D&D General Survivor Thread: Best D&D Movie


Conan the Barbarian 34
Conan the Destroyer 32
LotR 33
Harryhausen Sinbad (1970s) 11 - 2 = 9
Clash of the Titans (1981) 21
Willow 36
Beastmaster 4 + 1 = 5
Dragonslayer 17
Krull 29
Princess Bride 31

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Conan the Barbarian 34-2=32
Conan the Destroyer 32
LotR 33
Harryhausen Sinbad (1970s) 11 - 2 = 9
Clash of the Titans (1981) 21
Willow 36
Beastmaster 4 + 1 = 5
Dragonslayer 17
Krull 29
Princess Bride 31+1=32

Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
Conan the Barbarian 32
Conan the Destroyer 32
LotR 33
Harryhausen Sinbad (1970s) 9
Clash of the Titans (1981) 21
Willow 36
Beastmaster 5 + 1 = 6
Dragonslayer 17
Krull 29
Princess Bride 32 - 2 = 30

Inconceivable! As beloved as the movie is, Beastmaster is far more D&D than Princess Bride even though I would always prefer to watch the latter on nearly any given occasion. That is what we're going for, right?

Also, ya'll need to go watch more Sinbad! That was campaign gold back in the day!


Inconceivable! As beloved as the movie is, Beastmaster is far more D&D than Princess Bride even though I would always prefer to watch the latter on nearly any given occasion. That is what we're going for, right?

Also, ya'll need to go watch more Sinbad! That was campaign gold back in the day!

I want to give you a "like" for talking up the old Sinbad movies and Princess Bride but you're also down voting Princess Bride.

I'm just going to have go with <wiggles hand noncommittally>

Argyle King

Conan the Barbarian 32
Conan the Destroyer 32
LotR 33
Harryhausen Sinbad (1970s) 9 - 2 = 7
Clash of the Titans (1981) 21
Willow 36
Beastmaster 6 + 1 = 7
Dragonslayer 17
Krull 29
Princess Bride 30

Conan the Barbarian 32
Conan the Destroyer 33
LotR 33
Harryhausen Sinbad (1970s) 5 - aside from the fight sequences they don't offer much
Clash of the Titans (1981) 21
Willow 36
Beastmaster 7
Dragonslayer 17
Krull 29
Princess Bride 30

Conan the Barbarian 32-2=30
Conan the Destroyer 33
LotR 33
Harryhausen Sinbad (1970s) 5
Clash of the Titans (1981) 21
Willow 36
Beastmaster 7+1=8
Dragonslayer 17
Krull 29
Princess Bride 30


Conan the Barbarian 30
Conan the Destroyer 33
LotR 33
Harryhausen Sinbad (1970s) 5
Clash of the Titans (1981) 19
Willow 37

Beastmaster 8
Dragonslayer 17
Krull 29
Princess Bride 30


Conan the Barbarian 30
Conan the Destroyer 33-2=31
LotR 33
Harryhausen Sinbad (1970s) 5
Clash of the Titans (1981) 19
Willow 37
Beastmaster 8+1=9
Dragonslayer 17
Krull 29
Princess Bride 30


Conan the Barbarian 30
Conan the Destroyer 33
LotR 33-2=31
Harryhausen Sinbad (1970s) 5
Clash of the Titans (1981) 19
Willow 37+1=38
Beastmaster 8
Dragonslayer 17
Krull 29
Princess Bride 30

Voidrunner's Codex

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