D&D 5E Survivor Core Classes- Fighter Wins!

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Both divine-magic classes gone already. Interesting...

Yeah, the Cleric comes with too much baggage. The Druid adapts better, but might have lingering design issues.

It seems to me, the true ‘core four’ of D&D are: Bard, Fighter, Rogue, and Wizard. We will see how Pal and Lock fit in.

Maybe we are looking at the core D&D ‘five guy music band’.

Jock Guy: Fighter
Rebel Guy: Rogue
Smart Guy: Wizard
Heart Guy: Bard
Protector Guy: Paladin

And the Warlock is the ‘sixth ranger’ who occasionally helps out from the dark side.


From #211 to #217, I count the following ...

Bard 9
Fighter 11
Paladin 6
Rogue 10
Warlock 12
Wizard 11

Bard 9
Fighter 15, 13, 11
Paladin 8, 6
Rogue 10
Warlock 11, 12, 13, 11, 12
Wizard 11, 12, 13, 11


Paladin's a divine class...

Bard 9
Fighter 13
Paladin 6

Rogue 10
Warlock 13
Wizard 11

Looks like this is coming down to which is hated the least.

Bard 9

Fighter 14
Paladin 6
Rogue 10
Warlock 10
Wizard 12

I assume I'm missing a post, but even then there's a disconnect here:
Fighter: +1
Warlock: -3
Wizard: +1

That just doesn't work.
To get a -3 the Warlock would have had to of been -2'd twice and +1'd once.
However that means three blocked posts and still doesn't account for the two +1's, or where the theoretical -2 from the Warlock's +1 went.

Voidrunner's Codex

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