Super Mario Bros. movie


My kid (17) saw It with some friends. He even dressed as Luigi for it, reusing a Halloween costume from Grade 6 which was ridiculously ill-fitting and thus hilarious.

They liked it. They said it was very simple but looked great and was well-paced, and rewarded them for having lots of Nintendo knowledge. My son said, "It wasn't art or anything, but it was a good time."

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Did we even watch the same movie?! :oops:

Joking aside, glad you enjoyed it. I saw it in a packed theatre where everyone was having the time of their lives, wife included, and I just sat there looking like grumpy cat.

Other than the stellar animation, Bowser was the best part for me. Black had to have a hand in shaping him since so many parts seemed 100% from his brain.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Other than the stellar animation, Bowser was the best part for me. Black had to have a hand in shaping him since so many parts seemed 100% from his brain.
Yeah, I assume a lot of the final script was him improvising after recording the lines as written. The songs especially are vintage Black.
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Loves Your Favorite Game
I am not surprised, even if I am disappointed, that a Mario movie produced by Illumination is made more for kids than families. Clearly, that decision is going to largely work out fine for them. Just means it's not something worth going out of my way to spend money on when it seems as thin as candyfloss.
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Loves Your Favorite Game
It doesn't need to be deep, in the same way The Lego Movie didn't need to be. But I was so much more charmed by the fact that the latter reached for and achieved that, in addition to just being fun. The personal reviews of Mario I've heard from people my age largely hinge on "It's cool to see all the references they make," with a side order of "It's really pretty." If, when asked what they liked, the best thing they can say about a movie is that it showed off a thing I know, that's pretty dire praise to my ears. With DADHAT, the fact that I got to see a Gelatinous Cube or Neverwinter on screen ranked way way behind what I liked about the character performances, the emotional beats of the story, and most of all, "That movie gave me some of the same feelings as when I'm at the table, and it made me want to go play."

But, I personally have a low tolerance for thin stories. If people are watching it, and having fun, and walking out satisfied, sincerely, bully for them.


@Xamnam: My biggest takeaway from the movie is that Peach is the hero of her own story. Her mission is to save her kingdom. Mario’s mission is only to save his brother.

Peach is brave, funny, fearless, competent. At no point does she need to be rescued by anyone. She is resourceful and cunning. Basically everything you’d want in a heroine and role model for girls, and it just felt natural. It didn’t feel forced in any way. It was nice to see that, and my daughters certainly appreciated it too.

Another thing I’ll say is that this movie is a damn sight better than the one from 1993.

Voidrunner's Codex

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