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Team: TITAN, Class of 2004


Rogue Warrior

Hank Hall climbed out of the limo and stretched his arms and legs. The grounds were beautiful, no doubt about it. Even more beautiful were the armored guards and other security measures he had spotted on the ride in. This place may just be worth it after all. He did not say much in the way of introductions, instead he followed the rest to the cafeteria and watched them. He really wasn't sure if they could be trusted yet. That meant the only person he could count on for back-up was Don.

He chuckled at all the hi-jinks in the cafeteria. The group had energy, that was for sure. He approached Vic Stone. The name and face rung a bell but he could not place them. He walked through all the laughing and joking and stopped directly in front of Vic's table. He stood before him in his Georgetown University golf shirt and Docker-style pants. His muscles in his arms and chest were showed off nicely in the tight shirt. In the way of a greeting he said, "Why do I know you." He stood before Vic and looking down at him. Not moving and not smiling.

OOC: Not sure of Cyborg's background but if he has any athletic background I figure Hank has some knowledge of him. If not I guess he just picks up on the way he handles himself and takes him for an athlete.
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kid A

First Post

Don waited patiently for Hank to exit the limo, but pateince was a commodity that was all but lost to him at the moment. It was proving very difficult for him to contain his excitement! They had finally arrived here at Team TITAN, where endless opportunities would be laid before him. Not the least of which were to educate himself about the politics of a world of super-beings, and to learn about and gain experience with using his powers. The possibilities were limitless! His true excitement, however, was kept at bay for Hank's sake. Don knew his brother too well, and Hank was definitely less than thrilled to be a part of the Team TITAN program.

Stepping out of the limo, Don looked around at the group of young heroes gathered at the gates. Dressed in his best navy-blue suit, he did not seem to notice that he was a bit over-dressed for the occasion. Following his brother, his time was spent introducing himself to his new companions. Offering a charming smile and outstretched hand to each of the students, he diplomatically shook hands and made many friendly greetings. Finally, he had made his way to the instructors. "You must be Mr. Grayson. And, um, Mr. Tornado." Trying to mask his excitement was terrible, but he shook each of their hands with great vigor. "Don Hall. Dove. I am looking forward to working with you both."

Don followed the group, completely aware of the fact that he had instinctively made his way back to Hank's side. "So? What do you think?" Following along casually, Don listened with the rest of the group as Nightwing spoke about the campus and itinerary. In the course of his speech, the young man who had introduced himself as Arsenal quietly asked Don a question. In reply, Don laughed. "No. Hank's my brother. Thanks for the support, though," He offered back. With a playful smile, he added, "Or were you just checking out your competition with the ladies?"
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Kevin Perrine

First Post
and now... TERRA

the NARRATOR said:
Nightwing speaks up about then saying "Sounds like a good idea getting you all settled in. Lets take you over to the 'Residency'".

Tara Markov, stood gazing about... less paying attention to anything anyone was saying than she was taking in the vibe of the grounds.

Standing about 5'2", barely over 100 lbs - she wore her kakis capris pants down below her little tummy with a t-shirt that she would keep streching down (not yet comfy with her body). A longer dark blue naval type coat kept her skinny frame warm but her toes remained open to the grass, gravel and ground. Tara was more athletic in body-type than strikingly beautiful. But the potential for beauty remained, sorta like one of those gauwky-gangly girls that grows up to be a super model...
Her hair is long and a very light blonde, straight and hanging down over her forhead and ears. This has caused her to develop the mannerism of constantly swiping it up and behind her ear on one side or the other. Her eyes were big and at times could open with a child-like innocence but at the same time her experience with no real family or trusted ones gave her a continual skwint of trepidation.
and lastly - the thing she hated most... her braces....
Tara had always had an overbight, what most kids call "buck teeth". Tara hated it, but the braces have not been the saving grace you'd think they would for a 15 year old teenage girl...

Not really daydreaming but not really focusing on anything either...
the stuff they had to say.......
It was typical for the American teens.
The big blue wanna-be would flex his muscles, the tart with the big boobs hugs the flirty arrow boy, the boy wonder is just a stand-in for the real thing... it never changes...
and oh great...
goth-girl is my roommate.....

Terra thought as she mumbled under her breath:

"oh great...
goth-girl is my roommate..... how very .... 80's"

Not trying to provoke or let anyone hear, but not caring so much if they did. Tara grew up in facilities much more drole and lab-like than this. The air, the ground beneath her flip-flops, the freedom felt good.
But at the same time was scary, even if she'd never admit it to anyone.

The "transfer" from her home in the former Soviet Union was quick and susinct. She hadn't really understood it, she'd never been taken more than 40 miles from the facility she'd grown up in. But conversations like these, would be "TITANS", were having around her was the same no matter what continent she was on.... Tara guessed anyway...

Tara (emphasis on the "are") or Terra (emphasis on the "air"), she didn't care... the lab-monkeys had spelled and mis-spelled her name so many times that she answered to either now. The name Terra was apparently an inside joke they played on her when she was to young to understand, from the words "terra firma" as in the latin for solid ground.
Ha ha, very funny...
Some people can be so mean, without even knowing they've done it.
Tara had a name, but she really hadn't formed an identity yet.
Maybe that's what being a TITAN would teach her.
She didn't know and it made her afraid and nervous....

But that was something Terra was used to... and she'd developed a personality to compliment that. Constantly wanting to be accepted, but never wanting to seem weak.
Kinda crumbly...
Like the ground sometimes........

the NARRATOR said:
Nightwing leads the group to a nearby building. It is 3 stories tall, and redbrick and marble. Entering you find yourselves in a large lobby with a double stairwell leading up. To the left of the entrance is a large dinning area, and kitchen farther back. To the right is a large common room with a large screen LCD flat-panel TV and expensive looking sound system. Nightwing explains that there is a video arcade father back, behind a small library.

marble..... I could break it.
brick...... not a problem.
the Library shelves...... it'd be fun watching the books rain down sometime...

Terra thought as Nightwing prattled on.

the NARRATOR said:
Before letting you head up to your rooms he says
" BLAH Blah blah blah blobbity blah ....
....Remember lunch at 11:30am right here. Other then that you are free to roam around…

what time is it now?
She thought to herself, looking down to her wrist where it was obvious that there was no watch.
Understanding that they were "free" for awhile, Tara pulled up her I-Pod earplugs and keyed in something to drain the boardom away from the moment.
She then glanced around to see where everyone would be going. Terra hated crowds, especially pretentious, stoopid, JL-wanna-be babies... but she hated being alone more.

She stalled a little time fiddling with her I-Pod and kicking her bags around to casually watch what the other kids were doing... She didn't want to be a follower by any means, but she didn't want to be the leader either.......

[and Terra waits to see what the others do before deciding herself, she won't speak aloud until spoken too at this point]

Karl Green

First Post
TITAN campus, 10:29am, Oct 29th 2004. the Residency

Dick Greyson (Nightwing) shakes Dove's hand "Looking forward to working with your also Mr. Hall."

Bart (Impulse) is upstairs and back downstairs before any of you can even move. He says to Greyson "Say ah can I get something to eat now? Its been like almost 30 minutes and I'm starving…"

Garfield (Beast Boy) runs upstairs to throw his lugged onto his bed and then races back downstairs to checkout the arcade and computer room, laughing and cheering the whole way.

Cody (Risk) goes to his room also, and starts to carefully unpack his carefully folded and packed lugged. He stay up in his room for right now.

Garth (Aqualad) also heads up to his room and unpacks. He does not say much to Tim, but he is not exactly rude either. Just quit and you get the idea that he is really serious all the time.

Cassie (Wondergirl) goes up to her room and disappears for right now. Argent comes back down right away after dropping off her bags. Smiling, she looks at Tara and says "So what's your story? How did you get drafted into this… lovely experiment?"

Starfire goes up to her room also, saying "Oh I do hope that my roommate is going to join us soon. I am sure we will be the very best of friends!"

Raven does not speak to anyone, simply heads for her room, unpacks and pulls a book out and starts reading.

Depending on what you want to do, you have a few hours to kill before the lunch although I can advance the time to there if no one has any special requests …


First Post

Nuke261 said:
(Hawk) approached Vic Stone. The name and face rung a bell but he could not place them. He walked through all the laughing and joking and stopped directly in front of Vic's table. He stood before him in his Georgetown University golf shirt and Docker-style pants. His muscles in his arms and chest were showed off nicely in the tight shirt. In the way of a greeting he said, "Why do I know you." He stood before Vic and looking down at him. Not moving and not smiling.

OOC: Not sure of Cyborg's background but if he has any athletic background I figure Hank has some knowledge of him. If not I guess he just picks up on the way he handles himself and takes him for an athlete.

"If you played high school football on the East Coast - and you look like you did - and were on a decent team, we probably played against each other," Cyborg replied. "Franklin High out of Philly. I was the varsity running back from 2000 to 2002... but that was another life. What's your story?"
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Kevin Perrine

First Post
the NARRATOR said:
Raven does not speak to anyone, simply heads for her room, unpacks and pulls a book out and starts reading.

Depending on what you want to do, you have a few hours to kill before the lunch although I can advance the time to there if no one has any special requests …

most of the Titans break and head up to drop their bags so shortly after the bigger group heads up the stairs Tara strains a little picking up her big bag of everything she owns in the world and finds her room....

She dumps it on the bed that her roomy Raven doesn't take, she's careful not to spill anything in case her quiet roommate might be spying on her.

... ah mean who knows what she's capable of, she's probably the cleptomaniac of the group...... heheh... yeah that's probably her power....... she's like a creepy ninja er something all doled out in goth-gear....
Terra thinks as she mumbles to herself...
"heh... goth-chick-ninja-girl......"
glancing back over her shoulder,
mumbling sarcastically in a low tone almost daring Raven to hear her...

the NARRATOR said:
Starfire goes up to her room also, saying "Oh I do hope that my roommate is going to join us soon. I am sure we will be the very best of friends!"

Walking back downstairs Tara rolls her eyes as she passes the bubble-head-girl, trying not to get noticed for fear of drive-by huggings...

Meanwhile, as she makes it back downstairs...
the NARRATOR said:
Garfield (Beast Boy) ... races back downstairs to checkout the arcade and computer room, laughing and cheering the whole way.

Tara wraps her hand around the big marble ball at the base of the stairway handle watching the Green-boy rush down happily toward the arcade... Something makes her smile.
The boy's enthusiasm wasn't as forced as Starfire and he was definately more fun than her somber roommate. It was refreshing to see a "normal" boy not trying to show up the others to prove how awesome he thinks he is...
Looking down the hallway following Beast Boy Terra's foot lands on the last stair.

ARGENT said:
"So what's your story? How did you get drafted into this… lovely experiment?"

Tara looks back and then doubletakes when she realizes someones actually trying to start a conversation with her....

"uuuhhh.... Story?!?... ah don't really have a 'story' ... not really"
Tara says caught off guard, still thinking of going to play some games... She takes her earphones out of her ears and glances back down the hall once more before trying to answer the girl's many questions.

"umm, ah don' know... ah suppose the lab-monkeys back home thought this would be best for me to learn to control my powers in case something like that Brimstone thing ever comes back......
I didn't really have an option, I didn't really get asked....

Terra says trying to regain come composure and make it seem like she was in control of herself a little more than she'd let on.
gotta watch it she thought, they'll never think ah got what it takes to be a TITAN if'n ah don't act like a TITAN

"...well really ah had always wanted to come to America... uhhh... ah'm Tara, but you can call me TERRA, everyone does 'causa what ah can control..."
and with a little squint of her eyes, Terra's nose rumples up a little as she reaches DEEEEP within the world to give the mansion a slight rumble. Nothing dangerous - just something to let everyone know that she was "in control"

[RULE/ACTION: Terra activates her power at a low enough level to barely feel a quake, enough maybe to topple over a few of Raven's books or make Beast Boy pause the game for a second whereever they are. Earth Control 9, 45' radius - 90' diameter]

Terra smirks as she opens her eyes again as the quake settles, she unfolds her arms and extends a hand to the girl....

and with the slightest touch of sarcasm Terra says
"What can YOU do?..."

Karl Green

First Post
TITAN campus, 10:38am, Oct 29th 2004. the Residency

TERRA said:
Terra thinks as she mumbles to herself...
"heh... goth-chick-ninja-girl......"
glancing back over her shoulder,
mumbling sarcastically in a low tone almost daring Raven to hear her...

Raven looks up as Terra is leaving, and she is not sure but she thinks she hears the girl sitting on the bed mutter "Angry girl, maybe you would like a sedative… "

TERRA said:
"uuuhhh.... Story?!?... ah don't really have a 'story' ... not really"
Tara says caught off guard, still thinking of going to play some games... She takes her earphones out of her ears and glances back down the hall once more before trying to answer the girl's many questions.

"umm, ah don' know... ah suppose the lab-monkeys back home thought this would be best for me to learn to control my powers in case something like that Brimstone thing ever comes back......
I didn't really have an option, I didn't really get asked....

Terra says trying to regain come composure and make it seem like she was in control of herself a little more than she'd let on.
gotta watch it she thought, they'll never think ah got what it takes to be a TITAN if'n ah don't act like a TITAN

"...well really ah had always wanted to come to America... uhhh... ah'm Tara, but you can call me TERRA, everyone does 'causa what ah can control..."
and with a little squint of her eyes, Terra's nose rumples up a little as she reaches DEEEEP within the world to give the mansion a slight rumble. Nothing dangerous - just something to let everyone know that she was "in control"

Terra smirks as she opens her eyes again as the quake settles, she unfolds her arms and extends a hand to the girl....

and with the slightest touch of sarcasm Terra says
"What can YOU do?..."

The whole building shakes a bit... but it appears that the building is set up for a fairly high level of earthquake proofing. Not sure why in the heart of America a building would be built up to resist one so easily... but nothing is damage. Argent raises an eyebrow and says "Can't shake the earth... I just blow stuff up. Plasma and fire energy control. Boring stuff like that."

As they are talking Nightwing appears besides the both of you and looks at Terra with a bit of concern saying "Everything alright here?"

Some of the other students do appear and ask "Man did you feel that? Was that an earthquake?" "Beats me, I'm from New York" etc.
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Kevin Perrine

First Post
Terra answers Nightwing

The whole building shakes a bit...
As they are talking Nightwing appears besides the both of you and looks at Terra with a bit of concern saying
"Everything alright here?".

Shaken a bit by the authority figure coming to question her, Tara glances over at Argent fishing for what to say to Nighwing...

"ummm, she made.... uhh, she asked me what I could do ... so was... uhh... no... uh everything's alright ... right??..." looking to Argent again.

Trying to get off the topic of her wrongdoings Terra quickly turns the conversation..... "What can YOU do Nightwing?" as she crosses her arms again and repositions to almost take a side by Argent "...an' how come you and big-Red ain't on the Justice League team?"

after waiting for Nighwing's reply, Terra follows up with another question...
"are you our leader, like a team leader or just the guy that tells us where to go and what to do?"
She doesn't mean it in a hostile way, but with questions like that it's hard not to take them that way... Like an animal backed into a corner young Tara Markov readily seems willing to bite back rather than 'fess up to anything.
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First Post

Inside, Superboy stows his gear and takes a stroll around the complex, stopping at the cafeteria.

"So... Nightwing... what's the real scoop here? Is this just going to be a fun-and-sun club for supers showing off, or do we have some real school-stuff, like teachers and books? I'm sure the senior advisors make great instructors for investigation and interrogation, but how about things like English and math? Most of us are still pretty young here," Superboy says, taking a seat. "And what about LexCorp? What's their battle-armor doing on-site? They funding part of this shin-dig?"

Karl Green

First Post
TITAN campus, 10:42am, Oct 29th 2004. the Residency

Terra said:
Shaken a bit by the authority figure coming to question her, Tara glances over at Argent fishing for what to say to Nighwing...

"ummm, she made.... uhh, she asked me what I could do ... so was... uhh... no... uh everything's alright ... right??..." looking to Argent again.

Nightwing smiles and says "Don't worry about it, it's ok now Tara. Just try and be a little more careful. These buildings are built very well, but there are not invulnerable"

Terra said:
Trying to get off the topic of her wrongdoings Terra quickly turns the conversation..... "What can YOU do Nightwing?" as she crosses her arms again and repositions to almost take a side by Argent "...an' how come you and big-Red ain't on the Justice League team?"

Nodding again he replies "Well Tornado and myself are secondary members of the Justice League, but we were asked to head the TITAN program. And as for what I do, well lets just say that I was trained to be a world-class detective and martial artist. I have some other small skills, and it is might job to prepare you for your futures, whatever you wish them to be."

Terra said:
after waiting for Nighwing's reply, Terra follows up with another question...
"are you our leader, like a team leader or just the guy that tells us where to go and what to do?"
She doesn't mean it in a hostile way, but with questions like that it's hard not to take them that way... Like an animal backed into a corner young Tara Markov readily seems willing to bite back rather than 'fess up to anything.

Smiling he replies "Well we are not a 'super-team'… yet. My job is to train you to start acting like a team. I will not tell you 'what to do or where to go'. Not my job. But, you all have some amazing powers and abilities and can all bring something new to the table. Tornado and myself are here to help you reach your full potentials. Now then we are also interested in your education, and we have first rank school that you will be attending along with your training. So we really want to prepare you for whatever you want to do with the rest of your lives. If you want to apply to the Justice League within a few years, our job is to help you get there. Want to go into the private sector, well that is fine also. We just want to make sure that you gain the best possible control over your powers and abilities. Does that answer your question?"

Superboy said:
"So... Nightwing... what's the real scoop here? Is this just going to be a fun-and-sun club for supers showing off, or do we have some real school-stuff, like teachers and books? I'm sure the senior advisors make great instructors for investigation and interrogation, but how about things like English and math? Most of us are still pretty young here," Superboy says, taking a seat. "And what about LexCorp? What's their battle-armor doing on-site? They funding part of this shin-dig?"

As Superboy speaks up, Nightwing smiles and says "Well as I was just telling Tara and Toni here, this is a school and a training facility. This is the real deal, let me assure you. The training and education you receive here is intense and the one of the best you would receive anywhere. On Monday you will get some options for what course you would like to explore, and of course you will all have the basic of English, Mathematics, Sciences, and History. You will also get a number of courses in Meta-human theory and notes on some identified meta-powered peoples abilities and know powers. Some of the optional courses that will be available for you are Languages, Gymnastics, Computer Programming, First Aid, and Geography.

"As for LexCorp, well they have an excusive contract with the U.S. government for D.O.E. services and provide technology and services for the Justice League and now the TITAN program. As for the armored agents, yes the armor is based on a LexCorp design, but all of the security here are Federal D.O.E. field agents. As this is the first time the U.S. has ever tried something like this, they want to make sure that the students here are all safe. There are some fanatics out there who do like the idea of a "super-school for children". The security might not be maintained at its present level, depending on the situation and what happens.

"Personally I am not a big fan of LexCorp myself, but that is not my call. Time will tell I suppose and we will all have to give this a chance. Sound OK?

"Now would any of you like a tour of the grounds? I would be happy to show you around or you can wander at your leisure.
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