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[Tavern] Tower's Shard 2010

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A dwarf walks into The Shard, he favors his left leg as he moves toward a table. His beard is well-groomed, but streaked slightly with grey. A steel skullcap sits atop a balding head and he wears a blue vest over a suit of leather armor. Leather gloves go all the way up to his elbows. The stranger has a cane in one hand to assist him in getting around, and a copy of The Sharn Inquisitive tucked under the other arm. Finally the stranger speaks his name, “Boris Coldforge, Scholar of Morgrave University. Hot tea please, the sky just erupted with a chill rain a moment ago,” he says to Brews.

Peering around the room, he finally sees what he is looking for, even if it is the size of a horse. Boris walks over to the stuffed dragon, admiring the handiwork before muttering, “It is real. I wonder how much that cost.” The dwarf unfolds the newspaper, looking through the text, before walking over to a pair of half-elves females seated together and speaking. “My apologies, I don’t mean to intrude, but can do you know where I can find Roswyn’s group?”

[sblock=Adventure Recruitment: The Eyes of the Tiger]
I am opening recruitment to my new addy here. The group from Dirty Money gets preference first, as does renau1g’s new PC. He is speaking to Shava in that final sentence, if that wasn’t clear.

The adventure is meant for characters of level 7. Just a warning to those of level 4/5, my adventurers are hard, and you will probably die if you don’t play smart. If all from Dirty Money joins up, we have a pretty good base started. 2 melee defenders, a ranged striker, controller and a mostly ranged, though he can melee as well, leader. The group would benefit most from either another leader or striker. I’ll accept up to 6 characters total.[/sblock]

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OOC: interested Voda Vosa, but I wait for my other char to level up - cannot go

The giant goliath (even for his own kind) looks in wonder toward the dragon. He essentially ignores the scuffle until dragonmarks are mentioned.

"Three of the prophecy together? Lyrandar are dragonmarked? All of them?" he sounds as if it's new revelation and not something known across Eberron.
"It may be really important. I'll see if I can get to join them if they go on some form of quest. I'll let you know what I find out if you're still interested, little lady." he says to Talkrai


First Post
"I appreciate your offer, Sir," she says, still muffled. "I suspect I'll always be interested. As for the dragon, I wonder how it got into the city sewers in the first place. That can't be easy to do for a dragon. If that's some sort of sign of what's normal around here, or about to be normal around here, I think it won't take long for adventure to find you."

Talkrai made no effort to raise her head to observe the tavern's newcomer. She sensed he wouldn't want her around, and so opted to ignore his entrance. She suspected that with the tavern as crowded as it was he wouldn't even notice.


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"Would you be interested in helping out a fellow Lyrandar get some vengeance against those that have killed a number of our friends and destroyed one of our valuable ships?" she asks anxiously.

"Am I? Of course." Shava says it as though delighted. A wild goose chase with no profit in sight? How wonderful. . . "However. . ." and she looks to Rohna knowingly. "My current crew is used to doing work that has a higher financial incentive. Don't despair however, the two can go hand in hand. I am currently in the process of raising funds for our own airship. What better way to help draw your attackers out than aboard one of those, eh?"

The dwarf unfolds the newspaper, looking through the text, before walking over to a pair of half-elves females seated together and speaking. “My apologies, I don’t mean to intrude, but can do you know where I can find Roswyn’s group?”

"You're looking at one half of them now, sir!" She smiles and extends her hand. I knew that article would come back at us. Roswyn's group eh?

"Shava Devla d'Lyrandar, and these are my associate's Rohna, and Thalen d'Lyrandar. How can we be of service to you?"

[sblock=ooc]Just to be clear. Shava's Dragonmark is not currently visible.[/sblock]
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"Am I? Of course." Shava says it as though delighted. A wild goose chase with no profit in sight? How wonderful. . . "However. . ." and she looks to Rohna knowingly. "My current crew is used to doing work that has a higher financial incentive. Don't despair however, the two can go hand in hand. I am currently in the process of raising funds for our own airship. What better way to help draw your attackers out than aboard one of those, eh?"

"Interesting...my search will likely take some gold to accomplish as well and your idea of a decoy is something that seems like it may work. I would definitely enjoy getting back on one of them as well. So don't they run a king's ransom? Would the House even allow it?" Thalen asks, but before she can receive an answer the dwarf walks in.

"You're looking at one half of them now, sir!" She smiles and extends her hand. I knew that article would come back at us. Roswyn's group eh?

"Shava Devla d'Lyrandar, and these are my associate's Rohna, and Thalen d'Lyrandar. How can we be of service to you?"

[sblock=ooc]Just to be clear. Shava's Dragonmark is not currently visible.[/sblock]

Thalen waits quietly, her eyes now switching between the dwarf and Shava.

Thalen's Dragonmark is also not visible [/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=Dragonmark visibility]Whose is, these days? When your a half-human runt with a cross-species aberrant mark, best to keep it secret. ;)

I think Roswyn is the only one with a visible mark. And I noticed how you kept Tondrek "out of your group" there. ;)[/sblock]


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"Ah fantastic, then." The dwarf places the newspaper upon the table where they sit and pulls up a chair. He points to a rather unflattering comicical picture of the group, trying to haul an oversized lizard out of a storm drain. He points to a figure in the illustration with lightning bolts around arcing from her eyes. "This must be you then, yes Lady d'Lyrandar?" The dwarf takes a sip of the hot tea that Brews brings out before continuing. "I heard through the rumor mill that in the dragon's lair you found a pattern of some sort on the floor?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
At the next table, the halfork has been constructing what looks to be a mini-crossbow out of two forks, somoe toothpicks, and what may be some pepper sauce. He reaches over to Shava's table, giving her a quick wave and a Hiya, before taking one of their straight pretzels. He loads it up into his machine and launches it at his "dragon" which proceeds to collapse with a cheerful clatter. Tondrek claps happily, exclaiming, Kill dragon deadle!


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The dwarf looks over at the half-orc as he snatches the pretzel and kills the "dragon". He looks down at the picture again, noticing several others in the bar that slightly match those illustrated. "Tondrek, Rohna? I have something that may interest you."


First Post
"It's a possibility. . ." Shava says casually. "We're generally not in the information business, if you know what I mean. What might you're curiosity equal out to?"

[sblock=ooc]Leave Tondrek out? Never. He's just so busy building utensil weaponry that I wouldn't want to distract him. :)

Shava figure's Tondrek's the kind of person you introduce when needed or after the contract has been worked out.[/sblock]

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