This came up in the Losing Your Turn thread: How about houseruling disabling conditions like Stunned so that the player can choose to take Fatigue or Strife in exchange for acting? Thoughts?
Should it only affect Stunned? What about Paralyzed? Normally there are a couple ways to end Paralyze (breaking concentration, lesser restoration); Stunned less so, it's usually save or suck.
I was thinking the PC would choose one level of Fatigue or Strife... they're pretty nasty when they stack up so introducing the additional choice of which one would be interesting. Is this too powerful? Should monsters benefit from it as well? You have to take into account the fact that Fatigue RAW doesn't kick in 'til the encounter's over... that's one reason I usually don't reduce Crits with monsters for a level of fatigue, it feels crappy for the player and doesn't really affect the monster at all besides losing their reaction. Breaking a shield, yeah, I'll use that to reduce a crit for a baddie.
So should this Fatigue kick in immediately? I don't believe Strife has any such delaying rule.
Should it only affect Stunned? What about Paralyzed? Normally there are a couple ways to end Paralyze (breaking concentration, lesser restoration); Stunned less so, it's usually save or suck.
I was thinking the PC would choose one level of Fatigue or Strife... they're pretty nasty when they stack up so introducing the additional choice of which one would be interesting. Is this too powerful? Should monsters benefit from it as well? You have to take into account the fact that Fatigue RAW doesn't kick in 'til the encounter's over... that's one reason I usually don't reduce Crits with monsters for a level of fatigue, it feels crappy for the player and doesn't really affect the monster at all besides losing their reaction. Breaking a shield, yeah, I'll use that to reduce a crit for a baddie.
So should this Fatigue kick in immediately? I don't believe Strife has any such delaying rule.