D&D 5E Tall's PotA Campaign - IC


Round 5

Eroll hurries after the priest and lets lose a bolt, guided by the dancing light emanating from the man he finds his mark and causes the priest to trip. Jv tries to shoot the priest as well but misses. The priest quickly finds his feet and continues his flight.

The last reaver standing hacks at the bear downing it, but to his horror he now faces a man, unbloodied and fresh for battle.

Nariah blasts at one of the bandits but misses while Illvilious used his guile to get one bandit to hit the other.

Group A:
Illvilious, Nariah, Duran
Group B:
Priest, Bandits, Reavers
Group C:
Errol, J.V.

[SBLOCK=Rolls and notes]
Erols shoots the priest for 14 damage concentration check to maintain expeditious retreat: 1D20+2 = [19]+2 = 21
priest STR save to avoid tripping: 1D20+2 = [5]+2 = 7
JV shoots an arrow at the priest as well but misses

The remaining reaver attacks DuranReaver attack on Duran: 1D20+4 = [14]+4 = 18
1D8+1D6+2 = [7]+[2]+2 = 11
1D20+4 = [15]+4 = 19
1D8+1D6+2 = [3]+[2]+2 = 7
rolled twice by mistake, so only counting the first one. the hit reduces the bear to 0 HP
The two bandits attack IllviliousBandit attack and damage on Illvilious: 1D20+3 = [19]+3 = 22
1D6+1 = [3]+1 = 4
1D20+3 = [9]+3 = 12
1D6+1 = [1]+1 = 2
One hot for 4 damage
The priest stands up for half move, then moves 15 action dashes for 30 and bonus action dashes for 30 now 125ft past the top of the map.

Nariah misses T1
Duran's action is no longer in bear form so needs to be changed. I'll add it as part of my post for next round, so post one for this round AND next round.
Illvilious misses T2 then hits T1 for 8


Ilvillious 23/27
Nariah 23+6/23 concentration on hex
Duran 23/23
Erol 36+6/36
J.V. 27+6/27

[-]L1: 0/11[/-]
[-]L2: 0/11
T1: 0/11[/-]
T2: 11/11
[-]B: 0/11[/-]
[-]R1: 0/22[/-]
[-]R2: 0/22[/-]
R3: 22/22
P: 32/52; 1---/22-/--; Concentration on Expeditious Retreat 99/100

everyone can post actions for round six.

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I think you guys can handle the remaining two bandits, but that priest will soon be out of missile range..
1 ki point to bonus action disengage
Move and Dash to get 90 closer to him, might take me a round or two but I think I can catch him even with the spell?

Seeing the priest getting away, Ilvellios leapt into pursuit, the wind blowing at his robes as he accelerated away like a cheetah.

[sblock]Ilvellios hp 15/27 thp 0
Str +0(+2 Saves), Dex +4(+6 Saves), Con +1, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha -1
Acrobatics +6, Survival +5, Stealth +6, Insight +5, Perception +5
AC 17
Inspiration yes
Ki: 1/4
HD: 4/4
Quarterstaff +6, 1d8+4
Unarmed/Radiant Bolt +6, 1d4+4



Duran briefly panics as he loses nature's fury and sees the priest fleeing, he quickly gathers his senses.

OOC: So if Duran runs 30ft casts entanglement at its max 90ft it then covers 20ft giving 140 range would it catch the priest?



Dessarin/Red Larch
Day 7/Morning
Round 6

Errol continued after the priest down the road. It was getting to the edge of his range. The man was moving like the wind! Loading the crossbow, Errol sighted again and let loose, aiming for a leg again to trip him so Ilvellious could catch up.

Move: Move 30’ down the road; should be 95’ from the priest
Action: Fire at the priest, advantage from Faerie Fire (forgot that last round)
Heavy crossbow attack and damage advantage: 2D20.HIGH(1)+8 = [15, 4]+8 = 23
1D10+4 = [9]+4 = 13

Superiority die: 1D8 = [6] = 6
Total Damage = 19 and he must make a DC 14 Strength save or fall prone
Bonus Action:
Bolts used: 6

[sblock=Errol’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 2
AC: 16
HP: 36/36+6 thp HD: 4/4d10
Superiority Dice: (1/4/R @ d8 DC 14) (Commander’s Strike, Rally, Trip)
Arrows: 35
Bolts: 22
Action Surge (1/R)*
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+4)
Inspiring Leader (1/R 6)*


So if Duran runs 30ft casts entanglement at its max 90ft it then covers 20ft giving 140 range would it catch the priest?

Sorry, I keep forgetting to attach the map, but no, Duran is still some distance from the top edge of the map, so his total distance is much greater than 125ft.

Also he's still facing the last reaver.
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Without his beastial powers Duran is no match for well anyone in melee combat, those years are long behind the old man. Instead Duran taps into nature to produce a pollen they will freeze his opponent fast.
OOC: Casting hold person dc 14 wis save or paralized


"The odds are clearly not in my favor." J.V. thought to himself. He gave up on the bow and just held his hand out, launching a bolt at Duran's attacker.



Round 6

Errol, shoots another well aimed bolt at the fleeing priest, causing him to trip once more. Nariah adds her powers to the attack on the priest but he shields himself from the attack. He curses and digs deeper into his reserves of magic to aid his flight. JV attacks the last reaver facing Duran, while the aged druid taps into his powers to restrain the cultist, holding him fast. The cultist's face contorts with rage but he remains restrained. Illvilious deftly steps out of reach of the bandit and with superhuman speed chases after the priest. The last remaining bandit, seeing his commander fleeing, follows suit, dropping his weapons in desperate hop of mercy and flees, angling away from the priest.

Group A:
Illvilious, Nariah, Duran
Group B:
Priest, Bandits, Reavers
Group C:
Errol, J.V.

[SBLOCK=Rolls and notes]
Sorry if this wasn't clear, but the priest was 125ft past the edge of the map, so most PC's are further as no one was at the edge of the map.

Eroll's range to the priest is 245ft so no disadvantage from range cancelled by advantage from faerie fire (same as last round), using the first roll he'll hit for 19 damage
priest save vs trip: 1D20+2 = [2]+2 = 4
priest concentration check: 1D20+2 = [4]+2 = 6
loses concentration
JV casts eldritch blast at the reaver for 10 damage

Illvilious disengages, them moves then dashes towards the priest
Nariah casts eldritch blast at the priest who casts shield to stop it, so no damage
Duran casts hold person on the reaver, Reaver WIS save: 1D20 = [1] = 1

The priest stands up and moves 15ft, then casts expiditious retreat and dashes as a bonus action and dashes as an action. This puts him 200ft past the top of the map.
T2 turns to peruse Illvilious, sees the priest has fled, drops his own weapons and heads NW trying to stay as far from anyone as possible.
Reaver WIS save at end of turn: 1D20 = [11] = 11
remains held

Ilvillious 23/27
Nariah 23+6/23 concentration on hex
Duran 23/23
Erol 36+6/36
J.V. 27+6/27

[-]L1: 0/11[/-]
[-]L2: 0/11
T1: 0/11[/-]
T2: 11/11
[-]B: 0/11[/-]
[-]R1: 0/22[/-]
[-]R2: 0/22[/-]
R3: 12/22
P: 13/52; ----/2--/--; Concentration on Expeditious Retreat 100/100
Tracking the fleeing priest is hurting my head. He is currently 330ft from Errol. Illvilious will catch up to him next round, with a move, dash, bonus Ki dash

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Yes, it's a little hard to track, I can see the funny side through:)
Ilvellios takes the actions that you thought he would and catches up to the priest..

His legs moving in a blur, arms pumping in perfect synchrony, Ilvellios streaked across the ground, rapidly closing with the priest as he picked himself up and re-cast his spell.
"You know you can't outrun me, right? Why don't you give up?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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