D&D General Survivor Thread: Best D&D Movie

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Jedi Master
Conan the Barbarian 33
Conan the Destroyer 33
LotR 35
Harryhausen Sinbad (1970s) 14
Clash of the Titans (1981) 22+1=23
Willow 39
Beastmaster 11
Dragonslayer 20-2=18
Krull 28
Princess Bride 30

Argyle King

Conan the Barbarian 33
Conan the Destroyer 33
LotR 35 - 2 = 33
Harryhausen Sinbad (1970s) 14
Clash of the Titans (1981) 23
Willow 39
Beastmaster 11
Dragonslayer 18 + 1 = 19
Krull 28
Princess Bride 30

Conan the Barbarian 33
Conan the Destroyer 33
LotR 33
Harryhausen Sinbad (1970s) 14
Clash of the Titans (1981) 23
Willow 39
Beastmaster 9
Dragonslayer 19
Krull 29 It's original name was Dungeons & Dragons
Princess Bride 30


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Conan the Barbarian 33
Conan the Destroyer 33
LotR 33
Harryhausen Sinbad (1970s) 14
Clash of the Titans (1981) 23
Willow 39-2=37
Beastmaster 9
Dragonslayer 19
Krull 29+1=30
Princess Bride 30


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Conan the Barbarian 33
Conan the Destroyer 33
LotR 33
Harryhausen Sinbad (1970s) 14
Clash of the Titans (1981) 23
Willow 37
Beastmaster 9-2=7
Dragonslayer 19
Krull 30
Princess Bride 30+1=31


Conan the Barbarian 33
Conan the Destroyer 33+1=34
LotR 33
Harryhausen Sinbad (1970s) 14
Clash of the Titans (1981) 23
Willow 37-2=35
Beastmaster 7
Dragonslayer 19
Krull 30
Princess Bride 31


No rule is inviolate
Conan the Barbarian 33
Conan the Destroyer 34
LotR 33
Harryhausen Sinbad (1970s) 14
Clash of the Titans (1981) 23
Willow 35 + 1 = 36
Beastmaster 7
Dragonslayer 19 - 2 = 17
Krull 30
Princess Bride 31

Voidrunner's Codex

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