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Tale of the Clueless - [Combat Thread]

Eva of Sirrion

First Post
Seeing Idim in the open, Mir decides on her action.

Idim's exposed over there, I'll cover her. She calls upon the Lady of Healing once more to grant her protection from the adversaries from the Abyss, then moves over to Idim's location, readying her blade in the process.

Standard action: cast protection from evil
Move action: draw longsword while moving to Idim's location.

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Isida Kep'Tukari

Drota sees enemies closing in on every side and takes a deep breath. Slowly she lets it out, chanting as she does so, touching her stone holy symbol and asking Luthic to bless her new children for the upcoming fight...

OOC: casting bless.


Round Three

  • Idim strings an arrow to her bow and firs at the boarders. The arrow strikes true, though the target is not yet dead (target was boarder #1)
  • Drota casts bless. all allies within 50 ft of her are affected. thats +1 attack and saves - remember them when rolling dice!
  • Vorastrix turns round and strafes the remaining traitors. Traitor 6 falls to the deck, burning, though the other two (5 and 7) manage to beat off the flames. For the second time, though, it seems as though Drahluut emerges unscathed from the attack. crew saves
    Drahluut save
  • Boarder 1, struck by Idim's arrow, falters and begins to fall for a moment, the mlomentum of his charge lost. he gathers his bearing, too late to keep up with his mates
  • Boarders 2, 3 charge onto the ship, attacking Mir, both missing.
  • Boarders 4, 5 charge onto the ship, attacking drota from the air, though even their elevated position denies them a true strike.
  • Boarders 6, 7 charge onto the ship, attacking Thrumgall, though both miss, also
  • Boarders 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; meanwhile 'fall' towards The Martyred justice at a slower rate, firing their crossbows as their compainions join the fray:
  • Boarders 8, 9 fire at Idim, both missing.
  • Boarders 10, 11, 12 fire at Vor. one of the shots hits, for 7 points of damage
  • Drahluut steps onto the edge of the ship, flanking Terrathoin, and attacks with his shortsword. the attack hits a vulnerable area for 16 points of damage
  • Mir dodges past the boarders that have attacked her (AoO miss her) and takes position besides idim
  • Crew #5 fills in the space Mir just left and attacks Drota, but misses
  • Crew #7 turns on Terrathoin and attacks him, missing
  • Two of the figures, distinctuive by the recurved horns on their heads (obvious tieflings)board the ship. One attacks Mir, though misses. The other charges across the ship into Vorastrix, hitting him with its longsword for 1 point of damage
  • Thrumgall, caught between Drahluut and the crewman, draws his axe and attacks the mirror-man. The attack is aggod one and catches the roguish character off-guard. the attack (a good crit...) deals 22 points of damage :eek:
  • Terrathoin does his best to attack Drahluut, though the mutineer dodges the blow effortlessly.
  • Finally, the winged figure glides over the deck of the Martyred Justice taking his position besides Idim. At this range, you can all see he is clearly of celestial bloodline, though perhaps somewhere during his upbringing the divine spark must have gone awry... leading to this dark creature. It attacks with an ornate longsword. the attack hits, for 5 points of damage

At the end of this round crew #6 is dead, crew # 5 and 7 are heavily injured as is Drahluut; Vor has taken 8 points of damage, Terrathoin has taken 16 points of damage, Idim has taken 5 points of Damage.

Onto round 4

[sblock=Vor]Anything you want to know just ask :)[/sblock]


The Martyred justice has just about finished with 180 turn and is pulling up besides The Sea Breeze, her own crew getting ready to board the middle ship. The third ship is pulling up beside the breeze and is now just about behind and beside her.

the combat map for the last round:


  • combat3.jpg
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First Post
Terrathoin winces at as Drahlutt sinks his blade and reacts moving from the flanked position and swinging his blade in an return blow.

5' step directly above Drahlutt's position, attack drahlutt.

Sorry I am rushing trying to leave while I do this. Forgot to include bless in the first roll so i rerolled with bless included, although it makes more sense to use the first and add 1, didn't know how you wanted it.
Attack 9 damage 5 or Attack and damage with bless (1d20+8=17, 1d10+4=14)

Eva of Sirrion

First Post
Fancy blade you have there. Mir says, saluting with her own blade. Let us see if you can make any use of it.

Despite the fact that this npc has a name and a distinctive appearance, I believe he is noting more than a DM-placed annoyance and plot-impediment with no relevance to the story other than to meet his end on one of our blades. [/OotS-style rant] Therefore, Mir shall have him!

attack roll, crit threat
confirming roll
damage roll


Through the roiling smoke of his flaming breath, Vor watches as two of the mutineers fight the small fires licking at their clothes while a third one falls to the deck consumed in flames. Suddenly, the air around the small dragon is filled with arrows shot by the enemy boarders. Vor corkscrews wildly through the air to avoid the first two arrows. A third, however strikes the wyrm, only to shatter harmlessly against Vor's magically enhanced silver-white hide. Still, the force of the blow causes the little dragon to spin end over end before he can regain control; just in time to see a tiefling charging widely across the deck at him. The small wyrm yelps in surprise as the demon-spawn swats him forcefully with a sword as long as Vor himself. Luckily Vor's magical protections once more manage to shield him from harm as the blade likewise fails to penetrate the dragon's hide.

In response, the small silver-white wyrm beats his wings furiously as he attempts to reverse direction, desperately trying to stay out of the tiefling's reach. Looking past the swordsman Vor sees that the enemy boarders have surrounded Drota and are threatening to overwhelm the orcish woman. Rage burning in his flashing green eyes, Vor cries out: "GET AWAY FROM MY MOTHER YOU BEASTS!!!" Opening his fanged maw once more Vor exhales a long stream of fire to engulf the tiefling swordsman, two of the remaining mutineers and three enemy boarders.

• 5 ft. Step back.
• Standard action to breathe a 5-ft. wide by 30-ft. line of fire
for 5 points of fire damage on T2, #5, #7, B3, B6 and possibly B5;
Ref DC 13 for half damage.
• Free action to talk.

[sblock=Nalfeshnee]OOC: Just a few points I think you may have overlooked:
• I believe you forgot to factor in Vor's active mage armor effect, his AC is currently 18. Looking over the attacks rolls you linked to, I don't believe Vor would have been hit by either the boarder's arrow or the tiefling's longsword. ;)
• If you look at the map I included in post 26 I think you'll see that I positioned Vor much closer to the side of the Sea Breeze. Since the tiefling didn't have to charge as far to reach Vor I've moved him backwards a bit on the map I'm including with this post. It's only important for how Vor positions his next breath weapon. Speaking of positioning, you mentioned in your post that B4 and B5 are up in the air rather than on deck. I don't know if B5 is high enough to escape Vor's 5-ft. wide line of fire or not. Vor will be doing his best to catch the boarder in the area of effect naturally. :]
• To reach Vor T2 had to charge across the deck, right past Terrathoin. I think it'd be fair to award the dwarf an attack of opportunity against the tiefling.
• I see that you factored in a height advantage for B4 and B5 in their attacks against Drota. In a plane where down and up are completely subjective, I can't see that anyone could claim a height advantage in combat. I mean, if someone wants to be on higher ground, all they'd have to do is decide that the person they're trying to hit is 'below' them. A clever person could even switch their subjective 'down' direction to gain a height advantage on enemies who flank him. I'm just saying, it seems a bit weird to me. :heh:

As far as Knowledge check, Vor will take 10 on his Knowledge (the planes) checks (DC 18) to identify the winged creature's and the other boarder's races and what energy types they're not immune or resistant to if possible.

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Blessings upon you youngling!" Drota calls to Vor even as flames licks the air right in front of her nose, and tries to jam her spear in the middle of the man in front of her. As to who it is, it doesn't matter at this point, they were trying to kill her.

OOC: Targeting B5, attempting to hit with a 15 (forgot to add the bless when I was rolling, the link goes to a 14), if damaging, doing 5 points of damage.


Now wishing that she hadn't dropped her rapier, Idim takes a step back, fires her bow at the assailant that struck her, and quickly drops her bow while bending to grab her rapier.

5-foot step back
Standard action: Attack 14, 3 damage
Free action: drop bow
Move action: pick up rapier

Thrumgall holds his position and takes a wicked swing at B7. If he is downed before I attack, Thrumgall moves into a flanking position Drahluut, taking an attack of opportunity if needed and attacks him.
"Make sure no one gets below! It'll do no good for us to win the battle up here if they steal the items below"
Standard Attack pirate B7

Backup action:
Move: Move to flank Drahluut Standard: Attack Drahluut.

Dice rolls

Attack B7 18 to hit 9 damage
Attack against Drahluut 23 to hit 9 damage

Voidrunner's Codex

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