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[Tavern] Tower's Shard 2010

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Pis gets a concerned look on his face. The look is matched by concern passing like a cloud over his thoughts, “No! No, no, no. Do not say these things. Defending your home is quite the honorable and selfless act. Being able to heal another is a selfless act that should bring you pride, not frowns. Please,” he gestures almost pleadingly, “tell me of your home. I would be honored.” By the time he’s stopped he is smiling again, he seems genuinely happy to have met the woman and eager to hear her tale.

He orders and carries four mugs to the table. A mug is placed before Talkrai and each of her companions, “Perhaps you might start with a name?”

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Those inside the Shard hear a rumbling from outside that gets louder and louder over a few seconds. It suddenly stops right outside the doors with something like a blended roar and squeal with a light grinding of metal. A few sparks are visible flying across the threshold. The glowing spirit a of bear walks through the doors, accompanied by a large hound. Both seem to be made of molten onyx or obsidian, but without the associated heat, smoke or screaming that usually comes with these kind of creatures walking into a bar.

The warforged bartender making his rounds through the tables, pats the bear spirit on the head and indicates an empty large corner table. The bear chuffs at the living construct and looks back over her shoulder at the door before leading the rock dog under the table. Brews heads over to the door where voices can now be heard coming from outside. As he pulls one of the matched saloon style doors open inward, an obsidian black hand comes over the top of the other and opens that one outward. "Right this way fellas. Don't hit the base on the door frame here." An utterly tiny goliath woman backs through the wide double doors, less than 6 feet tall, waving her arms as she guides others toward the door. Her craggy, obsidian hide is broken occasionally with slightly glowing red crystaline formations that pulse in time with her heartbeat. A small symbol also glows red, just above her impressive cleavage. She has long crimson hair worn in braids pulled back in a large ponytail, and wears a little maroon leather outfit that accentuates all the right curves. She turns to the animal that came in just before her. "Gretta go sit with Olaf until I bring in my stuff, and don't let anyone mess with it." The molten dog trots happily out from under the table and outside with her nasty looking tongue hanging out the side of her mouth, and heads out through the open doors.

"Brewsey old chum it's finally done! I sold its internals as spell components to pay for it to be stuffed and mounted, and for the protective wards on it. It should look great next to the hearth!" Behind her, 2 men push a floating pedestal through the doors carrying something under a tarp. "You wanted it on the right side of the large fireplace right Brews?" A cloaked Dwarf enters behind the movers and takes Brew's hand warmly. She follows the bartender to the spot and begins to scribe powerful wards around the spot where the pedestal will set, leaving a the last stroke of each blank. Rohna indicates the placement to the movers with the warforge's help and the pedestal lowers to the ground soundlessly in perfect position inside the warding runes. A crowd of citizens had apparently been following the strange assemblage through town and had been trickling in while the package was being placed. The group includes several guild mages, dignitaries and warriors of note.

Brews indicates the tarp with a deferential sweep of his hand to the littlest goliath. She smiles and gently pulls the tarp away revealing the professionally mounted trophy of a black, winged reptile with a skeletal face framed by large, down-swept horns. "Patrons of the Shard and citizens of Sharn. I present to you, the Black Dragon. The first dragon to be killed inside the city in an age." She gives a signal to the house Kundarak master warder who adds the final glyphs. A force field arcs up from the ring of devastatingly powerful sigils to encase the trophy against any type of vandalism or theft for all time. The dwarf rises from placing the last sigil, her brow covered in beads of sweat from the exertion. "That ward will outlast portions of the city I'd say. You have the thanks of house Kundarak for choosing us for all your warding needs." She casts a loving eye to the ward as it fades from sight into the stones of the floor, then pulls a rabbit out of her robe by its ears. "Ready to test it?" She moves a few steps back and, to the horror of the crowd, throws the rabbit at full force into the ward. But instead of the rabbit bursting into flame, or splattering on the side of a wall of force, as the animal passes the plain of the ward it vanishes and comes flying back out as if it had been thrown from the other side. The dwarf catches the flying fluffy test missile and holds it up unharmed to the crowd. Rohna leans over to Brews as the rabbit is shown to be uninjured. "I thought that one would be better than an explodey type ward." The bartender nodding approval. After many sighs of relief the crowd cheers and moves up to get a closer look at the fearsome beast. Brews bustles around happy for all the new paying clients the trophy has attracted.

Rohna walks back outside a moment before returning with her pack and massive spiked hammer over her shoulder. The molten dog is trotting beside her as heads over to the table in the corner that has the faintly glowing spirit bear underneath it. A deep snorting sound can be heard coming from outside as people come and go through the Shard's doors. Anyone that looks sees a giant dire boar in full plate armor tied to the hitching post.
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Outside the crackle of lightning and the booming of thunder is heard, even over the din of celebration at the installation of the dragon's head on the mantle. The typical rainy nature of Sharn appears to be even more aggressive than normal and anyone looking out the window sees dark thunderheads in the sky, threatening even worse weather.

The door to the tavern opens, just as a bolt of lightning illuminates the sky, nearly as bright as the sun, and a lithe silhouette fills the doorway. With the light behind the individual, it is impossible to make out details, but in an instant the lightning dissipates, having struck one of the many devices set up on the towers to catch the electrical bolts. As the tavern's light falls upon the face of the humanoid, a female half-elf is visible. Her long, auburn hair falls upon her shoulders, and a pony-tail ties up the back of the wild mane. Sky-blue eyes scan the crowd and a the woman looks around. She is obviously of half-elven descent, her elven side fairly prominent with her unusually pointed ears, poking out from her hair. She carries a large shield across her back and a longsword hangs at her left hip. Well-worn armor made from bands of some extremely toughened leather covers her torso, while well-made leather breeches.

"Good day all, I am Thalen d'Lyrandar." she says simply, moving to take in the view of the dragon's head. She is tall, standing over six feet, but her thin frame moves with practiced grace. Thalen draws more than a few stares from the male patrons, which in turn draws either scowls or slaps from their wives.

"Who killed this beast? It is quite the feat" Thalen asks, looking around the room at the large number of obvious adventurers.

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"Ew! Stay pig! You stay there!" A woman's voice can be heard from outside. "Oh. . . you're tied up. . . good."

A young woman enters the tavern, her eyes cautiously scanning the crowd. She stands straight, with a military like posture, though her attire would speak of a different background. She currently a teal corset top, with matching short should jacket and tight shorts. Her small, Safewing amulet, sits on lightly around her neck and her boots are a dark sea green, accenting the top, though tough and durable. She wears her brown leather belt loosely over her hips, a sheathe on each side, though only the left is visibly housing a dagger.

Her eyes fall on the dragon and her face lights up. She gives a small squeal of glee, before spying Rohna.

"Oh, it looks fantastic!" She spies the half-elf eying the dragon. "You like that? Not bad huh?"


[sblock=Edit/ooc]Those of you who have met Shava before might note that this is not the clothing that she wore when previously in the tavern, nor is it the armor she recently acquired.[/sblock]
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"Indeed. Whoever managed to kill such a monster is definitely a skilled warrior." the half-elf replies, not taking her eyes off the display.


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OOC - its the whole horse-sized dragon not just its head :p

Rohna waves over Shava to the shadowy corner table. "It came out good didn't it." Indicating the focus of everyone's attention. She indicates the hound of molten rock sitting next to her. "Oh this is Greta. Mitra was getting lonely so I conjured her a playmate." There is a happy chuff from the soft glow under the table.
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Shava extends her gloved hand to the woman. "Shava Devla d'Lyrandar of Krathak En Morthon, name pending copy write and finalization. Thank you for the compliment." She smiles and then points to Rohna. "That's Rohna and Mitra, also of the group." She suddenly grows sour. "Though you would never know it. Did you see the Inquisitive. Roswyn gets mentioned twice but not the rest of us eh?"


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Talkrai was quite confused by this brightly-dressed adventurer. She was having a hard time telling what to make of him, which had never happened before. She bobbed her head politely in thanks when he handed her the mug, sure to hold it carefully and not spill a drop.

"Oh," she stammered. "I'm so sorry. My name is Talkrai."

She took a small sip from the mug and immediately began choking. She put the mug down on the table quickly and covered her mouth until the coughing subsided.

"That's a bit stronger than I'm used to,"
she wheezed. "Sorry again."

She felt that she couldn't be making a very good impression, and began to fidget some more.

"I'm not really sure where to begin. The Dragonwood..." she stopped abruptly as the small goliath burst in with her package, and watched in awe as the dragon trophy was mounted. She didn't even bother to hide her amazement, having never seen anything of the like outside of dreaming. Her mouth dropped open and she just stared at it for a moment.

"Excuse me, but I really must get a closer look at that," she said with excitement in her voice, getting up quickly and moving to join the group oogling the thing.

Seeing the two half-elves discussing the monster, she attempted to casually insert herself into the conversation to see if she could learn more.

"Hello," she greeted them both. "I'm Talkrai."

Turning to Shava she says, "I have to say that thing is quite amazing. It must have been a terrible battle to defeat it. Are you all ok? I hope no one was too badly injured."
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When she gives her name he inclines his head, “It is a pleasure Talkrai.”

She stops just as she was about to begin her tale. The disappointment is plain on his face as he turns to see who or what interrupted her. As with most likely every patron in the establishment, he sits in stunned silence as he sees the Goliath and the following porters. As Talkrai departs saying "Excuse me, but I really must get a closer look at that," Pis stands and walks towards the beast. “As must we all, my dear.” He says clearly in awe. “As must we all.”

He paces around the stuffed dragon as much as he is able and tries to catch it from every direction. He bends to take a closer look at the claws; he leans as close as he can to see the jaw and horns; he even examines the tail. The entire time he nods in approval. A dragon… Traveler, I hope you knew what you were doing when you brought me here…

[sblock=ooc]Mimicking ladylaw with the thoughts in italics. [/sblock]


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Shava extends her gloved hand to the woman. "Shava Devla d'Lyrandar of Krathak En Morthon, name pending copy write and finalization. Thank you for the compliment." She smiles and then points to Rohna. "That's Rohna and Mitra, also of the group." She suddenly grows sour. "Though you would never know it. Did you see the Inquisitive. Roswyn gets mentioned twice but not the rest of us eh?"

Seeing the two half-elves discussing the monster, she attempted to casually insert herself into the conversation to see if she could learn more.

"Hello," she greeted them both. "I'm Talkrai."

Turning to Shava she says, "I have to say that thing is quite amazing. It must have been a terrible battle to defeat it. Are you all ok? I hope no one was too badly injured."

Thalen turns at the mention of the name "Lyrandar" when the other half-elf speaks, but then hears the newcomer. She looks down at Talkrai with her almond eyes, "Hello Talkrai, I am Thalen d'Lyrandar" she says with heavy emphasis on the house name.

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