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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


First Post
"Well ...no. My first port of call was that comfy chair by the fire, stretch the legs, maybe take a wee snooze, and then continue with my studies. But now that our exciting conversation has my blood running hot, I fear I must skip the snooze in that beloved of all chairs, and get back to my scrolls. I aquired a few humdingers from the Pearl that I can't wait to get in my Blessed Book.

A pleasure Milasande. I hope we have a chance to talk again. Aradra, I am sure we will talk again soon."
Relic rose and left the private room and found a quiet corner to begin poring over his new scrolls.

[sblock=OOC]Relic begins studying new spells. I can't quite remember the timeframe he needs to learn and write in a new spell but for book keeping purposes that process begins from this date.

Pretty sure his spellcraft is high enough that rolling is no longer necessary taking 10 DC 15 + lvl: 21 and 20; spellcraft 25 +10: 35 (correct me if I am wrong). No material cost (Blessed Book)

His priority order will be: Ball Lightning (lvl 5 so 1 hour study, 5 hrs writing), Telekenetic Charge (lvl 5 so 1 hour study, 5 hrs writing), Undead Anatomy (lvl 6 so 1 hour study, 6 hrs writing), Cold Ice Strike (lvl 6 so 1 hour study, 6 hrs writing)

Total Time: 26 hrs.

Ring Of SUstenance so no stops for food or drink. I think he can so this in 2 days. So 4 days real life ... is that the rule? [/sblock]

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Charity, Human Female
Nodding to Heinrich as she steps further away from the table and towards the meeting room where the ranger went, Charity keeps up a friendly patter for the benefit of the large wolf. "Aradra this way. Come on, boy. Over here... good... good...."

Back-stepping past other patrons with the wolf's attention focused on her and bent over so as not to seem overly threatening, the young woman eventually arrives at the meeting room door. Shuffling her long red braid back over her shoulder as she straightens her posture, Charity knocks twice, then opens the door. "Pardon the intrusion, I believe this mostly well-mannered wolf is a friend of Aradra's?" She gestures at the wolf, wherever he ended up.


Marla the Barmaid
With the bouncers forcing the painted man onto the stage, Marla is left holding the bag of gold. "Mine, then?" she flippantly asks, turning back towards the bar with a faux non-chalance to her canter. She keeps an eye on the mime as he continues to gesture madly up on the stage, as if waiting for a reaction.

[sblock=Learning Spells]jbear, ScottDeWar is basically right. A little more elaboration comes from the 'Learning Spells' page on the wiki:

"Limit one spell per calendar, or real life, day. Time is expected to flow at 3 calendar days to one En day for commissioning crafted items, so 1 hour studying + the hour/level scribing time itself leads to a 1/3 En work day roughly."[/sblock]


First Post
Aradra and Shadow together at last

[section]~In the Common Area~
The wolf's head turns around as it catches a smell it recognized, as the old wizard who entered the meeting room earlier just left. The wolf's tail wagged a few times, before turning back to Charity and following her towards the door. More accurately, he was waiting by the door before Charity good blink. It sniffed the crack of the door as Charity knocked, and backed up with his tail wagging has she opened the door.


~ In a private room ~

Aradra waves good bye to Relic and turns back to Milasande. "As of right now nothing yet. I still have to..." before a rapping on the door interrupted him. "It's open!" Aradra says as the door opens, and the red haired woman named Charity opens the door. "Pardon the intrusion, I believe this mostly well-mannered wolf is a friend of Aradra's?" .

Aradra stands up with a questioning look, but all he saw was a black blur as the wolf races past Charity, and bowls Aradra over by putting his head into Aradra's gut. "OOph" was the only cry that comes out as Aradra falls backwards on the ground. A large clatter as the seat that Aradra just got out of gets knocked aside, thankfully not knocking into the table.

The wolf then stands over Aradra, preventing him from getting up. Aradra closes his eyes in pain, before opening one of them to see the wolf panting slightly, inches from Aradra's own. "I guess that is my punishment for leaving you behind, huh."

In response, the wolf licks Aradra's face once before allowing Aradra to stand up. He checks to makr sure Charity is alright before scratching his head again and saying "Chairty, Melisande, may I introduce the totally not well-mannered wolf, Shadow." The wolf sits down next to Aradra's right leg, looking at both before looking back at his lifelong friend..


Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
When Charity returns, Heinrich waves her over, "I thought it was boots, a friend f of Sylla. Boots talks and likes beer." He finishes his wine and frog legs and passes the empty dishes to Marla.


Marla the Barmaid
With the bouncers forcing the painted man onto the stage, Marla is left holding the bag of gold. "Mine, then?" she flippantly asks, turning back towards the bar with a faux non-chalance to her canter. She keeps an eye on the mime as he continues to gesture madly up on the stage, as if waiting for a reaction.

The painted man at this point doesn't seem to be noticing anything or anybody beyond whatever may be in his head. Grog just shrugs, "We'll hold onto it for the rest of the night just in case he stole it or did something similarly stupid to get that. If no one shows up looking for it by closing time, it's yours." With that, he pulls out an event chalkboard from behind the counter and heads outside to advertise the ongoing performance of "Fred the Freak Show," taking advantage of the opportunity to draw in a larger crowd while it lasted.


Melisande, Paladin

~ In a private room ~


Melisande watched the reunion. It was not an unfamiliar sight to her as she had seen similar relationships with some of her order and their special horses. She had chose a path to acquire a divine touched mount and companion, her weapons being more important. She did have a steed, but it was a horse of a more normal variety.

She smiled in greeting a light chuckle in her tone, "Indeed. Well met, Shadow. I am sorry to have kept your friend's attention so long." She held out her hand, palm up, for the wolf to sniff.

Melisande turned to the doorway and inclined her head, "Hello to you as well, Charity. Would you care to join us?"

[sblock=Mini Stats]Melisande
Initiative: +1 Perception: +15 (Darkvision)
AC: 28 (27 flat-footed, 13 Touch) - Currently 18 with Chainshirt
HP: 158 (DR3/-) Current: 158
CMB: +20 CMD: 33(32ff) (+2 vs Sunder/Disarm) Fort: +18 Reflex: +11 Will: +14
Special: Immune to Fear, Disease, Charm
Current Conditions in Effect: Power Attack (-4Att/+8(12)dmg), Jingasa Luck (1xday, Immediate neg Critical/Sneak Attack), Aura of Good/Courage/Resolve
Current Weapon in Hand: None

Lay on Hands (6d6): 12/12 Remaining
Smite Evil (5x/day, +4 Att, +17 dmg, +4 Deflect AC): 5/5 Remaining
Alter Self: 1/1 Remaining
Divine Bond (+3): 3/3 Remaining
Spells Remaining:
1st Level 4/4+2 Pearls (Protection from Evil, Hero's Defiance, Bless, Divine Favor)
2nd Level 3/3+1 Pearl (Effortless Armor, Blade Tutor's Spirit, Righteous Vigor)
3rd Level 2/2 (Greater Magic Weapon, Greater Magic Weapon)
4th Level 1/1 (Resounding Blows)[/sblock]
[sblock=GM Note]jbear, you also do not have to take care of the spell scribing in the DWI thread. You should probably post it in the Arcane Row thread to start the RL clock, just like crafting.

However, even if it is 3 days RL for each spell, that is 12 days max and you need not worry about it now as I doubt Mowgli is going to begin recruiting before then. ;)

Also, you do not need to sideline your character for that time either. It can all happen off camera. :)[/sblock]


First Post
Leira Olren, Master of Martial Arts

Entering the Inn, Leira is practically beaming at completing her first task since leaving the church. Sitting down at an empty table, she waves down Marla. "Hi Marla, I made it back in one piece. This deserves some good wine."


Charity, Human Female
~ In the Doorway between a Private Room and the Main Area ~

As Shadow bounds into the room to 'greet' Aradra, Charity finds herself pushed up against the doorframe haphazardly. Straightening herself out, she picks up on the wizard's comment about Boots. "Oh, yes, Boots. I have not seen or heard from him, lately," she comments, giving the man a respectful nod.

Turning back to the spectacle of man and wolf, the woman smiles broadly as Aradra is still pinned down by his large companion. She seems about ready to head off again when Melisande addresses her, giving her pause. She thinks a moment, looking out into the room, then replies, "Yes, that would be alright. One moment, please."

Stepping to the bar she speaks briefly with the bartender, and after an appropriate exchange, Charity comes to Qalabash and Master Shrike's table with one ale in each hand. "There we go, the wolf is taken care of. Oh, and I brought ale for you both. I'll be back in a bit, alright? I need to speak with the serious-looking woman for a bit, then I'll catch up." Patting each of them on the shoulder, the young woman heads back to the private room.

~ In a Private Room ~

Charity steps into the private room and addresses Melisande and Aradra. "Hunh. There we go, just a couple little things taken care of. I'd just met Aradra, but it is a pleasure to see you again so soon. Well... when you manage to get off the floor, anyway." She smiles graciously and adds, "And you too, Shadow, of course."

Turning to Melisande while Aradra deals with Shadow, "It is a pleasure to meet you... Melisande, is it? Well then, you seem to have traveled quite a ways to get here. I hope the trip was bearable. I did not come from nearly as far." Green eyes almost gleam as she looks out the door, and gestures, a shredded sleeve of her poet's shirt fluttering, "That way, a few blocks. Not far. So, what brings you to our town."

Voidrunner's Codex

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