Eyes of Nine
Everything's Fine
Listening to Ecstasy of Gold as I type this, forgot how f*($ing good it is
Finally catching up with this thread... I had a question about this line - because in Sunset Riders, it works either way - "planes" or "plains"

But once the sun sets, the herd is fully active and thunders across the planes as any horse might do during the day.
Finally catching up with this thread... I had a question about this line - because in Sunset Riders, it works either way - "planes" or "plains"

Heart eyes emoji, love magic horses. "These aren't Your Little Ponies!!"But their -true- strangeness comes in the twilight hours. For the Night Horses can ride between the land of the living and the land of the dead during the last hours of the day and the start of night.
Maybe we can say "young folx", so people can play whatever gender they want?And time and space in the Deadlands don't conform to reality perfectly. A Night Horse can run along the periphery between worlds and wind up hundreds of miles from where they started before the sun is finished setting. It's how the herd travels with the change of the seasons. They ride hard across the dusk as winter comes to the sweeping plains and find themselves near to Lowmoon's lush grasslands.
And if half-tamed, they can take a rider along their way.
Thus the Sunset Riders. Mostly young men, wiry and thin, expert riders, orphans preferred... are hired on to do "Ride Dusk" to carry important messages across the continent faster than any train could hope to run.
Now I've got a Grateful Dead song in my head...Why orphans? Because if you're in the Deadlands when Twilight ends, you and your Night Horse aren't getting out before Dawn... And because time works differently there, well. Dawn may be a night, or it may be a lifetime.
Which also lead into the thought of Bandits and Outlaws and the occasional Lawman riding dusk. So if you see someone lope into town on a jet black horse you can't tell if they're just riding a normal horse that happens to be black or a true Night Horse indicating they're -probably- an Outlaw ready to flee into dusk at the drop of a hat.
And that introductory "10 Minutes to Midnight" adventure with the Ghost Train? Now it's "10 Minutes of Twilight". The players are riding Night Horses, and the Ghost Train is taking souls from the Deadlands to the Heavens... or Hell. Depending where they get off.
Run by Casey Jones. A folk-hero railman who gave his life to save his passengers in a terrible train wreck.