Level Up (A5E) Sunset Riders Fantasy Western! (Campaign Setting thoughts)

It's kind of weird... but I'm vibing on the three vectors of religious faith being:

Cleric: The Pantheon. Through Community Organizers they make the church an integral part of the community. They're the shelter, the confidants, the ones getting charity organized for the poor, but also arranging festivals and feast days, parties, and helping to plan town expansions by knowing the people of the community. Fostering the best in people through every day acts of kindness and saving the long-winded sermons for one or two days out of the week more to provide context for why one should be good... the rest of the week showing -how-.

Druid: Animism. By directly contacting the spirits of the land and animals and people they work to foster the sharing and comingling of spirits to create new spirits in the world. Communities centered around their animist leaders are more or less focused on balancing the needs of the community with the resources around them and changing either to make it work. Sometimes that means a community splits in two with one group moving to a different place where the resources aren't being strained, sometimes it means the entire community moves.

Bards: Folk Heroes, Saints, Martyrs. Telling the stories and allegories of the ages. Tall tales for sure, but also stories of great warriors and people who died for their beliefs or to achieve some greater purpose. They don't preach so much as act as Aesop with his parables or telling stories of heroes to inspire people to be better than they are, to strive to live up to the example of others.

All of it serves the same purpose through different means and different vectors. And each of them mean different things to a given community even if they'd all be welcomed into it.

It'd be the kindest view of religion I've ever seen in a TTRPG.

Of course... there's always those who -don't- act in these ways, too. Just because there's good Community Organizing priests doesn't mean there aren't Warpriests and Aspirants in the world seeking violence or apotheosis for themselves. Spirit Speaker druids don't -preclude- the Axis Slayer or Decomposer. And Folk-Song singing bards being a thing doesn't stop Mountebanks and Vagabonds from ruining everything for everyone.

... yeah... yeah.... I like this.

Survivalist druid could also be a thing. Could, alternatively, make it into a feat or feat-tree for anyone to pick up regardless of concept.

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One kinda cool idea, is that in this setting there would be a creature that's essentially the mimic version of a train. Maybe not an actual form of a mimic, but considering the sheer importance of locomotives in this western setting it would make sense.

Reading what you wrote about the Halley's Comet analogue and the Cometborn Sorcerer etc., makes me think of a wandering prophet, who mysteriously appears and reappears each time the Harbinger arcs across the sky. Thus, I present:

Xanthos Aster, Prophet of the Harbinger
Xanthos is a tall, wild-eyed elf, with long blond hair that always seems to billow around him, even when there is no wind. A proficient public speaker and believed to be a powerful sorcerer, Xanthos has forged a reputation for appearing in populated areas, preaching about the coming of the great comet and then moving on, as mysteriously as he arrived. Whether he appears in a weather-stained cowboy's outfit, an ornate sorcerer's robe, adorned with astrological symbols, or an expensively-tailored three-piece suit for preaching to the good and the great of society, his insights are valued and his motives are inscrutable.

Druid: Animism. By directly contacting the spirits of the land and animals and people they work to foster the sharing and comingling of spirits to create new spirits in the world. Communities centered around their animist leaders are more or less focused on balancing the needs of the community with the resources around them and changing either to make it work. Sometimes that means a community splits in two with one group moving to a different place where the resources aren't being strained, sometimes it means the entire community moves.
suddenly, kobolds.

...or bees. kobold bees? that's a horrifying idea.

So I'm laying in bed last night in this twilight realm of neither wakefulness nor sleep, just running over thoughts for characters in the setting.

Not just different archetype abilities, but imagery of how it would look in the game world. Like Frenetic Berserkers in a Hatfields v McCoys style feud putting aside their grievances long enough to absolutely -wreck- a union busting force out of Victory. A Card Magic Wizard cutting to a chosen card in a Deck of Many Things. A Cometborn Sorcerer calling in the cold light of their shooting star to chill the battlefield and make the shadows long and unusual...

And then I had an idea for a particular image and iterated it repeatedly in my head.

Something kind of like this?


But maybe more stylized like a logo...


But now, as I muck around with Midjourney and Dall-e to try and get the image roughly what I'd like it to be... I'm suddenly enamored of the idea of the plane of shadow and death, the Dusklands, being perpetually Red and Shadowed rather than Grey or Blue-Black... if nothing else, it'd be a break from the traditional view of the plane of death.



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