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Team: TITAN, Class of 2004


First Post

Upon returning from his room, Robin overhears the conversation at hand. Not wanting to miss an opportunity to spend a few minutes in the presense of Nightwing he says, "I know that I am up for a tour if that's OK with you, Di..Nightwing" Robin blushes a bit and says, "Rule one: Always know your surroundings."

Robin then backs off a bit to make room for any others that may want to speak.

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Kevin Perrine

First Post
Terra to the Arcade

DocHazard said:
Upon returning from his room, Robin overhears the conversation at hand. Not wanting to miss an opportunity to spend a few minutes in the presense of Nightwing he says, "I know that I am up for a tour if that's OK with you, Di..Nightwing" Robin blushes a bit and says, "Rule one: Always know your surroundings."

Robin then backs off a bit to make room for any others that may want to speak.

"Count me out, Green-Boy in there has the right idea... no need to be 'managed' when the powers-that-be have given us a free pass...... ah'm sure we'll have to make it around the campus for some class'er-somethin'. Me, ah'm out for the tours..."
Looking over at Argent, glancing up and down Superboy then focusing back on Argent Tara continues...
"...you into some games in the arcade?..."

spinning in a circle before heading down the hallway Terra walks backward for a second before turning completely...
"...you can come too if you want 'LITTLE BLUE'..."
She says to Superboy, in a twist off of one of Superman's nicknames - as she smiles, winks and spins on around... Not waiting so much for Argent or Superboy to come along as much as hoping they'll join with her.

Before Terra get's off too far she looks back over her shoulder to see who was coming with, and more importantly wasn't... Snickering to those that will be joining her in the Arcade with Beast Boy she quips back at Robin in a low voice, that he may or may not hear.....


Karl Green

First Post
TITAN campus, 10:42am, Oct 29th 2004. the Residency

Tara heads to the arcade, where the young green boy know as Beast Boy is playing some 'driving maniac machines', or something such. He looks up when he hear her come into the room "Hey there! This place is the bomb! What's your poison? The only thing is I don't see any first-person shot' em' dead game set up here. Must be some state sanctioned 'anti-violence' propaganda bull if you ask me. So you're Tara huh? What do you do? I change into different animals… a shapeshifter I guess. Parents gave me a shot when I was a kid to save my life and well it turned me green and gave me these wicked powers. What can you do, huh?"

All the time he is talking he is playing the driving game, swerving in and out of imaginary traffic and pedestrians.

Karl Green

First Post
TITAN campus, 10:44am+, Oct 29th 2004. the Residency

Nightwing simply smiles and shakes his head at Tara's back. To Tim, Toni and Superboy and says "Well if you want we have some time before lunch. Lets see if anyone else want to go with us. Tornado will also take some of them later. We only have about 45 minutes but I can at least walk you around so that you can get to know all the buildings…"

With that Nightwing asks some of the other students milling around if they want to go if any other players with to go, speak up… Cody (Risk) and Starfire both ask to come. So the students and Grayson head out the front door and walk back towards the Administration building. "OK to start out, this is where all the government workers that are supporting the school work out of. There are a couple of restricted areas inside, where only D.O.E. directors and high-ranking U.S. officials can go. If you have any questions about your grades, records, etc. this is where you go. With the Freedom of Information Act, pretty much all of the information that the government has on you is available to you. It is not available to the general public or to other students, so don't worry. They are concerned about your personal privacy. The building also houses state of the art satellite communication center on Sub-level 1, where we monitor world events and set up private commutations to just about anywhere in the world."

Continuing on, you come to a set of two linked buildings, each two stories high. "We call this building the Laboratory, and it is the Science and Genetics buildings. Classes will be held here every day on these subjects and if you want to pursue private research, we only ask that you log your time and the types of research you are doing. The laws of genetic and scientific research have to be followed. Just because of our gifts, we are not above the law and all. There are two Sub-levels, where the campus's main computer is housed. We call it simply FRAME. And as far as I can tell it is suppose to stand for Fast Reliable Answers, MaybE. Some kind of joke of the technicians who installed it I guess."

The next building is two-stories, and very long, with a large domed roof on the west wing. "This building is called simply the Classrooms. So of course this is where you will attend the curriculum that you choose, along with all the basic classes. Monday you will get a good run down of the whole building and all of the rooms etc."

A tall one-story steel and stone building, that is also fairly long, is next. "We call this the Garage and it is where all of the TITAN facility vehicles are keep. If you have a driver licenses you can check out a car of the day on the weekends. If you don't have a license yet, you can take a class here to get one. It has a fully stocked garage facility and on-staff mechanics that are some of the best in the country. We also have a VTOL ramjet, somewhat similar to that provided to the Justice League. It is for emergency only though and if you want to get test out for it, that is an option also."

Moving on then, Dick leads you back behind administration, to a two-story brick building that is somewhat smaller then the rest. "We call this building the Workshop. This is where all of your training of your meta-abilities will be held. It is almost entirely underground, with Six sub-levels in fact. Weight-lifting systems here should be able to handle even your Alpha levels of superhuman strength Superboy. Sub-level 2 has an Olympic size pool and full gymnastic gym. There are special training room set up to withstand most of your powers, so that we can test them in a safe environment without fear of hurting anyone. The bottom level is a huge training room. It has a state of the art "hard-light" holo-technology that will allow us to create almost any environment.

Farther back, you come to a large sports field, with a track, football, basketball and tennis court. "This is obviously the sports field, and you can check out just about anything sports related from the Workshop building. We call it simply the Field"

Heading back to the Residency, you come to another non-descriptive two-story building. "This one is called the "Infirmary and we have a state of the art hospital and medical facility here. Again part of it is underground and we the various doctors and scientist will be working on making sure we are all healthy and whole."

Coming around the building there is another building that looks a lot like the Residency; "This would be the Guest Residency where parents, friends, and others will stay if they are visiting you or some of the other staff."

A building near the entrance is next "This is called the "Gatehouse and is where the guards that patrol the grounds and airspace about the schoolwork out of. There are two or three sub-levels also, but this building is restricted. At least for right now. Eventually, you should all be able to get the proper security clearance to access it along with other areas that might be off limits right now."

Next, you come to a large building set up behind the Gatehouse, three stories high and fairly non-descriptive. "This is the Roost and where all other personal that live on the campus are housed. As with any apartment like building, these are private residence for the personal and it is somewhat off-limit. They have the same restricts on them when it comes to visiting the Residency, so we want to respect each other privacy when it comes to where we sleep."

The next building is four-stories, the tallest on campus that you have seen so far. "This is the Library and is first rate, world class library with some exceptionally rare books. The computers set up in the basement of the building are dedicated to library searches and tied in with the Library of Congress's system with access to a D.O.E. databanks on all know meta-criminals on file.

"Well folks that's about it.. Maybe later today we can take a look inside any of them. If any of you are jetlagged though, after lunch you can do what you want. It is about time for lunch though so lets go back and meet up with the other students.


Rogue Warrior

garyh said:
"If you played high school football on the East Coast - and you look like you did - and were on a decent team, we probably played against each other," Cyborg replied. "Franklin High out of Philly. I was the varsity running back from 2000 to 2002... but that was another life. What's your story?"

"Oh yeah! Vic Stone, right. I remember now. We used to watch training tapes of some of your games, man. You really had the stuff. So what happened, how did you end up like this...uh...well...I mean here with us." Hank tried not to stutter too much as he realized what he said.

"I gotta tell you, it' really awesome to see someone like you here. I always figure the other heroes were all stuffed shirts like my brother over there, or Superman. Yeah, I think this is gonna be cool." Hank smiled his first genuine smile since arriving at the grounds. He turned to check out what else was going on in the room when he noticed Don looking at him.

"Hey Don, come over here. I want you to meet someone."



kid A said:
In the course of his speech, the young man who had introduced himself as Arsenal quietly asked Don a question. In reply, Don laughed. "No. Hank's my brother. Thanks for the support, though," He offered back. With a playful smile, he added, "Or were you just checking out your competition with the ladies?"

Arsenal laughed. "Nah sorry dude..I didn't mean nothin' by it, but since we're bunkin' together I hadda to know. Everyone needs a wingman y'know? Listen since I know I'm already in good with some of the ladies here, I'll put in a good word for you. At least after I have my first pick of course." he replied leaning back in his chair and put his hands behind his back.
Soon Nightwing was finished with his speech and some of the students started hob-knobbing with eachother. Arsenal watched as Hawk was speaking with the cybernetic guy and called his brother over and two of the girls were talking, Argent and Terra. Arsenal stayed in the back row content at just watching for the moment. His feet were up and his chair was balanced on two legs. Then the building trembled and he was sent sprawling backwards. All the arrows in his quiver went askew. He got up and started grumbling..more embarrassed then angry. Still he gave Terra some evil glares, he might have said something to her but it looked like Nightwing had already came running in to talk to her...No reason to get the kid in more trouble. he thought to himself as he picked up his last arrow off the ground.
He then tagged along with the tour Nightwing provided, if just to check out Starfire's ample curvature a bit longer. But he was genuinely interested in what this place had to offer. Though the gym/training area was impressive, Roy preffered the Field. He always like training outdoors better. During the tour he approached Starfire.
"So Starfire..You're not from around here are you?"
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Karl Green

First Post
TITAN campus, 10:42am, Oct 29th 2004. the Residency

Starfire gives a huge grin and nods her head, replying "Oh yes, I am from a far off planet by the name of Tamaran. Oh it is a beautiful world, with deep forests and huge mountains, there are waterfalls that are hundreds of feet and deep green oceans. But there was a war and I had to come to Earth. But now that I am here I have meet so many wonderful people, and this is a wonderful world indeed."

Then Nightwing asks if the stundents want to go on a short tour of the campus and Starfire wants to go "Oh this is a wonderful place don't you think Arsenal?"

Kevin Perrine

First Post
Tara meets Garth

Tara heads to the arcade, where the young green boy know as Beast Boy is playing some 'driving maniac machines', or something such. He looks up when he hear her come into the room
"Hey there! This place is the bomb! What's your poison? The only thing is I don't see any first-person shot' em' dead game set up here. Must be some state sanctioned 'anti-violence' propaganda bull if you ask me. So you're Tara huh? What do you do? I change into different animals… a shapeshifter I guess. Parents gave me a shot when I was a kid to save my life and well it turned me green and gave me these wicked powers. What can you do, huh?"

All the time he is talking he is playing the driving game, swerving in and out of imaginary traffic and pedestrians.

Tara was taken aback a little by the boy's unabashed chitter chatter... If she were to think back - this was probably the longest conversation that she'd had with a boy around her own age in practically ferever...
But in true form she crosses her arms and prepares to "give back" as much as she took from Garth...

"geeze - blabber-mouth much...?"
she questions in at first a snobby way like she doesn't care to hear the boy's prattle, but then that quickly turns into more of a friendly manner - realizing what she'd said was a little mean......
She didn't mean it that way, it was just how it dropped...

"uhhh... Call me Terra, everyone does... what'd they call you??"
Tara smiles pulling on the outside of her straightened left elbow with her right hand before sweeping her long pale blonde hair from her face revealing her eyes, nose and braced smile - then quickly turning her head to avoid the boy focusing on her metal mouth...

"ummm, what do Ah do?...."
thinking for a sec Terra decides to be a touch mischievious with green-boy.
"umm... me... Ah kill things with my MIND... an' Ah have all sorts of little toy figures in my room representing all the kids here and Nighwing and Red-man ... an' Ah can make them do whatever Ah want just by thinking about it - like voodoo-dolls...
an' I can fly.... and teleport.... an' Ah can 'Shape of water and ice things' when I high-five my brother... an'........"

Terra rolls her eyes back in her head a little looking up seeing if her answers are believed by Beast Boy. She thought is was funny to tease a little now that "THAT" question has been asked by everyone a few times.
...geeze at this point "what's your power" is becoming the new "what's your sign" cheezy pickup line here at super-high...
she thought as she giggled a bit waiting to see if BB believed her.

"ah hey ... forget all that - whatcha playin' now??..."
glancing over to the game BB is steering, she bumps his hip with her own playing to have him let HER play the game...
"oooo-KEWL, I dig the racey-racey games... Let'me play!!"

Terra doesn't push too hard, wanting to be "accepted" in but not trying to turn the boy away from her... Already she could see that this boy was a little more like her than anyone else so far.
After all he was the only one rushing ALONE to do what he wanted even after Nightwing had been hinting for EVERYONE to go on the tour with the goodie-toe-shoes.
and when it was all said and done ... that's how Tara felt.
Alone but wanting to do what SHE wanted to do.
Not follow the crowd.
At least she wouldn't be totally by herself......

[OOC: I hope it's not so badly obvious that I'm playing up the BB/Terra relationship to get to be friends early... I've always loved that odd friendship they had...]
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Karl Green

First Post
TITAN campus, 10:44am, Oct 29th 2004. the Residency

Terra said:
"geeze - blabber-mouth much...?"
"uhhh... Call me Terra, everyone does... what'd they call you??"

Tara smiles pulling on the outside of her straightened left elbow with her right hand before sweeping her long pale blonde hair from her face revealing her eyes, nose and braced smile - then quickly turning her head to avoid the boy focusing on her metal mouth...
"ummm, what do Ah do?...."
"umm... me... Ah kill things with my MIND... an' Ah have all sorts of little toy figures in my room representing all the kids here and Nighwing and Red-man ... an' Ah can make them do whatever Ah want just by thinking about it - like voodoo-dolls...
an' I can fly.... and teleport.... an' Ah can 'Shape of water and ice things' when I high-five my brother... an'........"

At this Garfield starts laughing and crashes the car that he is driving. Smiling he says "Wow it must be really cool to have those powers? Especially shaping water and ice… you must be a riot at parties. Sorry I did not introduce myself before there. Name is Garfield but here I am Beast Boy. Pretty wild huh? Took a room full of monkeys a week to think up that name..." to which he winks at her and goes back to concentrating on the game.

Terra said:
Terra rolls her eyes back in her head a little looking up seeing if her answers are believed by Beast Boy. She thought is was funny to tease a little now that "THAT" question has been asked by everyone a few times.
...geeze at this point "what's your power" is becoming the new "what's your sign" cheezy pickup line here at super-high...
she thought as she giggled a bit waiting to see if BB believed her.

"ah hey ... forget all that - whatcha playin' now??..."
glancing over to the game BB is steering, she bumps his hip with her own playing to have him let HER play the game...
"oooo-KEWL, I dig the racey-racey games... Let'me play!!"

"Of course my lady" as he gets up to let her have a spin with the game "Watch out for the little old women walking across the road, oh they are fun to run down but you lose major points even if you clip em"

Kevin p said:
[OOC: I hope it's not so badly obvious that I'm playing up the BB/Terra relationship to get to be friends early... I've always loved that odd friendship they had...]

[occ] OF course that is fine, I always loved that also and beside, some people just take a natural like or dislike to other people [/occ]
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Karl Green said:
Starfire gives a huge grin and nods her head, replying "Oh yes, I am from a far off planet by the name of Tamaran. Oh it is a beautiful world, with deep forests and huge mountains, there are waterfalls that are hundreds of feet and deep green oceans. But there was a war and I had to come to Earth. But now that I am here I have meet so many wonderful people, and this is a wonderful world indeed."

Then Nightwing asks if the stundents want to go on a short tour of the campus and Starfire wants to go "Oh this is a wonderful place don't you think Arsenal?"

"Yeah, pretty cool place. I guess I could hang my bow here... awhile...Tamaran sounds like a cool place too. War huh? That's gotta stink..." Whoa this chick is just too bubbly

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