D&D 5E Survivor Core Classes- Fighter Wins!

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Morkus from Orkus
Fighter 7
Paladin 5 Seriously, what are these buffoons still doing here? They should have been the first ones booted.. top 4, not even worthy of top 14 - in a best of 12 competition.
Rogue 7
Wizard 3 Best...class...ever

Yeah. PHB Paladin puts that class at the bottom of this 4 class list. My Paladins on the other hand, would be near the top.


The Paladin-haters need to get over the prejudice carried over from previous editions of the Paladin. Most of the hate is the result of bad players abusing the fluff to justify acting like jack-asses. If anything, you should love the 5e Paladin for how much more diverse and open it is to different interpretations. I have always been a fan of the Paladin, but seriously, this is the best version yet, and it is by far the most improved class of this edition.
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Morkus from Orkus
The Paladin-haters need to get over the prejudice carried over from previous editions of the Paladin. Most of the hate is the result of bad players abusing the fluff to justify acting like jack-asses. If anything, you should love the 5e Paladin for how much more diverse and open it is to different interpretations. I have always been a fan of the Paladin, but seriously, this is the best version yet, and it is by far the most improved class of this edition.

I don't think it goes far enough. I'd like to see a different paladin for each alignment like 1e put forth in A Plethora of Paladins.

I don't think it goes far enough. I'd like to see a different paladin for each alignment like 1e put forth in A Plethora of Paladins.

Eh, I like 5e's approach of not specifically tying an alignment to an Oath. Sure, some of these Oaths' tenet match a particular alignment more closely than others, but you can come up with justifications for why a Devotion Paladin may be Neutral Good or Lawful Neutral instead of its seemingly more natural Lawful Good, for example.

That said, I do wish we had an Oath a Chaotic-inclined character would lean strongly towards taking. Doesn't look like we're getting that with Xanathar's.


I don't think it goes far enough. I'd like to see a different paladin for each alignment like 1e put forth in A Plethora of Paladins.

I appreciate your interest in multiple versions of Paladins, and I am all for adding Oaths that make sense, but I think that the Alignment system was part of the root of the problem. I am glad that D&D has moved away from allowing Alignments to define character's. I have not used Alignments for decades now. I prefer to define character's by their nature and demeanor, personality traits and motives, etc.


Fighter 8 - 2 = 6. Fighter may be improved, but still boring
Paladin 5 + 1 = 6. Paladin is my second favorite after Bard
Rogue 3
Wizard 4

Same excuse as ccs, it's getting late. Consider this my Sunday vote, and most likely my last vote. I expect this thread will be done before Monday.

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