Sword Coast Legends Developer n-Space Closes Down After 21 Years

Thanks for the update. I really had hopes for this game but the more I found out about it the less I was interested. I loved the idea of a live DM running a digital game. I hope this doesn't damper future work on that kind of idea.

Thanks for the update. I really had hopes for this game but the more I found out about it the less I was interested. I loved the idea of a live DM running a digital game. I hope this doesn't damper future work on that kind of idea.


I'll readily admit I was not a fan of SCL. If people assume you are going to give them a spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate/Neverwinter Nights (whether that is a far assumption or not), you had best damn well deliver on that, and SCL had neither a super compelling story nor a reverence or accuracy to the D&D ruleset. With that all said, I really hate seeing anyone lose their job, or especially whole studios shut down, this is a real shame and I'm rooting for every single one of those displaced folks to be back behind an office computer screen working away in the near future.

Honestly, I'm hoping this means WotC will double down on their Beamdog partnership, because (with the exception of a few reported bugs that will soon be dispatched) all the early reviews I've read on Siege of Dragonspear have called it faithful and fantastic.

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I dont want another baldersgate unless it has a real 5th edition rules for pc or has dark alliance after the title for consoles.

aramis erak

Digital Extremes would be foolish to even bother spending any time or money on SCL at this point. It was a dead game after only a month...releasing the console version will not suddenly raise nSpace from the dead and will only cost DE money.

I hope those who lost their jobs find new work elsewhere in short order, but I won't say I'm sorry SCL failed as spectacularly hard as it has.

If they're that far along, it's sunk costs and probably already pressed. Selling it would then allow some recovery of those sunk costs; sitting on it would instead have additional costs accrue (disposition of said pressed disks).


Looking at their previous game development, it's really a puzzle that they were given such a complex game like Sword Coast Legends.

Their entire portfolio is either ports or games for handhelds (mostly the DS) and mobile. Their biggest previous title was a 3DS game, an action RPG.

Granted, these days there aren't many independent companies that make games like this. I guess Obsidian is probably the only one.


I'm one of the rare people that played the game and enjoyed it. The art was gorgeous, the game play was not buggy at all, and the voice acting, and story was quite entertaining. (Yes I FINISHED the game)

I'm with you on this. I finished the game and really enjoyed it. I was actually looking forward to Rage of Demons.

I feel if they had finished up the toolset updates they were promising, they might have seen things turn around. There were a lot of people who were waiting to purchase based on what happened with that, and I think if they had just done what people asked, word might have start to spread about the toolset and at least the modders and those interested in playing the modded adventures would have purchased the game. I mean, if I could at least create conversations with NPCs, I would probably create some adventures myself...but the fact that you can't even create regular conversations with NPCs (something that existed in the base game) is really kind of boggling.

Cody C. Lewis

First Post
I'm know this is like kicking a man when he's down but frankly, I feel like they deserve it nonetheless-- I can feel no sympathy for ANY producer ever that actually puts users hardware at risk due to laziness.

Their software was blowing up 980's and they knew it.

The released their game anyway.

Thank God I still had a warranty albeit I was past my 90 days, so my brand brand new 980 gets junked and replaced by a refurb. Fine, whatever, it's not like I just paid over $1k (at the time) for my 2 GPUs. I only hope no one else lost a $500+ piece of equipment because they were out of warranty.

If a developer has a great idea that doesn't pan out, ok, I don't throw stones. But if a developer produces malware-- yes, this was malware-- then I just can't feel bad for them. Good riddance.
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First Post
I saw this a mile away. I knew as soon as it left the gate that it was going to be a failure. You can't always BS your customers and think you are going to get away with it. What surprises me is that it took this long to happen.

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