(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn III

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"OK. I'm heading out with to the elf's carriage." She smiles brightly at the various characters in the tavern, including the two weirdly-armored creatures. "Bye - be back in two weeks!"


Another dwarf (there seem to be a lot of them, lately). laden with gear, wanders into the bar, and looks around.

"Greetings! I be Rurik - Oi! Whar's everybody going! Were't something I said?"


Living EN World Judge
dpdx said:
Another dwarf (there seem to be a lot of them, lately). laden with gear, wanders into the bar, and looks around.

"Greetings! I be Rurik - Oi! Whar's everybody going! Were't something I said?"

OoC:The thread for the adventure is 'The Monestary of Saint Feragon'.


First Post
Uriel said:
OoC:The thread for the adventure is 'The Monestary of Saint Feragon'.

OOC: Now, let's give him an IC response...

A man near the bar, wearing brown travelling cloth, talking with an elf and a women with a bird on her shoulder turn around and look at the newcomer.

"Hi dwarf! I must tell you, that when you step inside the Red Dragon Inn, a traveller must state is name and occupation. That's the tradition in this Inn. But to answer your question, they are forming two group to get rid of some savage orcs who are attacking the region. Sign of them have been found in a vinyard, and they have been killed there, but we think they will strike at a monastery, and they may have already attack a wizard tower. Is that answer satisfied your curiosity? And by the way, may name is Rinaldo di Senzio, spice merchant and more."
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Living EN World Judge
dpdx said:
Another dwarf (there seem to be a lot of them, lately). laden with gear, wanders into the bar, and looks around.

"Greetings! I be Rurik - Oi! Whar's everybody going! Were't something I said?"

Psst! Don't let the Train leave without you...I just started them off on the road. :D


Rurik shakes the proffered hand. "Right - like I were sayin', I be Rurik Axebender, fighter, weaponsmith, DWARF, blah blah blah. If yer needin' help, I should like to step right up, so I'll be on my way - d'ye know where I'd find the monastery?"

Presuming he gets a (correct) answer, we'll wave to everyone and deposit himself in the [Monastery thread].


First Post
"Sir Axebender, just follow the troop outside, there. You see they are leaving right now, I think you have achance to catch them up if you go now. They will show you the way."


LEW Judge
The door opens and a halfling wearing a patchwork cloak of blue and white enters the Inn. The piercing aspect of his blue eyes are accentuated by a scar that runs diagonal through his face. He carries a shield and wears a tabard, both with a brown colored sword upon a field of white. After closing the door behind him to leave the cold out, the halfling walks to an empty seat at the bar. He takes a cursory look of his suroundings noting several persons of interest. The scanning of the area done, the halfling's features soften.Since he had seen no immediate danger in his proximity, he relaxed his guard.

He nods in greeting to the bartender after he lifts himself unto the seat. "Hullo there, barkeep." The halfling proceeds to make himself comfortable. "My name is Sir Ishmael of the Wooden Sword, though Ishmael would do just as well. Would you know of any quests that would suit a knight errant in search for adventure?"
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Living EN World Judge
nimisgod said:
The door opens and a halfling wearing a patchwork cloak of blue and white enters the Inn. The piercing aspect of his blue eyes are accentuated by a scar that runs diagonal through his face. He carries a shield and wears a tabard, both with a brown colored sword upon a field of white. After closing the door behind him to leave the cold out, the halfling walks to an empty seat at the bar. He takes a cursory look of his suroundings noting several persons of interest. The scanning of the area done, the halfling's features soften.Since he had seen no immediate danger in his proximity, he relaxed his guard.

He nods in greeting to the bartender after he lifts himself unto the seat. "Hullo there, barkeep." The halfling proceeds to make himself comfortable. "My name is Sir Ishmael of the Wooden Sword, though Ishmael would do just as well. Would you know of any quests that would suit a knight errant in search for adventure?"

OoC: Hello Nimisgod. We could use another sturdy (if short) scrapper in the 'Monestary of Saint Feragon', which, ironically ,is about helping out Lawful Good Monks beset by some form of Supernatural Evil,in case to do wish to go...

IC: A young lad (a human of perhaps twelve summers) eyes the halfling, an appreciative whistle sounding from his lips as he sees that this halfling is geared for War. ''Scuse me, Little lord, but old Bron Bekkle jus left wit a band headed fer the Monestary o' Saint Feragon. There's some Evil Vampires, r' ghosts, r' man-eatin' Goblins 'r some such out there feastin' on the poor Monks. They left not five minutes ago,they did...'

Sir Ishmael peers outside, noting that a Dwarf had just rode off, mounting a palamino horse far too large for him, riding after the goup that the lad spoke of.
Two City-Heralds still stood outside, holding the reings of two horses and a black pony....how the poor Dwarf missed the Pony is a mystery.

OoC:If you would like to play, just post in the Monestary thread and we will assume that you catch up after a half an hour, prior to the reaching the Roadwarden House.
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