

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